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Selectmen's Meeting Minutes 01/23/13
Chilmark Board of Selectmen & Chilmark Harbor Advisory Committee
January 23, 2013 Joint Meeting

Present: Jonathan Mayhew, Bill Rossi, Warren Doty, Tim Carroll, John Armstrong, Jeff Maida, Andy Goldman, Scott McDowell, Everett Poole, Dennis Jason, Susan Murphy, Lynn Murphy Brian Cioffi, David Norton, Annette Cingle, Judy Jardin

At 5:05 pm Chairman Mayhew called meeting to order in the Chilmark Town Hall.
Chairman Mayhew opened with topics for discussion:
  • Reservations vs First Come
  • Fees
  • Staffing changes
Mr. Doty said that at the Selectmen’s January 8, 2013 meeting Spider Andresen was suggesting that the harbor take boat reservations. Mr. Doty said that if harbor were to do so that would be a big change and wanted input from the Harbor Advisory Committee.
Mr. Rossi asked if everyone had had a chance to read Chuck Hodgkinson’s harbor analysis and plan. All have had a chance to do so.

Mr. Goldman asked what benefits are there to change our policy. Mr. Rossi said that reservations could fill the occupancy and bring in more revenues. It was also said that this plan could give the Harbormaster the time away from answering telephones all morning and allow for supervising wharfingers and maintenance of harbor. Extensive discussion ensued.

Jeff Maida recommended allotting some slips to take reservations and see how it works out for a season. Everett Poole recommended leaving it the way it is now. The consensus was to not take reservations this season. They will allow same day reservations as they have but decided to take credit card numbers at the time of the call to ensure occupancy. If the caller is a no show there will be a fee and the slip will be opened to rent to another.

Discussion turned to fees in Menemsha harbor. Harbormaster Jason said that the electrical fee is breaking even now but compared to other marinas very low. Harbormaster Jason said  rates are as follows: a 30 amp hookup is $5.00 and a 50 amp is $10.00.

Consensus of the Harbor Advisory Committee was to increase 30 amp service to $15.00 and the 50 amp to $30.00.

The transient slip fees were discussed next. Extensive discussion ensued. Harbormaster Jason said this past season the slip fee was $2.75 per foot. The consensus of both boards was to raise the fee to $3.00 per foot.

Discussion moved onto resident fees. Harbormaster Jason said that the Chanel Dock needed to be reduced to $1,000.00 down $500.00 from what they are charging now. Mr. Jason’s reasoning is that this fee is so out of balance to other slips. There are renters paying $300.00 a year for slips that have better access.   

Jeff Maida said he was one of these renters that pay $300.00 and he feels he is paying too little for what he gets. The consensus of the Harbor Advisory Committee was to lower the Channel Dock fees to $1,000.00 and raise the Floating Dock (where Mr. Maida’s slip is) from $300.00 to $400.00.
The other slips are to remain the same for this coming season as last year.

The Mooring waiting list was discussed next. the boards discussed charging a fee for being on the wait list to help with cost of mailing forms and ensuring commitment to being on the wait list. The fee could be $25.00 for the coming year.

The conversation turned to staffing at the Harbor Department. Harbormaster Jason said that as for retirement he has not set a date. Mr. Jason said he wants to work for another year or two. He said that the harbor has been run well up to last year and that the incident was not his fault.

Harbormaster Jason recommended he have three wharfingers and possibly train one of them to move up to Assistant Harbormaster. Mr. Jason said he would like to give Richard Steves a chance to work more hours. Mr. Jason will contact Mr. Steves and report back.

The Harbor Plan prepared by Mr. Hodgkinson has a position for year round Assistant Harbormaster. This position was discussed. The consensus of the Harbor Advisory Committee was not to have a year round position but one for 16 weeks June-September.

Selectmen recommended that the Harbormaster and Assistant Harbormaster only have 1 hour overlap in the schedule so the wharfingers have proper supervision.
Extensive discussion about staffing ensued. It was decided to seek what hours Mr. Steves would be willing to work and then readdress the staffing in a future meeting.

Mr. Doty said that the staffing and mooring policies will be on agenda for the next joint meeting of the Harbor Advisory Committee and the Board of Selectmen.

At 7:20 PM Mr. Doty moved to adjourn. Mr. Rossi seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 8 Ayes

Minutes respectfully submitted by Diana DeBlase            Approved 2/05/13