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Selectmen's Meeting Minutes 09/18/12
Chilmark Board of Selectmen    September 18, 2012    Meeting Minutes

Present: Chairman Jonathan Mayhew, Warren Doty, Bill Rossi, Tim Carroll, Jonathan Revere,
Ebba Hierta, Brian Cioffi, Janet Weidner, Jane Slater, Norman Freed, John Ketchum,
Mark Fitzgerald, Remy Tumin.

At 7:30 pm Chairman Mayhew called meeting to order in the Selectmen’s Meeting Room.

Draft minutes from Selectmen’s September 4, 2012 meeting were reviewed. Corrections were made. Mr. Doty moved to approve minutes as corrected. Mr. Rossi seconded the motion.
SO VOTED: 3 Ayes  

Mr. Carroll reported that he met with Carlos Fragata of the DEP to walk through the Phase III Menemsha Harbor site. Mr. Carroll will send in the permit paperwork to Mr. Fragata.  Mr. Fragata has requested additional materials that can’t be produced until Mr. Austin returns from Maine in two weeks.

Green Community Presentation:
Mr. Doty said that Mr. Pickering from Mass. Department of Environmental Protection / Department of Energy Resources was unable to present the Green Community Presentation due to bad weather and fears the ferry would run tonight. Mr. Doty said that he has questions concerning the stretch code after reviewing presentation paperwork. He encouraged the other members to share their questions so that Mr. Pickering could be prepared to respond.

Mr. Carroll said he will email Mr. Pickering to arrange a joint meeting of the Selectmen with the Chilmark Planning Board to have the Green Community Presentation at the next available date.

Library Trustees:
The Trustees of the Chilmark Library sent a letter to the Selectmen concerning the ongoing parking problems for the Chilmark Library. The Trustees asked that the Selectmen help them work on solving this problem prior to the 2013 Community Center Summer Program start.

Bill Rossi said he would be available to head a meeting and report back to the Selectmen concerning this issue. Mr. Carroll said he will send a meeting request to persons involved with the different organizations affected by parking issues in Chilmark center.

Movie Shoot:
HBO Film Scout Mark Fitzgerald presented the Selectmen a request to take some scenery shots of Menemsha on Sunday September 23, 2012. Mr. Fitzgerald said he has spoken to all of the merchants in Menemsha and has received no complaints or concerns. Mr. Fitzgerald has also been in contact with the Police Chief Cioffi, who had no concerns.

Mr. Fitzgerald said that there will be 2 vans, 2 trucks and approximately 15 people for 4 to 5 hours of filming. There will also be a State Trooper and a Chilmark police officer at the site during filming.

Movie Shoot Continued…
Chief Cioffi said he was all set with the plan that Mr. Fitzgerald has put forth.

Mr. Rossi Moved to approve this movie shoot as proposed. Mr. Doty seconded the motion.
SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Pump-out Boat:
The Selectmen received a request from the Board of Health for advice in what sort of waste water pump-out plan they recommend the board seek for Menemsha harbor. The State has sent notification of grant funds available to purchase a pump-out boat.  

Mr. Doty said there is a land based pump-out station already in Menemsha that is in need of upgrades. Mr. Doty pointed out that a problem of purchasing a pump-out boat is that the harbor would need to hire additional staff to operate the boat. There was discussion to not pursue a pump-out boat.

Mr. Rossi moved to upgrade the pre-existing fixed-dock pump-out station. Mr. Doty seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Mr. Doty reported that at the All Island Board of Selectmen Meeting held September 13, 2012 the Steamship Authority reported on their Pump-out plan for their vessels. The plan is to pump-out the waste water in Vineyard Haven and Woods Hole land based stations at night starting in November 2012.  He said that the delay was in changing the system from saltwater to freshwater.

Tisbury Connector Road Support:
Mr. Carroll received a request from the Town of Tisbury to have the Chilmark Selectmen send a letter of support for their proposed connector road. The drafted letter to Mass. Housing & Economic Development requested their approval of a connector road to alleviate traffic congestion on the State Road corridor.  Mr. Doty reported on the information given at the all island selectmen’s meeting on this topic.

Mr. Doty moved to sign endorsement letter for the Tisbury Connector Road. Mr. Mayhew seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes all Selectmen signed letter.

Exercise Facility
Mr. John Ketchum of Carolina and Aquinnah requested the Selectmen to give him permission to poll residents of Chilmark and Aquinnah to see if there is support to build an Exercise Facility in Chilmark for public use.  Mr. Ketchum said he would pay for the mailing to send out a survey to all residents for their consensus. Mr. Ketchum suggested the Community Center as a possible site for an exercise facility.  Mr. Doty said that the Chilmark Community Center building would not work as an exercise facility because it is meant to be left empty. The CCC is primarily a venue for local pot lucks, memorials, weddings and school activities.  Chief Cioffi said that the area behind the Police Department might be suitable for Mr. Ketchum to build an exercise facility and that he would be willing to work with Mr. Ketchum on this project. Chief Cioffi also said that there might be grant money available for this project.

Mooring Issue:
Mr. Carroll said that the Selectmen’s office received a letter from Susan Murphy concerning an issue about a Menemsha mooring. Mr. Jason was unable to attend tonight’s Selectmen meeting.
Mr. Rossi recommended discussing this issue at their next Selectmen’s Meeting so Dennis Jason can be available for input concerning this harbor issue.  Mr. Doty asked that Harbor Master Dennis Jason be advised to investigate this mooring issue and report back to the Selectmen at the next scheduled meeting.   

Derby Dinner Invitation:
Mr. Carroll said the Nixon Family has extended an invitation to the Chilmark Board of Selectmen to attend a dinner they are hosting for the Disabled Veterans signed up for the Striped Bass & Bluefish Derby. Mr. Carroll said to please look for an email invitation sent to each Selectman with details of the dinner.

Tri Town Ambulance Meeting:
Mr. Carroll said there is a scheduled meeting for Tri Town Ambulance September 19, 2012 at noon. Chairman Mayhew said he would attend as the Selectmen representative.

Middle Line Road:
Mr. Carroll said that Chuck Hodgkinson is organizing a inspection walk through of the MLR rental units as the general contractor’s warrantee will be expiring at the end of this month. Mr. Doty said he would be available to attend for the board, as Chairman Mayhew will abstain due to a potential conflict of interest and Mr. Rossi will be off island until October 1, 2012.

Library Parking Meeting:
Mr. Carroll said that he is finalizing the attendees for the Library Trustees requested meeting to work out the parking problem in town center. Monday October 1, 2012 at 10:00 am is the likely time and date.

Phase 3 Dock Permit
Mr. Carroll asked the Selectmen to review the plans as they are today so he can submit them with the required application for permit with Mass DEP.  Selectmen reviewed dock plans for Phase 3 Harbor project. Chairman Mayhew moved that this plan will be what we send in for the permitting. Mr. Doty seconded the motion.
SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Chairman Mayhew asked when we can expect Cole powers to supply electrical plan for this Phase 3 project. Mr. Carroll said that they had a walk through of the project September 17, 2012 and expects him to get it to Selectmen as soon as possible.

Comcast Contract Negotiations:
Mr. Carroll reported on the Comcast Contract Negotiations. Mr. Carroll asked for Selectmen to discuss any concerns they had with the current offers prior to finalizing the franchise agreement.

Mr. Doty said that the Cable Advisory Committee has worked hard on the negotiations and that he approves of most of the contract. Mr. Doty asked if Chilmark could get service for Quansoo, Quenames, Meeting House and Middle Line Road.  Mr. Carroll said that they were not being built out by Comcast as part of their recent offer.

Mr. Doty said he had hoped to get the Middle Line Road Housing area serviced. Comcast has brought the cost down from $3,600.00 to $1,400.00 for each unit to be connected to Comcast service. The Selectmen were disappointed that Comcast was still asking for $16,000 to put cable in the existing conduit.

Mr. Rossi said residents could install a satellite to be able to have TV connectivity.    
Mr. Doty said that a resident in the MLR housing area has installed Verizon wireless even though Verizon had advised they did not have service in that area. Resident reported that they went ahead and signed up for Verizon and is getting service.

Chairman Mayhew made a motion to move into Executive Session to discuss police security and also discuss land acquisition and not to return to regular session. Mr. Doty seconded the motion.
At 8:45 pm Mr. Mayhew: Aye, Mr. Doty: Aye, Mr. Rossi: Aye

Present: Brian Cioffi, Tim Carroll, Mr. Mayhew, Mr. Doty, Mr. Rossi

Executive Session adjourned at 9:50 pm.

Minutes respectfully submitted by Diana DeBlase.               Approved 10/02/12