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Selectmen's Meeting Minutes 11/15/11

 Chilmark Board of Selectmen November 15, 2011 Meeting Minutes
Present: Frank Fenner, Warren Doty, Jonathan Mayhew, Tim Carroll, Jonathan Revere,
Emily Day, Melanie Becker, Jennifer Christy, Frank Yeomans, Richard Sullivan, Lori Pfingst.
Minutes from October 11, 2011 were reviewed with corrections made. Mr. Doty moved to approve minutes as corrected. Mr. Fenner seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 2 Ayes,
1 Abstain (Mr. Mayhew did not attend Oct. 11, 2011 meeting)
Minutes from October 18, 2011 were reviewed with corrections made. Mr. Doty moved to approve minutes as corrected. Mr. Mayhew seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes
Audit Report:
Richard Sullivan presented the selectmen with his report on the examination of fiscal year 2011 financial statements. Treasurer Melanie Becker and accountant Emily Day are the primary contacts that the auditor worked with. Mr. Sullivan said the accountant and treasurer were very timely with the FY2011 closure.
Mr. Sullivan and his company Powers & Sullivan were very satisfied with the financial management of town of Chilmark by Mrs. Day and Mrs. Becker.
The Town of Chilmark has 18 million in assets with 5.5 million debts outstanding. The debt includes loans for the Pier connector, MLR affordable housing units, School renovations…
Powers & Sullivan recommend written protocol to retrieve offsite computer backups. This is in case of an emergency causing loss of Town Hall.
Mr. Yeomans said he was 100% satisfied with the audit that Powers & Sullivan have completed for the town of Chilmark.
Coleman CR:
The selectmen received notice from the Assessors Office of the intent for the Coleman property to be placed in Conservation Restrictions. The Conservation Commission has already signed the CR. They are looking for signatures from the Chilmark Board of Selectmen and the Secretary of Energy and Environment Affairs.
Mr. Mayhew said he is opposed to not getting public access when a trail connection becomes available. Chairman Fenner recommended postponing this to the next Selectmen’s meeting December 6, 2011.
Clay Rights:
Mr. Doty recommended to discuss clay rights jointly with assessors at a future meeting with Ron Rappaport.
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State Primary:
Town clerk Jennifer Christy presented the selectmen with a request for their input about the H1972 act, regulating election primaries. With adoption of the H1972 act the Presidential primaries would be combined causing cost savings. The H1972 would save Chilmark approximately $500.00 in payroll wages.
Mr. Mayhew moved to support H1972. Mr. Doty seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes
Town’s treasurer Melanie Becker spoke to the selectmen about the Bond Anticipation Note for the Pier Connector project. Mrs. Becker said that the BAN will come due February 15, 2012. The amount of bonds $1.3 million is the figure to finance. Mrs. Becker expects the Financing on the Bond loan to be 2%.
Mr. Doty moved to seek bonding for the $1.3 million and to schedule as Mrs. Becker sees fit. Mr. Mayhew seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes
Mrs. Becker spoke to the selectmen on the updates to the Cape Cod Municipal Health Group changes. The CCMHG is moving forward to accepting section 21-23 of Chapter 69. This change to municipal health plans will begin July 1, 2012.
The town will have to form IAC (insurance advisory committee) and a PEC (public employee committee) and create a schedule of meetings and agendas.
Mrs. Becker is attending a meeting 11/17/11 and will have a more up to date plan to share with the town.
The selectmen received USCG license for extension of floating dock area. Mr. Doty moved to approve license and sign. Mr. Mayhew seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes selectmen signed the lease agreement
Chairman Fenner requested a written update on the Harbor Improvements List for the selectmen to review and to have Mr. Jason attend the next Board of Selectmen meeting.
Selectmen discussed seeking a recommendation from Kent Healy to fix washout on the access road area behind Camille’s shack.
Mr. Carroll said the wave wall repair project has received two quotes; the lower price is from John Packer. Mr. Packer will meet with Kent Healy and Mr. Carroll at the site to discuss the plan. Mr. Packer has asked for a deposit check of $4,000.00 for the materials. Mr. Doty moved to approve this deposit expense. Mr. Mayhew seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes
Selectmen discussed the waterline repairs to the channel side of the west dock. A recommendation agreed upon was when the USCG has a trench dug for the new boathouse Chilmark should put conduit or a 2” hose in to the trench for future use.
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Harbor continued:
Mr. Doty discussed the need for completion of a section of asphalt on the west dock.
Mr. Carroll said there is no money for this project completion at this time. The asphalt plant is closed until spring; this will be addressed at a later date.
Mr. Fenner said the gangway for the dock needs to be installed as soon as possible. The electrical pedestals at some slips need repairs. These topics will all be further discussed and addressed in the December 6th Board of Selectmen meeting.
Mr. Carroll talked about the dredging project update for the Menemsha harbor. The conservation commission will meet 11/16/11 to take action on the conservation portion of the permit.
Mr. Doty spoke on behalf of the shellfish committee about moving scallop seed from Nashaquitsa to Menemsha pond. The shellfish department has proposed paying $25.00 per hour for the seed moving. This wage would come from the seed purchase funds. The shellfish constable will not need to purchase seed this year because of the good seed set.
Mr. Doty moved to approve the plan to move scallop seed from Nashaquitsa to Menemsha Pond as proposed by the shellfish department. Mr. Mayhew seconded the motion.
SO VOTED: 3 Ayes
The selectmen’s office received a notice from Real Recycling for Massachusetts requesting the selectmen to support (no change) curb side recycling and not to support the proposed bottle bill.
Mr. Doty recommended taking no action. Mr. Fenner moved to support this request and not support the proposed bottle bill. Mr. Mayhew seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 2 Ayes, 1 Nay
Mr. Carroll has provided the selectmen with a copy of the Aquinnah RFP for a solar array. This is an example of the RFP we will want to send out for the town of Chilmark. The selectmen would like to draft this for Chilmark and to have Ron Rappaport take a look at it for the Dec. 6th BOS meeting.
Historical Commission:
The historical commission reviewed the draft (15% of plans) plans for the USCG boathouse at their meeting held Oct. 25, 2011. The following are the concerns that the Historical commission sent to Chilmark selectmen and the USCG;
Several key design issues of concern to the Historical Commission members are:
the overall increase in scale of building in small historic harbor
the increased length, and height which is beyond our current bylaw
the second floor and the many windows
first floor windows that should replicate the old double-hung, 6 over 6 windows
exterior lighting and pollution of light from many windows
louvered dormer windows
scale of the proposed boat ramp and dock
height of the boathouse door

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Historical Commission continued...
Mr. Carroll will add the recommendation about decreasing length of the 53 foot dock.
The selectmen’s office received requests from individuals for appointments to the following boards:
Donald Poole as Conservation Commission member of the Squibnocket Pond Advisory Committee.
Pam Goff to be a member on the Community Preservation Committee.
Deborah Sillimanwass to be reappointed a Chilmark representative on MV Cultural Council.

Mr. Doty moved to approve all three appointments. Mr. Mayhew seconded the motion.
SO VOTED: 3 Ayes
Board of Health:
The board of health has notified the board of selectmen of a complaint filed about a property located at 16 Wintergreen Way. The property has been inspected by the Chilmark health agent. A report has been sent to property owner Aurora Bank by the board of health. The selectmen recommended Mr. Carroll contacting the Aurora Bank which owns this property and asking if they would be interested in a short sale. If approved 16 Wintergreen Way would be part of our affordable Housing Trust program.
Chilmark Community Center:
The Chilmark Community Center Advisory Committee members are requesting that an RFP be approved for upgrading the CCC. The CCCAC has met with Martha’s Vineyard Film Festival (MVFF) and The Chilmark Town Affairs Council (CTAC summer program organization) each will take part in contributing plans and funding.
The following is a list of discussed upgrades:
New rat slab foundation, replacement of oak floor, insulated sliding/folding partition doors, vestibule airlock, kitchen enlargement and upgrade, mechanical systems upgrade.
Mr. Doty moved to approve advertisement to proceed in the process in CCC upgrades.
Mr. Mayhew seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes
The target date to beginning the upgrades is October 2012. The Town hall will notify persons interested in using CCC of the plans. Diana DeBlase will keep a list of applicants in case the upgrades are postponed.
Mr. Doty moved to adopt the 2009 state model for Design Selection. Mr. Mayhew seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes
Menemsha Parking lot:
Accountant Day has sent a request to selectmen to decide what department to bill for the sand clean up in the Menemsha parking lot after fall storm.
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Menemsha Parking lot Cont…
Mr. Fenner moved to approve paying bill from the selectmen’s maintenance fund. Mr. Mayhew seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes
The Chilmark Library director Ebba Hierta presented an informative meeting on Nov. 9th about Chilmark Library joining the Cape Libraries Automated Materials Sharing. Joining would enable Chilmark to share 1.5 million books videos and audio materials. The budget cost increase yearly is approximately $18,000.00. No action was taken at this time.
Tri Town Ambulance:
The Tri Town Ambulance agreement has been sent to Ron Rappaport for final review prior to Chilmark selectmen signing. The agreement will be on the agenda for the Dec. 6th Board of Selectmen meeting.
Chairman Fenner moved to adjourn. Mr. Mayhew seconded the motion SO VOTED: 3 Ayes
Meeting adjourned at 9:30 pm.
Minutes respectfully submitted by Diana DeBlase. Minutes Approved 12/06/11