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Selectmen's Meeting Minutes 10/30/12
Chilmark Board of Selectmen    October 30, 2012    Meeting Minutes

Present: Chairman Mayhew, Warren Doty, Bill Rossi, Tim Carroll, Jonathan Revere,
Brian Cioffi, Sean Slavin, Jonathan Klaren, Steven Pupek, Jennifer Jamgochian, Pam Bunker, Clarissa Allen, Lenny Jason Jr., Joan Malkin, Elizabeth Oliver, Matt Montanile, Paul Wilkins,
Jim Hickey, Remy Tumin, David (Mass. State Police Officer),

At 7:30 pm Chairman Mayhew called meeting to order in the Selectmen’s Meeting Room.

Draft minutes from October 16, 2012 were reviewed. Corrections were made. Mr. Doty moved to approve the minutes as corrected. Mr. Rossi seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes  

Public Hearing:
Assistant Assessor Pam Bunker presented information to the Selectmen as follows:

Before voting on the Residential factor I would like to briefly discuss the results from the fiscal year
2013 interim adjustment. The town's total value for fiscal year 2013 is$ 3,144,300,790. Last year
the town's total value was $3,196,293,470, a decrease of 1.6%. The new growth and real estate
values were approved on October 23rd.

The Town Accountant and I will be submitting the tax recapitulation package tomorrow morning and hope to have the tax rate set November 1st. The average assessment for FY13 is $1,398,992. In FY12 the average assessment was $1,431,587. The tax rate for FY 2013 is projected to be $2.29. Last years tax rate was $2.08. Based on the fiscal year 2013 average assessment the average tax bill is expected to be $3,203.81.

It is mandated annually by state law to hold a hearing with the Board of Selectmen to vote whether
the town adopts a single tax rate or to split the tax rate among the five classes of Real Estate. The
five classes of Real Estate are: Residential, Open Space, Commercial, Industrial, & Personal Property. There is a choice where the Board of Selectmen can vote to split the tax rate (splitting the
tax rate shifts some of the tax burden from the Residential class therefore, forcing the other four
classes to pay a larger share) or have a single tax rate, where all classes of real estate share the tax
levy equally.

The Board of Assessors would like to recommend that the Board of Selectmen adopt a single tax rate
and vote to accept the residential factor of 1 for FY 2013 for the following reason: 98% of the town
is residential; the remaining 2% is commercial, industrial, & personal property.

Chairman Mayhew discussed the Harris property clay rights, his concern is the tax discount that the Harris’s receive for the clay rights is monies that the Town of Chilmark don’t collect.

Mr. Rossi recommended that the clay rights discount that the Town of Chilmark has for 9 properties needs legal review. Pam Bunker said she would be reviewing with town counsel October 31, 2012.

Continued to next page…
Tax Hearing Continued…
Mr. Rossi moved to approve a factor of 1 for Tax Classification. Mr. Doty seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Beach Erosions:
Pam Bunker chairman of the Beach Committee spoke about the ongoing attempt to preserve the South Shore Beaches from erosion. The Beach Committee has received three quotes from research groups. Quotes came in from LEC Environmental, Shorefront Consulting and the Woods Hole Group.

Mrs. Bunker said The Beach Committee feels that the Woods Hole Group would be the best company for completing Phase 1 in order to present to the Town what possible solutions can be sought to hopefully stall the breaching of the beach & the Chilmark Pond.

The Woods Hole Group’s proposal is $150.00 more than Shorefront Consulting but the
Woods Hole Group has already visited the site on three separate occasions as well as Squibnocket beach to assess the erosion problem at no cost to the town.   

Mr. Doty moved to approve the Beach Committees recommendation and approve Woods Hole Group to begin Phase 1 for up to $3,000.00 dollars. Mr. Rossi seconded the motion.
SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Tri Town Ambulance:
Chief “Zeke” Wilkins reported about the tri town involvement in Storm Sandy. There was a single non storm related ambulance run. Zeke was concerned that Hariph’s Creek Bridge might fail. Zeke said communication with Police department, Fire department and Keith Emin of the highway went very well.

Chief Wilkin requested that the Selectmen appoint Matthew Montanile to the Clerical Assistant / EMT position. Chief Wilkin said that the position has been advertized applications reviewed and the interviews completed with a Human Resources member included. At the completion of this process Mr. Montanile was the desired person to fill this position.

Mr. Rossi moved to appoint Mr. Montanile to the position of Clerical Assistant / EMT. Mr. Doty seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Police Department:
Chief Cioffi requested to have Steven Pupek appointed as a fulltime police officer for the Town of Chilmark. Chief Cioffi said he had completed towns required hiring process, ending with an
interview of Mr. Pupek, and facilitated by Selectmen William Rossi, HR board member Max McCreery and myself. We came to the agreement that Mr. Pupek will be a fine employee for the town and possess all of the required trainings need per statute.

Mr. Doty asked Mr. Pupek if he would be working for other agencies. Mr. Pupek said not with OBPD or Sheriff’s department but would like to stay involved with the Court House.  Chief Cioffi said as long as Chilmark is his priority he sees no problem with that.

Police Department Continued:
Mr. Rossi moved to appoint Steven Pupek as a fulltime police officer for the Town of Chilmark. Mr. Doty seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Phase III Invitation For Bids:
Mr. Carroll said that the Town Web page has a copy of all the Menemsha Harbor Phase III bid documents. These are in the vendors file from the home page.
Mr. Carroll said that the Utilities Demo and Rebuild and Floating Docks are three different IFBs. Because of the Storm the deadline has been extended to this date extension is the Addenda 2 The bids are due now Monday November 5, 2012 at 4:30 pm. Mr. Carroll proposed awarding the bids on November 8, 2012 at 5:00 pm.

Cemetery Commission:
Mr. Carroll said the Cemetery Commission withdrew request for appointing the position of Cemetery Superintendent because they are planning to interview two more applications.

Hurricane Sandy:
Emergency Management Director Tim Carroll reported on the Storm Sandy management.  
The Chilmark Community Center was opened as the Emergency Shelter manned by the Red Cross and the Salvation Army supplied meals to the emergency crews.  

Mr. Doty said NSTAR had prepared well on Martha’s Vineyard, which the power was out for minimal time. Mr. Rossi reported he still did not have power at his house. Mr. Carroll reported 5 fire fighters worked throughout the storm. Also the Police Department had officers working throughout the storm as well. Chairman Mayhew said that Keith Emin did a great job as well.  

Chairman Mayhew recommended that a culvert pipe be place into the harbor at the Galley.  The Boathouse Road bed needs to be raised. Mr. Carroll said that the power to the harbor docks should be cut prior to a major storm in the future. The hinge connector for the docks needs improvement. Mr. Carroll said that it was installed incorrectly but that to mount a metal plate would solve this problem. Chairman Mayhew said the tops to the pilings need to be addressed also.

Chairman Mayhew thanked Tim Carroll for his impressive work as coordinator for emergency preparedness and his work throughout the duration of Sandy.

Mr. Rossi reported that he met with Jay Walsh and Larry Lasser concerning the responsibilities of the Squibnocket Farm development and the Town of Chilmark. The talks will continue. Mr. Doty asked that a long term plan for revetment repairs and parking lot upkeep be worked out.
Mr. Doty said the stairs held very well. Mr. Carroll will send Mr. Glavin a message from the Selectmen commending the solid construction of the Squibnocket stairs.

Mr. Doty moved to declare that the Town of Chilmark was in a State of Emergency from 6 pm Sunday October 28, 2012 to Noon Tuesday October 30, 2012. Mr. Rossi seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Mr. Carroll spoke of the special joint meeting with the Selectmen, Park and Recreation and the harbor Advisory Committee concerning Menemsha 2012 season. This meeting will be November 13, 2012 at 7:00 pm. Mr. Carroll will send Dennis Jason a letter requesting his attendance.

Mr. Rossi moved to adjourn. Mr. Doty seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes
8:47 pm meeting adjourned.
Minutes respectfully submitted by Diana DeBlase.                        Approved 11/20/12