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Selectmen's Meeting Minutes 01/03/2012
Chilmark Board of Selectmen    January 3, 2012    Meeting Minutes

Present: Frank Fenner, Warren Doty, Jonathan Mayhew, Tim Carroll, Jonathan Revere,
Chris Murphy, Mark London, Jeremy Mayhew, Michelle Mayhew, Martina Mastromonaco,
Kristen Maloney, Chuck Hodgkinson, Jane Slater, John Armstrong, Elizabeth Pickett Gray,
Melinda Defeo, Dennis Barquinero, Bill Smith, Julie Flanders, Lenny Jason Jr., Angie Grant,
Clark Goff, Pam Goff, Jim Hickey, Remy Tumin.
Bret Stearns, Dennis Jason, Judy Jardin, Melanie Becker, arrived at 7:30  

Chairman Fenner called meeting to order at 7:02 pm in the selectmen’s meeting room.

Draft minutes from December 20, 2011 selectmen’s meeting were reviewed. Corrections were made. Mr. Doty moved to approve minutes as corrected. Mr. Mayhew seconded the motion.
SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Vineyard Transit Authority:
Angie Grant presented the selectmen with information and an opportunity to communicate about the 2011 and 2012 VTA schedule. Ms. Grant said bus route 12 has been running since 1998, this route costs the town of Chilmark approximately $18,000.00 annually.  

Mr. Armstrong asked if the frequency of the route 4 could be decreased in the off season. The 4 bus runs nine trips into Menemsha with few or no riders.

Ms. Grant said it’s a route that has been approved by the town of Chilmark to comply with the American Disabilities Act. This schedule will stay as is for now.

The summer beach route was discussed extensively. The Beach Superintendent Martina Mastromonaco asked to have updates on the schedule changes and a list of contacts incase of an emergency.

Chilmark representative on the VTA board Lenny Jason said he expects to get a report of any problems with the beach bus when they happen and not this late. This is in reference to the beach bus problem that Ms. Mastromonaco spoke of during tonight’s discussion. .

Elizabeth Gray said she would prefer no busses in the driveway of the Pickett House.
Ms. Grant ended her discussion saying that changes to schedule need to be done soon and that she is available for further discussion and input from Chilmark but she will work out schedule in February at the latest.

Tri Town Ambulance:
The review of Chief Wilkins is to be postponed per a request from West Tisbury Selectman Mitchell.

Martha’s Vineyard Commission:
Chris Murphy came to the selectmen as the Chairman of the MVC. Mr. Murphy said his goal is to solicit regular annual input from the towns’ selectmen and to bring input to the Martha’s Vineyard Commission. Mr. Murphy hopes to have the next chairman of the MVC carry on with this out reach. Mr. Doty inquired about the wind turbine strategy and the large houses issue.

Mayhew Family Youth Lot:
Jeremy and Michelle Mayhew are present to have selectmen approve the quitclaim deed drafted for their youth lot. Mr. Doty asked if the Mayhew’s have had their attorney check this document and asked further if they had and if they are comfortable with the restrictions. Jeremy Mayhew responded that they have and are comfortable with the document restrictions.  
Mr. Doty moved to approve this quitclaim deed for the Mayhew’s youth lot. Mr. Fenner seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 2 Ayes, 1 Abstain Mr. Mayhew abstained

Brett Sterns proposed a project to the selectmen to approve. Mr. Sterns is working with a high school student who is working on a project to improve catch basin effects. The project would involve the placement of a SNOUT. The project is funded by tribe grant funds. The SNOUT was donated by the manufacture at no cost.

The SNOUT device is a simple plastic insert which is bolted to the side of a catch basin. This device directs water flow from below the surface of a catch basin out the drain pipe. Currently, the noned to this review board. Mrs. Goff thought that would be a good amendment to have selectmen part of the evaluation committee.

Mr. Doty said there is an open house for the Tea Lane Farm this Saturday the 7th of January from 9:00 am to noon. The open house will give the town an idea of the public interest in the farm.

Chilmark town treasurer Melanie Becker presented the selectmen with a request to approve the adoption of section 21 through 23 of the Massachusetts General Law 32B. This is the changes to the health insurance for town employees. Mrs. Becker sent notice to all of the Chilmark employees on the payroll and asked for any input throughout the process of the proposed change.

Mrs. Becker also reported that she looked into our health insurance cost if we were to go it alone with out joining the Cape Cod Municipal Health Group. The cost was prohibitive, over a 30% increase compared to the cost to adopting section 21-23.

Mr. Mayhew moved to adopt section 21 through 23 of the Massachusetts General Law 32B.
Mr. Doty seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Mrs. Becker requested that the selectmen approve changing pay roll payday from biweekly Wednesdays to Thursdays. Mr. Fenner said to notify the employees of this proposed change and the selectmen plan to approve the change at the next selectmen’s meeting 1/17/12 unless employees have concerns.  

Dennis Jason reported to the selectmen his search for the proper harbor boat. With the help of marine consultant Don Edgar the boat that would be ideal for the harbor master is the Maritime Skiff Pioneer 20’. The Pioneer has a center console with round bow. The 2006 version they have located the asking price is $22,500.00. The 1995 cost is $12,000.

Selectmen approved to have Mr. Jason go check these boats out in person with Don Edgar. The consensus was that the 2006 is a good boat for the harbor. The old boat that is not working anymore will not be used for the harbor.

Mr. Carroll said that Mr. Jason will need to solicit quotes from 3 different vendors and then bring the final quote to Town Meeting for approval.

Mr. Jason reported that the dredging project near the dock has been completed. Mr. Jason said John Packer will be back later probably in January to work on the repairs to the wave wall.
Discussion moved to repairs needed to the water lines as well as replacement of dock piles, day markers replaced in Menemsha Pond and electrical repairs. The paving for the pier connector will be scheduled for spring when the asphalt plant opens.

Veterans Affairs & MV Hospital:
Chilmark selectmen’s office has been asked to encourage the MV Hospital to reenter a similar contract that we used to have with Veterans Affairs so our island veterans don’t have to go off island for services. Mr. Doty asked that letters also be sent to our two Senators and Congressman. Mr. Doty moved to have the selectmen’s office write letters so the island veterans don’t have to go off for treatment. Mr. Mayhew seconded the motion.
SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Martha’s Vineyard Chamber Music Society:
The selectmen’s office received a written request from the MVCMS to have the use of the Chilmark Community Center for their final concert of the summer series August 21, 2012. The MVCMS also requested that the rental fee be waived.
Mr. Doty moved to approve the use of the CCC for the MVCMS. Mr. Mayhew seconded the motion. The fee will be $100.00 rental along with $100.00 cleaning deposit. The MVCMS will be responsible for setting up and cleaning up the Community Center.
SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Solar Project:
Mr. Carroll asked that the selectmen approve the spending of $2,000.00 for survey of the landfill site. Mr. Doty moved to approve $2,000.00 for survey in preparation of installing solar panels. . Mr. Mayhew seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

DAS Update:
Mr. Carroll said that the utility company that is connecting the nodes to the poles have contacted him to let him know they are moving product to the island and will be starting installation January 17, 2012.

Mr. Carroll reported that the contract negotiation meetings about Comcast are continuing and were delayed because of the holidays.

Pest Control:
Mr. Mayhew asked that the town office contact the county pest control manager T.J. Hegarty to treat rat problems in Menemsha. Mr. Carroll will contact Mr. Hegarty at his office and request his services.

Fire Drill:
Mr. Fenner said that the Chilmark Fire department will be holding a fire drill at the Tea Lane Farmhouse on Middle Road January 9, 2012. Mr. Fenner asked that the public be made aware of this so as to not concern the community.

Middle Line Road Housing Project:
Chuck Hodgkinson reported that Seaver has paid the company that had outstanding unpaid bills.
Mr. Hodgkinson also said that he received notification from the Attorney General saying that there is no reason not to release payment to Seaver concerning the Twin Pines case.
The consensus was that the final payments to Seaver Construction can be released.

Chairman Fenner requested to move to executive session to discuss possible land acquisition, and not to return to regular session. 9:06 pm
Mr. Doty: Aye, Mr. Mayhew: Aye. Mr. Fenner: Aye

Minutes respectfully submitted by Diana DeBlase        Minutes approved 1/18/12