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Selectmen's Meeting Minutes 05/01/12
Chilmark Board of Selectmen    May1, 2012    Meeting Minutes
Present: Jonathan Mayhew, Warren Doty, Bill Rossi, Tim Carroll, Jonathan Revere,
Deborah Packer, Judy Jardin, Remy Tumin, Jim Hickey, Clarissa Allen, Lisa Randall,            John Flender, Dick Smith,

At 7:30 pm. Warren Doty said he proposes reorganization of the Board of Selectmen. Mr. Doty moved to have Jonathan Mayhew Chairman, Himself (Warren Doty) be Vice Chairman and Bill Rossi Clerk. Mr. Mayhew seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Draft minutes from the Selectmen’s April 17, 2012 meeting were reviewed, some corrections were made. Mr. Doty moved to approve minutes as corrected. Mr.Mayhew seconded the motion.
SO VOTED: 2 Ayes, 1 Abstain Mr. Rossi was not a Selectmen April17, 2012

Leonardi Subordination:
Michell and Chip Leonardi respectfully request the Selectmen to approve and accept subordination to the bank the Leonardi’s have applied to refinance their mortgage. The Leonardi’s are in residence at their resident home site at the Middle Line Road development.

Mr. Doty asked if the loan was increasing. Mr. Leonardi said yes from $288,000 to $290,000 to cover continued improvements being made on the property. The lower interest rate is also desirable. Mr. Doty moved to approve accepting subordination. Mr. Rossi seconded the motion.
SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

7:35 pm Chairman Mayhew opened the Public Hearing.
Sightseeing licensing:
Susan Bennett and Mark Leith respectfully request that the Chilmark Selectmen approve their application for a Street License. The other island towns have already approved the Street Licensing to them. Mr. Leith explained that they need the Street Licensing from all the towns to complete their application for a Sightseeing License.

Mr. Carroll said that from the information  supplied to him by Ms. Bennett and Mr. Leith the vans are no longer than 19’ long and they will not be in Menemsha after 5:00 pm. Ms. Bennett said they will not drive Middle Road with the vans. The roads that MV Excursions will drive are; North Road, South Road, Menemsha Cross Road, State Road, Basin Road. Ms. Bennett agreed to park in legal parking places only not the bus stops.  

There were no public comments. Chairman Mayhew closed the public hearing at 7:45 pm
Mr. Doty moved to approve the Street License with the above mentioned conditions. Mr. Rossi seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

7:46 pm Chairman Mayhew opened Public Hearing for Menemsha Market.
Menemsha Market Common Victualler:
Deborah Packer presented the public the outline of continuing the market much in the same nature as it has been run. Ms. Packer respectfully requests that the Selectmen approve her application for a Common Victualler to run the Menemsha Market.

The Board of Health has sent a notice to the Board of Selectmen concerning an issue with the existing septic system. Ms. Packer has not seen the notice yet and did not feel prepared to answer questions concerning the Board of Health. Ms. Packer said that she has a meeting scheduled with the Board of Health tomorrow May 2, 2012.

Mr. Carroll said that the Selectmen can issue a Common Victualler license to open the Menemsha Market. Mr. Carroll said that the Board of Health will address the Food Handler Permit. Mr. Carroll said that foods cannot be prepared on site till the issues have been addressed by the Board of Health and Ms. Packer receives a food handlers permit.

Mr. Rossi asked if there are any living accommodations at the Menemsha Market. Ms. Packer said no. Mr. Mayhew closed the public hearing at 7:56 pm

Mr. Doty moved to approve issuing a Common Victualler license to the Menemsha Market with the understanding that the food preparation and Food handler permit is cleared up and issued by the Board of Health. Mr. Rossi seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Study Committee – Housing Needs Assessment:
Mr. Doty said he has spoken to Ann Wallace the former director of Island Elderly Housing.
Ms. Wallace has been attending the Housing Needs Assessment meetings and Mr. Doty would like to appoint Ann Wallace as the Chilmark Housing Needs Assessment representative.
Mr. Doty said he would also move to appoint Ms. Wallace as an alternate on the Chilmark Housing Committee Mr. Mayhew seconded the motion.  SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Mr. Rossi said he would recommend Ms. Wallace to make contact with Habitat for Humanity.

Preschool Bathroom Bid Update:
Mr. Carroll asked if the selectmen have received notice of the formal protest from bidder whose bid was disqualified. Mr. Doty said that the Selectmen approved a bid at their April 17th meeting. The Selectmen said that the Town will proceed with Knight Construction for the Preschool Bathroom Project and that the motion should stay intact.

Chuck Hodgkinson , Rusty Gordon, Sarah Crittenden arrive 8:00 pm
Tea Lane Farm Interviews of Finalists:
Rusty Gordon and Sarah Crittenden presented the Selectmen and the Martha’s Vineyard Land Bank Committee Town Advisory Board their Farm Plan.

Mr. Doty introduced Mr. Gordon and Ms. Crittenden to the panel of interviewers. Representing the Board of Selectmen are Chairman Jonathan Mayhew, Bill Rossi and himself Warren Doty. Representing the Martha’s Vineyard Land Bank Town Advisory Board is John Flender, Clarissa Allen, Lisa Randal, Dick Smith, and Tim Carroll. Mr. Doty is also a representative on the MVLBTAB.
Mr. Doty asked for Gordon and Crittenden to describe their plan for the Farm House.
Mr. Gordon and Ms. Crittenden said they will spend $106,900.00 in the improvements to the structure soundness and do not plan on changing the foot print of the Farm house. The contractor has estimated two and a half months to complete the improvements. A trench would be placed to the north side of the farm house to draw water away from the side of the house. The floor would be jacked up to repair rot. The roof would be replaced where needed. Rewire the building to 200 amp service.  Insulation would be blown in. They will open the second story floor as an open space. The contractor will bring the plumbing up to code. Installation of a gas stove and water heater with a propane tank for them. They would have just the one bathroom. Re shingle of the exterior and improve wood deck. Exterior and interior painting completed as well.  

Mr. Doty asked what their Farm Plan is. Mr. Gordon said they plan on where the garage is to have the farm stand. The flat areas around the usable area would have plowed cover crop to start the conditioning of the soil. They will start a raspberry and strawberry planting right away so that it can establish to become a “pick your own” cash crop. Mr. Gordon has worked many years with Whippoorwill Farm and the families and tourists have always really enjoyed the farm establishing this kind of public involvement. This is something they intend to bring to Tea Lane Farm.

Next year they will have a full production of vegetables as it is getting late to establish this for this season. Mr. Gordon has established growing fields and a farm stand at Nip n Tuck Farm for this year and may plan on keeping these in the future. Mr. Gordon said that the barn would receive approximately $3,000.00 in repairs annually for the next 3-4 years. The metal outbuilding will be converted into a layer hen’s house to produce eggs for sale. The second metal building would have the metal siding removed and replaced with pine boards. They plan on installing green houses in the future as well.

8:35 pm Alan Healy arrives. Mr. Gordon and Ms. Crittenden have left.

Mr. Doty introduced the Board Members to Mr. Healy.
Mr. Doty asked for Mr. Healy to describe what he would proceed with first and to describe what his plans for The Farm House and to describe last what his farm plan is.

Mr. Healy said he would start first with the Barn. The estimated time for the barn improvements is eight months. Cost estimate for the new dairy barn is $200,000.00.  The barn would be set up as a dairy barn with an apartment above. The Barn would hold 10 to 12 cows while milking; the cows would not be housed in the dairy barn. The cows would be housed in a separate barn.

The Tea Lane Farm House plan would take about a year or more to complete with the intention to move in 1 ½ to 2 years.. The plan would be to lift up the foundation and put in a full basement. Mr. Healy would follow the footprint proposed in the Historical Commission approved Elliston Plans and the dormer in the second floor. He plans to replace the existing chimney, install new windows and wiring for 200 amps.  Mr. Healy estimates that the Farm House alone would cost $300,000.00.

The farm plan is to expand his existing dairy farm and as soon as the Barn is complete to move his Mermaid Dairy Farm to Tea Lane farm. This farm now produces Cows Raw Milk, Yogurt, Cheese and produce. Mr. Healy predicts his farm will produce 400 – 600 Quarts of yogurt per week.

Mr. Healy would sell the dairy product on the farm from the small stone building “garage” as well as wholesale to numerous retail grocery stores. There will also be sheep and beef meat sold on the farm from the sheep and beef cattle that are raised on leased fields here on the Vineyard.

Mr. Healy said he would continue to invite schools to come to Tea Lane Farm as he has done for many years where his farm is now.

9:00 pm Krishanna Collins arrives Alan Healy has left.
Mr. Doty introduced the board members to Ms. Collins and asked her to outline her plans, first for the Farm House then her Farm plan.

Ms. Collins said this is a two year plan for the Farm House the first year will be all structural. Heating, plumbing and electricity will be replaced and upgraded. The floors will all be pulled up and the infrastructure will be completed at that time. Insulation will be installed and the house winterized. Ms. Collins plans on moving into Farm House within nine months if she is recipient of Tea Lane Farm.  Year Two the out buildings will be worked on.

Carleton Sprague who is a historical specialist is restoring the Farm House. Mr. Sprague cares about the integrity of this site. The estimate to complete the work will be $224,000. Ms. Collins intends to keep the footprint as it is and adding a dormer on the second floor. She would like to bring the farmhouse to where an addition can be added in the future and will hold off on that part till she has a clear budget for that.

Ms. Collins will have an apprentice live at the Farm. She has two employees already and she may bring on another apprentice pending on how the space works.

The small barn will be taken down and the outbuilding will be a storage shed. The large barn will be worked on to be structurally sound.

Ms. Collins farm plan is to continue her established business of flowers. She intends to remove the bamboo stand completely. The first year she intends to plant a cover crop. This will begin the evaluation of the soil. Lyme would be added and compost to nourish the soil. Ms. Collins intends to have Josh Scott with machinery to help ready the land for the farm
In years 2-3 crops she will grow on the farm are salad greens, Bok Choy and flowers.
The quantity of the flowers is projected to be:
10,000 lilies. 12,000 zinnias. 6,000 sunflowers. 3,000 dahlias and 20 varieties of other perennials.
The quantity of salad greens is 50 to 100 pounds weekly. And the Bok Choy will be 20 – 50 pounds weekly.

Ms. Collins has booked 14 weddings to supply flowers for so far this coming season. The stone building at Tea Lane would become her arrangement studio. The outlets for her products are whole sale to stores and she also has her own clients. When asked if she intends to have animals on the farm she said yes, it’s an integral part of the soil improvement. Ms. Collins will dedicate 1/3 of the land for animals (Sheep, cows, pigs  ...) 1/3 cover crop and 1/3 crop land, these would rotate to continue the soil improvement.

Chairman Mayhew and board members thanked Ms. Collins for her interview, and excused her from the room. Chairman Mayhew said he would like more time to consider the information they have received tonight. Members from each board discussed what would be the best day to reconvene. Mr. Revere of MVTV offered to make copies of tonight’s interviews to aid in the decision process at no charge. Mr. Mayhew was very thankful for this offer as this will be a tough decision as all of these candidates are good choices for the farm.

The members of The MVLB Tab and the Selectmen decided to reconvene on Friday May 4, 2012 at 5:00 pm. Dick Smith advised to be prepared to vote and that their will not be discussion prior. Selectmen Doty said he will contact Ron Rappaport for confirmation on how to vote whether the boards vote separately or jointly as he is on both boards.  Mr. Doty was pretty sure Mr. Rappaport has said as one board.

The Martha’s Vineyard Land Bank Town Advisory Board was excused from the meeting as the Selectmen continued their regular Selectmen agenda for tonight.

Town Treasurer Melanie Becker has informed the Selectmen of the following:
Under the requirements of the of the 2011 state Health Care Reform legislation, Chilmark’s Insurance Advisory Committee has meet and voted to recommend spending our mitigation funds on a premium holiday. The PEC, Public Employees Committee, was notified of the IAC vote, and the PEC decided to support that vote.

The premium holiday will be in December and employees will have their health insurance premium reduced by the amount of their share of the mitigation funds, monthly selfThe price will allow items to be added to the boat such as bigger cleats and an inflated bumper guard and still be within the article amount.

Mr. Carroll has received an insurance renewal proposal from MIIA (Massachusetts Interlocal Insurance Association). The proposal is for FY2013 wich is a 8.8% increase from FY2012. Mr. Carroll said that the Town budgeted 10% and MIIA is offering a 5% discount if prepaid.

Mr. Doty moved to accept proposal from MIIA and have Mr. Carroll sign. Mr. Rossi seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Conservation Commission:
Mr. Carroll said that Chuck Hodgkinson received a letter of resignation from Richard Steves. Mr. Steves served on the commission for 15 years. Mr. Doty thanked Mr. Steves for his many years of service.

Dukes County Advisory Board:
The DCAB has requested a representative from the Chilmark Selectmen. Mr. Doty moved to appoint Bill Rossi as Chilmark’s representative. Mr. Mayhew seconded the motion.
SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Chairman Mayhew moved to adjourn. Mr. Doty seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes
Meeting adjourned at 9:58 pm.

Minutes respectfully submitted by Diana DeBlase.                      Approved 5/17/12