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Selectmen's Meeting Minutes 01/22/13
Chilmark Board of Selectmen     January 22, 2013    Meeting Minutes
Present: Chairman Mayhew, Warren Doty, Bill Rossi, Tim Carroll, Chuck Hodgkinson,
Krishana Collins, Bill Bennett, Dardy Slavin, Remy Tumin.

Tea Lane Farm:
Chuck Hodgkinson presented the Selectmen the application that the Historical Commission approved at their latest meeting. This application was filed by Krishana Collins for the CPC funds up to $100,000.00 for the restoration of the Tea Lane Farm House.

Ms. Collins supplied a detailed list of seven items for the estimates she would apply the grant to.
  • Electrical                                                        $25,000
  • Plumbing                                                        $20,000
  • Heating                                                           $20,000
  • Windows – Installed                                      $17,706
  • Insulation                                                       $  8,000
  • Sheet rock & Plaster                                      $  8,000
  • Replace Interior Rotten Framing                   $  2,000
The total comes to 100,706.00 the over amount of $706.00 will be the responsibility of Ms. Collins. Mr. Rossi moved to approve and sign the application for CPC funds up to $100,000.00
Mr. Doty seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Conservation Commission:
Tim Carroll said that Candy Shweder had written a letter to the Selectmen’s office requesting to be appointed a commissioner on the board of Conservation. Mr. Carroll said after Ms. Shweder applied the Selectmen’s office received a request from Chris Murphy to be appointed a commissioner on the Conservation Commission.

Mr. Rossi said that he is looking forward to a new member who is fresh to the town boards. He said is very pleased to have received an application from Mr. Murphy as well but is looking forward to see what Ms. Shweder can bring to the board as a full member on the Conservation Commission.

Mr. Rossi moved to appoint Ms. Shweder as a full member on the Chilmark Conservation Commission, and to appoint Mr. Murphy as the associate member. Mr. Doty seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Slavin Refinance:
Dardy Slavin is present to ask that the Selectmen approve a refinance of the mortgage for their resident home site. Mrs. Slavin explained they are consolidating the mortgage and a home equity line into this single loan. Mrs. Slavin said the new rate will lower their monthly payments and lower the amount they owe.

Mr. Rossi said he wanted to be sure that the Housing Committee approved the refinance he said he had received a call from Jim Feiner concerned about the amount of money to be refinanced, that it was not too great of a burden.  

Slavin Ref Slavin Continued…
Mrs. Slavin said the Housing Committee met this past week and approved this refinance.
Mr. Doty said this refinance is at 140% of the median income Chilmark affordable housing percent is 150%. Mr. Doty said the figure is on the higher end but still qualifies.

Mr. Rossi moved to approve the Slavin’s refinance request. Mr. Doty seconded the motion.
SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Cioffi Refinance:
The Cioffi family has also sent a request for the Selectmen to approve their refinance the home mortgage on their affordable home site. The loan amount is increasing slightly to complete their home remodeling. Mr. Doty moved to approve the refinance for the Cioffi family and to sign subordination paperwork. The subordination is allowing 90 days for the foreclosure process replacing the 30 days.  

Boy’s and Girl’s Club Request:
Mr. Doty said that this is an event that the Selectmen have approved for many years. The Boy’s & Girl’s Club in association with the National Multiple Sclerosis Society plans on the cycling event to be held on May 4, 2013. The State Department of Transportation requests that Selectmen approve along with Fire chief and Police chief on the standard application form that was included in this request.

Mr. Doty moved to approve and sign street form. Mr. Rossi seconded the motion.
SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Bennett Electric Solar Proposal:
Bill Bennett presented the Selectmen an alternate plan for the solar project at the Chilmark landfill. Mr. Rossi said he had asked Mr. Bennett to come to this meeting with information.
The proposal that Mr. Bennett came up with is for the town to own the 100 kwt solar array instead of just receiving rent from a company that would own the array.

Mr. Rossi said that with the other plans discussed he had doubts about what happens at year ten.
Mr. Bennett explained that the town would not lose money and more than likely could save energy cost. Mr. Doty said to structure the RFP for this option to be included.

Mr. Doty said that Richard Williams and Bill Randol (both have been members of the Financial Advisory Committee) should look at these numbers and see if this is a sound structure for the town to consider.  Selectmen thanked Mr. Bennett for his presentation.
Chairman Mayhew disclosed that his son Matthew Mayhew works for Bennett Electric.

Martha’s Vineyard Housing Needs Assessment:
The MVC executive director Christine Flynn has supplied the Town a 65 page report. Mr. Doty recommended consolidating information to 5-6 pages. Mr. Doty said essentially the towns of Martha’s Vineyard need to add 50 rentable units per year.

FY13 CDBG Grant:
Bailey Boyd Associates has sent along with MVC the paperwork needing Selectmen’s approval and signatures. The housing rehabilitation program provides 0% interest deferred payment forgivable loans of up to $35,000 for the repair of code violations, health and safety concerns in
homes owned or rented by low to moderate income residents. Approximately 14Chilmark residents have benefitted from this program that is now in its twelfth year.

The childcare subsidy program will assist approximately 9 Chilmark families by subsidizing the cost of caring for children while parents work or seek employment.

Mr. Doty said this has been a very positive program and he supports the grant. Mr. Doty moved to approve signing the grant paperwork to allow Chilmark residents an opportunity to the program offers. Mr. Rossi seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Solarize Mass:
Seth Pickering sent the Selectmen’s office the following announcement: The Massachusetts Clean Energy Center announced their most recent Solarize Mass Program. It is open to all municipalities here in the Commonwealth and I encourage you to review the attached materials and consider whether your community may want to take part in this. To date 21 communities have taken part in the Solarize Mass Program. Previously the program had only been available to designated Green Communities.

Mr. Carroll said he has signed up to attend the presentation remotely from the Chilmark Town hall to learn more about this.

MV Commission Parking in Menemsha Plan:
Mr. Carroll reported on the walk through Menemsha with parking engineers. The consensus at the walk through was the area around the Galley was to stay as is. There were some recommendations for the Basin Road area. Mr. Doty recommended requesting a report be ready by mid February 2013, for implementing by spring. The painting of parking slips is planned for spring time.   

Mr. Carroll spoke about the trails and pathways through town center. Mass State Highway will be contacted about crosswalks. Mr. Carroll said Dan Greenbaum will concentrate on use of land for town center parking solutions.

Harbor Advisory Committee:
Mr. Doty recommended that an agenda outline for meeting with HAC Should be:
  • If there is support from the committee to take reservations at the harbor.
  • If there is support from the committee to raise rates.
  • If the HAC supports the staffing plan drafted by Chuck Hodgkinson.  
Beach Committee:
Mr. Doty said that the Beach Committee asked that the Beach Superintendent be allowed till May 2014 to become certified life guard.

Beach Committee Continue….
Mr. Rossi said he expects the superintendent to become licensed now and does not see reason to allow delay.  
Mr. Carroll apologized, saying that he was wrong and that it is the February 5, 2013 Selectmen’s meeting that the Beach Committee requested to be on the agenda. Mr. Doty said that this topic will be addressed then.

At 8:13 pm Mr. Doty moved to adjourn. Mr. Rossi seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Minutes respectfully submitted by Diana DeBlase        Approved 2/05/13