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Selectmen's Meeting Minutes 06/05/12
Chilmark Board of Selectmen    June 5, 2012    Meeting Minutes
Present: Chairman Jonathan Mayhew, Warren Doty, Bill Rossi, Tim Carroll, Lynn Christoffers,
Pam Bunker, Clarissa Allen, Lenny Jason, Jennifer Christy, Melanie Becker, Jonathan Klaren,
David Norton, Peter Buchthal, Daniel Durawa, Thomas Herzig, Whitney Hyde, Elizabeth Oliver.

Draft minutes from May 15, 2012 were reviewed, amendments were made. Mr. Doty moved to approve minutes as amended. Mr. Rossi seconded the motion.  SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

At 7:35 pm Chairman Mayhew opened the Public Hearing for the Classification Hearing.
Pam Bunker from the Chilmark Assessors office is present to present the Selectmen with a recommendation from the Board of Assessors. Mrs. Bunker said that the Assessors recommend a single tax rate with a residential tax rate as one. The town of Chilmark is 98% residential.

Mr. Doty said a special commendation to Pam Bunker and the Assessors for working through the reevaluations with the Department of Revenue.

Mr. Rossi moved to approve the single tax rate recommended by the Board of Assessors. Mr. Doty seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Revenue Anticipation Note:
Town Treasurer Melanie Becker is present to inform the Selectmen on the cash flow projection for the town. Mrs. Becker said that the note that was borrowed to cover the running of the town during the delay of revalues is coming due the end of June and that she has prepared to process a second RAN to pay this and to aid in the cash flow till the tax bills are paid.   

Mrs. Becker received three bid quotes; Edgartown National Bank 0.54%, UniBank 0.65% and Eastern Bank 0.50%. Mrs. Becker has prepared the paperwork for the Selectmen to sign tonight with Eastern Bank. Town Clerk Jennifer Christy is present to witness documents.

Chairman Mayhew moved to sign RAN with Eastern Bank at 0.50%. Mr. Rossi seconded the motion SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

The pooled trust that we have worked so long to establish is now ready to accept OPEB funds from the member units. The Investment Committee of the Trust has selected Rockland Trust Bank to manage the money. The town’s $403,575.63 (which includes the $100,000 appropriated at this spring’s town meeting) in OPEB funds will now be transferred to the Dukes County Pooled OPEB Trust. Mrs. Becker said it’s important that this be done before 6/30/12 so that when the next actuarial study is done, it will be credited to Chilmark as 7/1/12.

Mr. Doty moved to give the treasurer the authority to transfer our $403,575.63 to the Pooled OPEB Trust. Mr. Rossi seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Peter Bucthal:
Mr. Bucthal is present with his fiancé to ask the Selectmen to give them permission to have their  wedding held on the West Dock Saturday September 1, 2012. Mr. Doty said the Selectmen do not grant permission for private events on the working dock or most public areas around Chilmark from June 15- September 15 or at least after Labor Day. This event would involve over 100 people with traffic into Menemsha a challenge already the September 1, 2012 date is not feasible. Mr. Doty said the Selectmen would consider a later date. Mr. Bucthal said the guests are already set for that date. Mr. Doty said than the answer is no.  Mr. Bucthal thanked the Selectmen for their time and consideration.

Sgt. Klaren presented to the Selectmen on behalf of Chief Cioffi the list of Police Department employees to be reappointed along with new officers here tonight. Sgt. Klaren introduced the new officers to be appointed; special officers Daniel Durawa, and Thomas Herzig and traffic officer Whitney Hyde. Mr. Doty moved to approve the three officers present along with the list presented by Sgt. Klaren. Mr. Rossi seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Massachusetts Estuaries Project:
The Selectmen’s office has received a contract from the MEP to complete the studies of the Squibnocket, Nashaquitsa and Menemsha Ponds. The MEP sent attachment A and attachment B to be approved and signed. Mr. Doty moved to approve attachment A. Mr. Rossi seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes  

Mr. Doty moved to approve attachment B. Mr. Rossi seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes
Mr. Doty recommended the MEP receive a call from the Selectmen’s office for updates on the progress of the study. Mr. Carroll said the proposed completion date is December 31, 2012.

Lobster Charters:
The Selectmen have received a recommendation from the Harbor Advisory Committee regarding the application to run a Lobster Chartering out of Menemsha off of the Commercial Dock. The recommendation was for the application to be denied and to have the interested party seek another location.

Mr. Doty moved to accept the recommendation from the Harbor Advisory Committee. Mr. Rossi seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Mass Transit 105:
The Harbor Advisory Committee also heard request from Nick Van Ness about sailing his 105 foot sailing vessel out for charters out of Menemsha. The recommendation from the HAC was that there could be no soliciting for chartering and to not use parking in Menemsha for charters.  Mr. Doty moved to accept the recommendation from the Harbor Advisory Committee. Mr. Rossi seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Up Island Regional School District Committee is seeking a new Chilmark representative to be appointed by the Selectmen to complete Perry Ambulos’s term he stepped down from. The Selectmen’s office has received letters from two interested persons. Mr. Doty asked that the Selectmen hold interviews for this appointment at the June 19, 2012 Selectmen’s meeting and to advertise in the news paper that interested parties send request in to be interviewed at this meeting. Mr. Doty said that there is a meeting of the UIRSDC the 18th of June and recommended a Selectmen go as representative till we appoint a new member after the 19th interviews.
Mr. Doty said he would attend as Chilmark Selectmen representative. Mr. Rossi moved to appoint Mr. Doty as a temporary member to the UIRSD. Chairman Mayhew seconded the motion.
SO VOTED: 2 Ayes, Mr. Doty Abstained.

Harbor Department Appointments:
Harbor Master Jason sent the Selectmen’s office a list of recommended appointments. The Position of Assistant Harbor Master is Richard Steves, returning Assistant Wharfinger is Ian Bardwell and new hire Assistant Wharfinger Trever Maciel. Mr. Rossi moved to approve the appointments recommended by the Harbor Master. Mr. Doty seconded the motion.
SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Committee Appointments:
The Selectmen have received letters of interest from David Norton, Rodney Bunker, John Larsen and Jeffrey Maida for the two open positions on the Harbor Advisory Committee. Mr. Carroll said that Louis Larsen is interested in the HAC but is too busy to commit to the board still.

Mr. Rossi said that the input from the fishing community is very important for the HAC and recommended John Larsen and Jeffrey Maida for the positions.  Chairman Mayhew agreed and moved to appoint Mr. Larsen and Mr. Maida to be members on the Harbor Advisory Committee. Mr. Doty seconded the motion.  SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Mr. Doty moved to approve the remaining town committee board appointments in list supplied by Tim Carroll. Mr. Rossi seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Town Staff Appointments:
Mr. Carroll supplied a list of the staff appointments. Mr. Doty moved to approve the complete staff appointment on list. Mr. Rossi seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes
The following is a list of appointed staff:
Accountant                                      Emily Day               
Coordinator of Admin. Support           Chuck Hodgkinson
Asst. Assessor                                  Pam Bunker
Admin. Asst./Insp. Board of Health              Marina Lent
Admin Asst. Planning                            Jennifer L. Christy
Admin Asst. Human Resource Board                Jennifer L. Christy
Admin Asst. Housing                             Marina Lent
Asst. to Exec.Sec. & Receptionist               Diana DeBlase   
Collector of Taxes                              Jessica Bradlee
Town Clerk                                      Jennifer L. Christy
Asst. Town Clerk                                Diana DeBlase, Jessica Bradlee & Tim Carroll
Building Inspector                              Leonard Jason Jr.
Burial Agent                                    Marina Lent
                                                Jessica Bradlee, Alternate
Cemetery Superintendent                 Cora Jane Adams         
Emergency Management    Director:       Tim Carroll
                                Deputy:         Billy Smith
Conservation Officer                            Chuck Hodgkinson
Asst. Constable                         Timothy S. Rich
Custodian                                       Rodney Bunker
Janitor                                         Marjorie Hayes
Dog Officer                                     Chris Murphy
Asst. Dog Officers                              Joan Jenkinson & Alan Healy
Executive Secretary                             Tim Carroll     
Fire Chief                                      David Norton
Asst. Fire Chief                                Tim Carroll
Admin. Asst. Fire Dept.                         Martina Mastromonaco
Forest Warden                                   David Norton
Gas & Plumbing Inspector                        George Apostolides
Assistant Inspector of Plumbing         William Haynes & Michael Ciancio
Assistant Gas Inspector                 Michael Ciancio
Inspector of Wires                              Cole Powers
Asst. Inspector of Wires                        David Schwab
Harbor Master                           Dennis Jason
Library Director                                Ebba Hierta
Youth Services Librarian/Asst. Library Director Kristen Maloney
Assistant Librarian                             Irene Tewksbury
Library Assistant                               Judy Mueller
Circulation Assistant                           Ellen Bunch
Circulation Assistant                           Olivia Larsen
Moth Superintendent                             Keith Emin
Shellfish Constable                             Isaiah Scheffer
Asst. Shellfish Constable                       Jacob Bassett   
Harbor Master                                   Dennis Jason
Assistant Harbor Master                 Richard Steve
Assistant Wharfinger                            Ian Bardwell
Assistant Wharfinger                            Trevor Maciel
Assistant Wharfinger                            Emmett Ross
Harbor Administrative Assistant         Virginia Jones

Police Sergeant                                 Jonathan P. Klaren
Detective I Patrolman                           Jeffrey 0. Day
Patrolman                                       Sean R. Slavin
Special Police Officer                  Matthew Bradley
Marshall E. Carroll, III
Timothy R. Carroll
John Collins
Daniel Durawa
Elizabeth Elwell
Thomas Herzig
David Murphy
Stephen Pupek
Timothy S. Rich
Brett P. Stearns
Traffic Officers                        William Fiedler
Whitney Hyde
Special Police Officers- WTPD
Daniel Rossi
Jeffrey Manter
Matthew Mincone
Daniel Gouldrup
Garrison Vieira
Leonard deOlivera
James Neville
Rusty Ventura
Matthew Gebo
Special Police Officers - APD
Randhi Belain
Paul Manning
Ryan Ruley
Steven Mathias

Chilmark Community Center:
Custodian Rodney Bunker alerted the Selectmen earlier this month of the rot in the bathroom addition and the emergency repairs that were needed. Mr. Doty said he went up on the roof with Mr. Coban to see the damage and it was extensive and needed repairing immediately.  Mr. Doty moved to approve emergency repairs to the Chilmark Community Center. Mr. Rossi seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Library Appointments:
Chilmark Library Director Ebba Heirta recommended to the Selectmen the appointment of Olivia Larsen as a library assistant. Mr. Doty moved to appoint Ms. Larsen. Mr. Rossi seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3Ayes

Housing Committee:
Mr. Carroll said Todd Christy sent the Selectmen a written request to be re appointed to the Housing Committee. Mr. Doty moved to appoint Mr. Christy to the Housing Committee.
Mr. Rossi seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3Ayes

Chairman Mayhew moved to adjourn. Mr. Rossi Seconded the motion.
SO VOTED: 3 Ayes
9:14 Meeting Adjourned

Minutes respectfully submitted by Diana DeBlase                      Approved 6/19/12