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Selectmen's Meeting Minutes 08/16/11

 Chilmark Board of Selectmen August 16, 2011 Meeting Minutes
Present: Frank Fenner, Warren Doty, Jonathan Mayhew, Tim Carroll, Jonathan Revere,
Todd Christy, Elizabeth Elwell, Brian Cioffi, Bill Straw, Christine Flynn, Ann Wallace,
Mr. & Mrs. Pease, Paul Wilkins, Tracy Jones, Joseph Andred, Emily Day,
Remy Tumin, Jim Hickey,
7:30 pm. Chairman Fenner called the meeting to order in the selectmen’s meeting room
Draft minutes from August 2, 2011 board of selectmen meeting were reviewed. Mr. Doty had one change. Mr.Mayhew moved to approve minutes with amendment. Mr. Doty seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes
MV Commission:
Christine Flynn of the MVC presented the selectmen a request to fund town share of island housing survey. The Chilmark housing committee supports the MVC in the survey for housing needs assessment for Martha’s Vineyard. Ms. Flynn explained that if all of the towns pay their portions the fee is reduced to $2,700.00.
Mr. Doty moved to endorse this request if the other 5 towns approve and recommended seeking $2,700.00 from CPC funds. Mr. Mayhew seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes
MLR OPM update:
Mr. Fenner gave a summary of the report and status of rental units’ progress at the MLR rental duplex project. The project is within budget and should be completed by the end of August.
Mr. Doty said he is very grateful for the extra efforts that Frank LoRusso and Frank Fenner have given during this project, hours and hours of vigilant and demanding over-sight.
MLR Rental Application Process:
Todd Christy spoke of the application process for the MLR Rental Duplexes. DCRHA will be our rental managers. The DCRHA will be reviewing applications for the units at MLR. Mr. Christy said that the deadline for applications will be August 25, 2011.
MLR Roads II & Fire Tank:
The MLR finish road work bids are due August 24, 2011 before 4:30pm. The sealed bids will be opened by Selectmen and Mr. Carroll and Chuck Hodgkinson for review. There will be a posting for awarding to follow.
Mr. Carroll spoke of the fire suppression tank; quotes have been coming in so far: $24,000 to $94,000 and we are waiting for 2 more quotes.
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Dredging in Chilmark Pond:
Mary Jane Pease requested that the selectmen support the dredging of the most westerly section “interns’ creek” from Pease’s Brook in the Chilmark Pond. Selectmen Fenner recommended that the Pease’s call on Chuck Hodgkinson the Chilmark conservation officer, and to have an estimate of the cost of the project.
Mrs. Pease said the Pond Association has the means to cover the cost of the project. Mr. Doty asked if the project could be completed with an excavator or dredge. Mrs. Pease said an excavator. Mr. Mayhew is in favor of getting the excavating done soon. Mr. Fenner would like to look at the site and include the conservation officer as well. Mr. Mayhew would be willing to look at this as well.
Solar Project:
Bill Straw who is a Tisbury representative to Cape, Vineyard Electric Co-op, presented the selectmen with information and endorsement to join CVEC. Mr. Straw said that one of the differences from Vineyard Power and CVEC is that CVEC is for municipalities only. The proceeds go to the town to manage verses the VP when there are proceeds they will be sent to the share holder. The cost to join the CVEC is $25.00. Mr. Fenner thanked Mr. Straw for the presentation. No action was taken
Police Department:
Chief Cioffi asked that the selectmen approve of assigning officer Elwell coordinator Liaison with computer soft wear vendors.This project will be cost neutral to the island police departments. Mr. Doty moved to approve the assignment of officer Elwell. Mr. Mayhew seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes
Tri town Ambulance:
Paul “Zeke” Wilkins requests than the selectmen approve paramedic training. Accountant Day supplied financial updates on the Tri Town budget. Mr. Doty moved to approve a warrant article for the STM for up to $4,000.00 for paramedic training. Mr. Mayhew seconded the motion.
SO VOTED: 3 Ayes
Special Town Meeting:
Tim Carroll presented a rough list of items for the warrant for STM:
Tri Town -Paramedic training
Assessors- transfer funds for GIS upgrade
Treasurer- fund Pier Connector Bonding costs.
Treasurer – fund Tax Title budget
FinCom- Compensation plan, consultant
Custodian- Town Hall, Air conditioner pumps
Pre-School –Bathroom inside of classroom.
Harbor – Boat, and dredging projects
The selectmen, executive secretary and accountant discussed these items.
Selectmen Doty said that we will leave $150,000.00 in free cash, and avoid raise and appropriate in this STM.
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Cable TV:
Mr. Carroll said he has received a request from Bill Solomon the lawyer representing the island towns with the Com Cast negotiations. The request is for more money that the original agreed contract. Chairman Fenner recommended seeking recommendation from the Cable Advisory Committee.
Mr. Doty moved to enter into executive session to discuss land acquisition and litigation and not to return to regular session. Mr. Mayhew seconded the motion.
Mr. Doty: Aye, Mr. Fenner: Aye, Mr. Mayhew: Aye 9:30 pm
Meeting adjourned at 10:15 pm
Minutes respectfully submitted by Diana Deblase approved 9/06/11