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Selectmen's Meeting Minutes 03/20/12
Chilmark Board of Selectmen                     Minutes March 20, 2012  

Members present:        Warren M. Doty, Frank M. Fenner, Jr., Jonathan E. Mayhew

Public Present: Jonathan Revere, Tim Carroll, Judy Jardin, Remy Tumin, Jane Slater, Jim Hickey, Brian & Bryce Cioffi, Caitlan Cook.

Meeting Called to Order:  7:00 PM in the Selectmen’s Meeting Room.

Chief Cioffi requested the Selectmen appoint Jack Collins a Special Police Officer.  The Chief explained how Jack would be applying for a federal grant to train police officers and it was necessary for him to be a sworn officer.  Mr. Doty moved and Mr. Fenner seconded a motion to appoint Jack Collins a Special Police Officer for the ensuing year.  SO VOTED:  Two Ayes.

Selectman Jonathan Mayhew arrived.

Mr. Doty moved and Mr. Mayhew seconded a motion to approve the minutes of March 6, 2012 as amended. SO VOTED:  Three Ayes.

The Harbor Master was not present.  The Selectmen discussed the draft list of possible fee changes typed up by Diana DeBlase.  Mr. Fenner said he was ok with the 10% increase to the fees, but he did not want to see any of the over $1,000 (Seasonal Yacht Dock & Channel Dock) fees increased as the bulkhead businesses were not paying as much.  Mr. Carroll reported how the Channel Dock fee was based on the cost of the dock ($150,000) over the ten year statutory borrowing authorization and how that same formula could be applied to the new docks along the Pier Connector.

The Selectmen reviewed Seth Karlinski’s two estimates.

Mr. Fenner reported on an email from Virginia Jones suggesting the insertion of another form with the Harbor’s annual mailing and opposing the certified letter requirement.  There was some discussion.  Mr. Fenner and Mr. Mayhew said that the letter is important and was the last resort after a personal telephone call, had been attempted and how there should only be a small number of letters to send.

Annie Foley requested permission for H&M Company to conduct a photography shoot in Menemsha with one male model on Friday April 13th.  She wrote saying that there would be 15 people involved.  Mr. Doty moved and Mr. Mayhew seconded a motion to allow the photo shoot as long as they coordinated with the Police Chief and satisfied his concerns.  SO VOTED:  Three Ayes.

Mr. Carroll presented a memorandum from the Human Resource Board recommending the staffing change plan and asking that the need for 14 hours a week by the Planning Board be revisited before December 1st 2012.  Mr. Carroll explained how Jennifer Christy, our Town Clerk, was willing to accept 16 additional hours to cover the Planning Board and Human Resource Board.  Mr. Carroll said that the Board of Health Administrator/Inspector, Marina Lent, was willing to accept the assignment of 1 hour a week for the Historical Commission and 5 hours a week for the Housing Committee.  Mr. Doty explained how the town takes the opportunity of a staff member leaving to reassess the town’s needs and reorganize if appropriate.  Mr. Mayhew supported the staffing changes.

Judy Jardin told the Selectmen that the plan made no sense.  She told the Selectmen they should advertise the position to see who might be available instead of assigning the work to the Town Clerk.  She also questioned why the town should pay someone Grade 9 to do the work that was currently paid at Grade 6.

Mr. Fenner explained that one of the benefits to the town would be having the Town Clerk available many more hours in the office.  Ms. Jardin questioned how that was an improvement if an important Planning Board project was being completed for a deadline.

Ms. Jardin asked why the position description had not been re-graded.  Mr. Doty explained how Selectmen Parker had urged the board to reassess the work assignments at every staffing change, and how this reassignment of administrative support was in keeping with the past practices.  

Mr. Fenner said that the timing of this staffing change allowed the town to cut hours from the positions.  Mr. Mayhew said that reassigning the work to the Town Clerk allowed for more continuity and that a new person might require additional changes.  Mr. Carroll said that this was not a new hire and that the Human Resource Board did discuss re-grading the position and decided it wasn’t necessary.

Mr. Fenner said that the plan was a benefit to the town, that it reduced hours and will save the town money.  Ms. Jardin advocated advertising this work opportunity.  Jane Slater said that she didn’t like it and asked if we would end up with one person working for all the boards.  Mr. Fenner explained how the part-time positions had the ability to take on more hours (up to 40/week).  There was discussion.

Mr. Doty said that this was a good debate, but that the plan was still in the best interests of the town. Mr. Doty moved approval of the plan to have the Town Clerk work 37 hours a week at Grade 9 and have the Board of Health Administrator/Inspector take on the Historical Commission and Housing Committee at Grade 6.  Mr. Mayhew seconded the motion. SO VOTED:  Three Ayes.
Mr. Doty reported that the town had received thirteen applications, and that one was 100 pages long, and lots of the applications had plans for the house and financing options.  He gave a report on the process to date.  Selectman Mayhew questioned the timeline and said that he wanted to make sure that it allowed Mr. Fenner to participate in the final decision.  Mr. Doty said he would look into that with Chuck Hodgkinson to have it ready before April 25th Annual Town Election.  Mr. Doty said that he felt it was a good process so far.

The board discussed Mr. Hodgkinson’s memorandums on warranty work and cabinet design.  Mr. Fenner suggested writing the bonding company to tell them of the potential claim against the contractor for the cabinets as he said the town should not be financially responsible for the defective cabinet hinges.  Mr. Doty moved and Mr. Fenner seconded a motion to authorize up to $5,000 to install a second water filtration system if necessary.  SO VOTED:  Two Ayes, Mayhew Abstaining.

The Selectmen received a letter from ACI, a sub contractor for American Tower, for permission to install down guys at 126 locations per their list.  These would be at locations of existing down guys and situated at a lower elevation and therefore inside the footprint of the existing down guys.  Warren Doty moved and Mr. Mayhew seconded a motion to approve ACI’s request to locate down guys on 126 utility poles along roads in Chilmark.  SO VOTED:  Three Ayes.

The Selectmen received a letter from Senator Kerry that included a redacted letter from the Veterans Administration regarding their contract negotiations with the Martha’s Vineyard Hospital.  The board was not impressed with the progress made and the characterization that this was not an issue.  The board asked Mr. Carroll to forward copies to the County Veterans Agent for her review.

The Selectmen signed a renewal contract with Cartographics Associates Inc for a year’s service on their GIS program and support.

Caitlan Cook requested permission to use the center every Friday for rehearsals with a small number of dancers through June.  It was discussed how most weekends the center is used for weddings and that they set up and have things delivered on Fridays. Ms. Jones said she would need 11 AM – 1 PM. Mr. Doty moved and Mr. Mayhew seconded a motion to approve the rehearsal uses as long as they did not conflict with weekend events and to pay $10 a session.  SO VOTED:  Three Ayes.

The Selectmen took offence at the letter sent by Susan Steiner from Legal Service Command denying the town’s claim of damages from the Boathouse fire on July 10, 2010.  The Selectmen also reviewed the written investigation report and found that at least Mr. Fenner was not quoted accurately.  There was discussion regarding the findings of the investigation and the misstatements made in the denial letter.  The Selectmen agreed to write the USCG with their concerns and demand a retraction.  Copies of this letter will be sent to our congressman and senators.

Mr. Carroll reported that Chilmark residents have not taken advantage of the Energy Efficiency moneys available to them and urged people to call the Cape Light Compact to participate before the fiscal year ends and the money goes back to the general pool.

The Selectmen will meet at the loading dock of the MV Hospital tomorrow at 10:30 AM to help deliver meals to shut-ins and elders.

The board agreed to move the meeting time back to 7:30 PM starting in April.  Mr. Mayhew moved and Mr. Doty seconded.  SO VOTED:  Three Ayes.

Meeting Adjourned at 8:20 PM.                                                        Approved 4/17/12