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Selectmen's Meeting Minutes 10/18/11

 Chilmark Board of Selectmen October 18, 2011 Meeting Minutes
Present: Frank Fenner, Warren Doty, Jonathan Mayhew, Tim Carroll, Jonathan Revere,
Ron Rappaport, Jim Feiner, Roland Kluver, Judy Jardin, Jane Slater, Pam Goff, Clark Goff,
Geoff Parkhurst, John Armstrong, Isaiah Scheffer, Clare Rabbit, Ms. Defeo, Frank Yeomans,
Paul ”Zeke” Wilkins, Jim Hickey, Remy Tumin.
October 4, 2011 Board of Selectmen draft minutes were reviewed. Mr. Fenner said he would like to remove the entire Annual Town Meeting minutes and the Community Development Strategy minutes stating mentioning them is good but not to have the entire minutes in the board of selectmen minutes. There were spelling corrections made. Mr. Doty moved to approve minutes as amended. Mr. Mayhew seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes
Tea Lane Farmhouse:
Town’s council Ron Rappaport presented the selectmen with his findings concerning the questions that were presented to him on October 11, 2011. Mr. Rappaport said that April 23, 2001 special town meeting had a hand out that summarized the agreement. The Inter-municipal agreement dated 5/1/01 with Martha’s Vineyard Land Bank, the MVLB paying 2 million for 50 acres, Chilmark paying $250,000.00 for the Farmhouse and 3 acres.
In the agreement with the Silva family it is stated that 10 years after the death of Mr. Silva Town can renegotiate use of the farmhouse. Mr. Rappaport said due to the difficult process with no immediate benefits to selling property he kept his work to the option of leasing the Tea Lane farmhouse and property.
First leasing option is to lease to tenant (farmer) for long term with the stipulation that tenant fixes up the farmhouse.
Second leasing option is the town completing minimal safe upgrades and then the tenant doing the rest of the fix up.
With option one a long term lease is necessary, as much as 99 years. With option two a shorter lease is possible, similar strategy as the Middle Line Road land leases.
7:35 pm Todd Christy and Dennis Jason arrive.
Discussion of the future of the Tea Lane Farmhouse continued.
Mr. Mayhew asked what it would take to move forward with the long term lease. Mr. Rappaport said 99 year lease would take a 2/3 vote at town meeting and the shorter lease; majority vote.
Shellfish Constable Isaiah Scheffer presented the selectmen with the recommendations from the shellfish advisory committee for the commercial bay scallop season.
The Commercial Scallop season is set to open November 1, 2011. The limit is two level bushels per day. Quitsa pond CLOSED for all scalloping until December 1, 2011.
Shellfish Continued:
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Mr. Doty said that the shellfish committee has decided that anyone scallop fishing in Quitsa will be requested to help move seed.
A recreational oyster season is to open November1, 2011, with a limit of ½ bushel per week.
A Commercial Oyster season is proposed to open December 5, 2011 in the Tisbury Great Pond with a limit of 2 bushels per day Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday only. There will be a mandatory shellfish meeting for any commercial oyster fishermen November 30, 2011.
Constable Scheffer said this is a management meeting to familiarize oystermen to the area and requirements.
Mr. Mayhew moved to approve all of the recommendations listed here tonight from the shellfish committee. Mr. Doty seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes
Squibnocket Pond:
Mr. Carroll said the selectmen have received a memo from the conservation officer regarding the permit for access to the pond. The permit is still open. Mr. Fenner said the suggestions that the selectmen gave were not desirable to the conservation commission.
Mr. Scheffer said that Mike Sislo said if he can not access the pond he will not be able to test and he will close the pond. Selectmen asked Mr. Scheffer to invite conservation officer Chuck Hodgkinson to the next shellfish committee meeting to discuss the access to Squibnocket Pond.
Harbor Master Boat:
Harbor Master Dennis Jason spoke to the selectmen at length about his concerns that the present harbor boat is not sufficient. The 15 foot semi rigid inflatable is too short to aid in a rescue that would need a stretcher. The boat as it is now is not safe because the patch work that was done a few years ago is no longer holding. The consensus was to transfer the motor from the 15 footer and purchase an 18 foot semi inflatable.
The $6,500.00 that was approved at special town Meeting to repair existing boat would be reserved to help purchase 18 footer. The estimated cost of the 18 footer is approximately $20,000.00. Mr. Jason said he would research and have an appropriate boat specifications prepared for the annual town meeting in April.
Harbor Walk Through:
September 28, 2011 selectmen did a walk around Menemsha Harbor with Dennis Jason and Tim Carroll as they do every year. Chairman Fenner prepared a list prepared of repairs needed. Dennis said he spoke to Cole Powers about rusted power stations and out of date pedestal boxes. The loose step on stairs beside Broderick’s has been stabilized by Dennis and Seth is going to do the repair on the step soon. Dennis said the remainder of the repairs will be worked on this winter.
Discussion moved to dredging for extending the floating dock. Selectmen said rocks that contractor put in during the pier connector project need to be removed. Selectmen asked that Mr. Carroll apply for a permit for this dredging with the DEP and that dredging moves forward for this season.
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Liability Insurance for Marina:
Liability coverage for the marina policy was only at $500,000. Selectmen discussed the policy and decided the liability coverage will be raised to $1 million with an excess of $ 1 million coverage. This coverage will cost $2605.00
Tri Town Ambulance:
Chief “Zeke” Wilkins asked that the selectmen appoint Mr. Josh Hallett to the 40 hour EMT position. This is the position that the selectmen approved advertising for. Mr. Mayhew moved to appoint Mr. Hallett to this EMT position. Mr. Doty seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes
Chief Wilkins requested permission from the selectmen to advertise for the 30 hour EMT position and the assistant chief position as well. Mr. Doty moved to approve of this advertisement for both positions. Mr. Mayhew seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes
Mr. Doty said that the next Tri-Town Ambulance committee meeting will be held here in Chilmark with the tri town selectmen to finalize the tri town ambulance contract. Mr. Doty asked that Chief Wilkins attend this meeting October 27, at 7:00pm.
Middle Line Road:
Mr. Doty has been meeting with Duke County Regional Housing Authority to finalize the rental management agreement. The contract has been reviewed by town council and Mr. Doty asks that the selectmen approve this contract. Mr. Doty moved to approve the contract. Mr. Fenner seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 2 Ayes, 1 abstain (Mr. Mayhew)
Construction of the MLR rental duplexes is 99.5% complete. It is estimated that the remainder of the punch list will cost $9,000.00
There will be an Open House at site 8 in MLR housing development on October 29, 2011 from 10:00 – Noon. The tenants are set to move in November 1, 2011.
Mr. Doty said we will keep pushing Comcast to use the conduit that is in place and wire the rental units for internet access.
Chilmark Community Center:
Selectmen have received a request from Georgia Morris of Media Voices for Children / Galen Films to use the Chilmark Community Center for another fund raiser for Kenyan Education Fund. All proceeds from this will go directly to The African Network For The Protection And Prevention Against Child Abuse And Neglect. Islanders have been donating to this fund for 8 years now and Ms. Morris plans to show the results of their generosity at this fundraiser. This November 26, 2011 is the proposed date for this event. Mr. Doty moved to approve the use of the Community Center for this fund raiser with waiving the rental fee as long as the cleaning deposit of $200.00 is received. Mr. Mayhew seconded the motion SO VOTED: 3 Ayes
Chilmark Community Center Continued…
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Selectmen received a request from Elizabeth Bradley to hold Chilmark community school lunches on the following dates: 10/21/11, 1/20/12, 4/27/12, and 6/8/12. The set up would begin at 10:30am and clean up 2:00pm. Mr. Doty moved to approve these community school lunch requests. Mr. Mayhew seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes
Selectmen received a request from Caitlin Cook to hold dance / movement classes for preschool children. She would hold these classes Thursdays at 3:00pm for an 8 week trial period at the Community Center. She respectfully asked that the fee for the center be waived so she can make the classes affordable for parents. She will charge approximately $5.00 per class.
Mr. Carroll recommended that Ms. Cook contact Principal Stevens to confirm the use on Thursdays as this is a Gym day at the CCC for Chilmark School. Ms. Cook said she would sweep before and after this class. Mr. Doty moved to waive rental fee and cleaning deposit and approve this request. Mr. Mayhew seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes
Geoff Parkhurst spoke to the selectmen about the abrupt changes that have happened at MVTV.
The resignation of Denny Wortman and Julianne Turner has set things in a twist but the continuity of the programming will continue as reformation of the organization takes place. The organization will aggressively look for a new station manager. MVTV will keep Chilmark selectmen updated on the progress of clarifying the stations mission and bylaws.
Nabs Corner:
James Feiner is here to observe discussion of the access to the Turner Lots. Mr. Feiner said he would grant easement over property so the town would not have to build a 230 foot road. Mr. Feiner would like to have variants granted to have a .98 acre parcel for affordable housing for the remainder 3 acres of parcel for a buildable lot. Selectmen do not have opinion at this time and will wait till the ZBA meeting scheduled for October 26th on this issue.
Mr. Carroll will schedule the towns Auditors Powers and Sullivan to attend the November 15, 2011 meeting at 7:00pm. Mr. Carroll will invite FINCOM to attend.
Vineyard Open Land Foundation owns the beach they have issues concerning the liability of the use off season. Mr. Carroll said the beach department is closed at this time and we cannot offer assistance in keeping people from walking through the V.O.L.F. projects and Tribe archeological sites. The VOLF has proposed to create a lease for the town from the parking lot to the mussel beds. Mr. Carroll asked if this was something to pursue in conversation. Selectmen agreed to have conversations about this and make decisions at a later date.
Town Committee:
Mr. Carroll will contact committee members and will meet at some point from December 5-15 2011.
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Mr. Doty requested to have a list of the roads we expect ComCast service installed. This will be part of our renewing the contract. Roads discussed were MLR, Quansoo Road, Quenames Road, off Meetinghouse etc. Mr. Carroll asked that the selectmen look at the maps he has out on the office table to be sure all the roads are included.
Community Preservation Committee:
Mr. Carroll said that the CPC is down to 7 members of a 9 member board. They would like everyone to try and solicit new members.
Jonathan Mayhew volunteered to be the selectmen representation on the board of the Squibnocket Pond District Advisory Committee. Mr. Fenner moved to approve of Mr. Mayhew for this position. Mr. Doty seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes
Pond Access:
Mr. Carroll will peruse acquiring information on pond access with Jimmy Morgan and Louis Larsen.
Chilmark Community Center:
Coco Adams requests the use of the CCC for a flea market on November 5, 2011. Mr. Doty moved to approve this request. Mr. Mayhew seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes
Mr. Fenner moved to recess this meeting till 3:30pm October 19, 2011. Mr. Mayhew seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes
Meeting recessed at 9:56 pm.
Minutes respectfully submitted by Diana DeBlase. Minutes Approved 11/15/11