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Selectmen's Meeting Minutes 12/06/11
Chilmark Board of Selectmen       December 6, 2011       Meeting Minutes

Present: Warren Doty, Jonathan Mayhew, Tim Carroll, Jonathan Revere,
Judy Jardin, Frank Yeomans, Ebba Hierta, Geoghan Coogan, Brian Cioffi, Clair Rabbit,
Melinda deFeo, Jane Slater, Dennis Jason, Clark Goff, Pam Goff, Linda Roosevelt,
Remy Tumin, Jim Hickey

Yard at the CCC:
Linda Roosevelt who is the president of the Yard requested in person that the selectmen waive the rental fee for a fundraiser that is scheduled to be at the Chilmark Community Center January 13, 2012. This fundraiser benefits the Yard debt retirement. Mr. Mayhew moved to waive the rental fee; but the cleaning deposit will still be expected. Mr. Doty seconded the motion.
SO VOTED 2 Ayes (Mr. Fenner absent)

CCC Chairs:
Selectmen’s office received a request from Kristen Maloney for 70 black folding chairs from the Chilmark Community Center to use at their son’s wedding.
Mr. Mayhew moved to allow the Maloney family use of CCC chairs. Mr. Doty seconded the motion. SO VOTED 2 Ayes (Mr. Fenner absent)

Hunting Requests:
The selectmen’s office has received written request from the following persons to hunt on town land. Jeff Day, Eugene Desruisseaux jr. III, Brian Murphy, and Jonathan Klaren.
Mr. Mayhew moved to approve giving the hunters permission to hunt town lands. Mr. Doty seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 2 Ayes (Mr. Fenner absent)

Mr. Fenner arrived at 7:14 pm.

Draft minutes from November 11, 2011 were reviewed. Some amendments were made.
Mr. Doty moved to approve minutes as amended. Mr. Mayhew seconded the motion.
SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Coleman Conservation Restriction:
Geoghan Coogan presented the selectmen clarifications on what the Coleman’s are proposing in their Conservation Restrictions documents. Mr. Mayhew said that the town should have a trail access. Mr. Coogan said the Coleman’s would offer a letter on future trail connection. Mrs. Goff said the Martha’s Vineyard Land Bank sometimes receives Dormant Easements.

Mr. Mayhew moved to approve with a condition that the town of Chilmark receives a dormant trail agreement acceptable to the town. Mr. Doty seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes  

Tri-Town Ambulance:
The selectmen reviewed the Tri-Town Ambulance Agreement that council has made comments on. Mr. Doty said the questions can be answered by our accountant. Mr. Doty recommended taking out the questions from the document. Mr. Doty moved to forward the agreement to the other towns as amended based on the suggestions from council. Mr. Mayhew seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes     

Tea Lane Farm:
Mr. Doty opened discussions about the lease agreement documents prepared by council and to establish direction and time line for Tea Lane Farm.
Mr. Fenner said that 99 years for the length of lease is too long. Mr. Fenner suggested 70 to 75 years for the lease to a qualified farmer. The provision that states 48 hour notice to inspect the exterior of the property might need to include inside buildings as well. Mr. Fenner also said that the main difference of this lease from the resident home site leases should be on the performance aspect of the Farm Plan.

Ms. Jardin said the town can’t lease for more than 30 years. Mr. Doty said the town has established 99 year leases with the resident home sites.

Mr. Doty discussed issues of weather the town will lease or sell house & buildings, with a ground lease. Many topics about the lease were discussed, section I in particular. Mrs. Goff said section I of lease is too specific.

Mrs. Slater would like more Historic Commission control of the exterior integrity of the farmhouse.

Mr. Cioffi asked what if a person wants to have a farm with animals and produce for their family only, with out a business.

Mr. Doty said the Tea Lane Farm Committee will meet with in the next 7- 10 days to address the topics of the discussion about the lease.

There was consensus to bring this lease to the town at a special town meeting in mid winter 2012, After the TLF Committees have reviewed the lease and received feedback from farmers.

Island Housing Trust:
The IHT thanks Warren Doty for his years of service on the board; Mr. Doty has resigned from the board. The IHT is seeking a Chilmark board member. The IHT meets once a month on a Saturday morning to work on budget and planning.

Chilmark library director Ebba Hierta presented the selectmen with her request for CLAMS for the Chilmark library. Ms. Hierta explained that there are no longer any smaller inexpensive options. The library patrons will receive digital options and over 1.5 million books with CLAMS.  The cost per year will be $15,000.00

Harbor master Dennis Jason presented selectmen with update of harbor work list.
Mr. Fenner said that there needs to be more signage in Hariph’s Creek concerning dingy use at dock. Discussion continued with a suggestion from Mr. Jason to have a sign at Hariph’s Creek to go to Harbor Master’s office for a dingy sticker with a number that matches their mooring permit.

Harbor boat needs were discussed. The Harbor master would like 2 boats a replacement for the existing boat and a larger boat to use out of the harbor responses.
Mr. Mayhew said that the USCG already has two 47 footers and a 25 foot boat designed for that purpose. Mr. Jason will search for a good boat to have in operation for the 2012 season.

The town received quotes for the winterizing and turning back on of the water system in the harbor. Adam Robinson was the lowest bidder and will fix leeks at $80.00 per hour. Mr. Robinson has drained the remaining water lines at the harbor.

The electrical repairs to the harbor will be completed by Powers electric when the parts arrive that have been ordered to do the job.

The computer software needs updating Mr. Jason has contacted Art Nelson to work on this.

Mr. Jason said waste oil left on Menemsha dock will not be tolerated. There will be a $300 fine per violation. There will be signage at the bridge and the commercial dock.

Mr. Jason presented the selectmen with some specs for a prefab shed to replace the harbor master shed.
Discussion about the pier connector washout behind Camilla Rose’s shack prompted the selectmen to recommend a FINCOM transfer of funds for $3,000. Mr. Doty moved to have FINCOM meet for a transfer of $3,000.00. Mr. Mayhew seconded the motion.
SO VOTED: 3 Ayes
Middle Line Road:
Selectmen’s office received an estimate to install posts for a dish to be installed on for the tenants of each unit at the rental duplexes at MLR.
Mr. Doty moved to ease restrictions and   to have dish installed on back side of rental units with cable to run the exterior of building into the bulkhead. This would be supervised by Todd Christy. Mr. Mayhew seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 2Ayes, 1 abstain

The first MLR association meeting is to take place December 14, 2011 at 7:00 pm.

Remote Participation:
Adoption of 29.10 of Massachusetts Open Meeting Laws would allow remote participation of board members at a posted meeting. This would aid in acquiring a quorum. Mr. Fenner moved to adopt 29.10. Mr. Doty seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Pasture road Association:
The selectmen’s office received bills from 2010 for payment. The accountant cannot pay bills from a previous fiscal year. Mr. Doty said that the bills must be submitted in a timely manner and will not recommend allowing being on town warrant.
Mr. Fenner moved to approve payment of invoice # 5937 for $106.25 was from this October, And to approve $1,400 for the estimated road work for FY2013. Mr. Doty seconded the motion.
SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

The selectmen’s office received a request from the Distributed Antennae System installer to store 2 roll offs and work trucks at the top of the hub site area off Tabor house land fill. Mr. Doty moved to approve this request. Mr. Mayhew seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

The selectmen’s office received a request from the Harris family of 2 Gosnold Road to be allowed to install a 1.2 mega watts solar array on their property.
Mr. Doty said this is ten times larger than the solar array the town intends to have at the town landfill. Mr. Doty recommended inviting them to a future selectmen’s meeting for further discussion.

Solar RFP:
Mr. Doty moved to authorize spending $1,000.00 to aid the Executive Secretary in moving
forward in the process for the RFP for a Chilmark solar array. Mr. Mayhew seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Squibnocket Stairs:
The selectmen’s office received a single bid for the RFQ sent out for making and installing steel stairs at Squibnocket. DECA bid $9,999.00 the beach department has $10,000.00 allotted for the job. Mr. Doty moved to award DECA the job. Mr. Mayhew seconded the motion.
SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Selectmen accepted the Human Resource Board of Chilmark recommendation of 3% cost of living increase.

Mr. Doty asked for Nan Doty to receive selectmen endorsement to talk to users of the CCC to coordinate parking improvements for the coming season. Mr. Fenner moved this endorsement. Mr. Mayhew seconded the motion SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

9:55pm Chairman Fenner moved to not return to regular session and to move to executive session for litigation strategy. Doty: Aye, Fenner: Aye, Mayhew: Aye.

Minutes respectfully submitted by Diana DeBlase