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Selectmen's Meeting Minutes 02/15/11
Town of Chilmark    Board of Selectmen    February 15, 2011     Meeting Minutes

Present: Warren Doty, Jonathan Mayhew, Frank Fenner, Tim Carroll, Jonathan Revere,
Brian Cioffi, Julienne Turner, Paul “Zeke” Wilkins, Tracy Jones, Randhi Belain, Bill Smith, Dennis Jason, Diane Powers, Vanessa Czarnecki, Jim Hickey, Geoffrey Parkhurst,
Skipper Manter.

January 18, 2011 minutes were reviewed. Mr. Fenner moved to approve minutes with amendments. Mr. Mayhew seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

February 9, 2011 minutes were reviewed Mr. Fenner moved to approve minutes with amendment. Mr. Doty seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 2 Ayes, 1 Abstain (not present at that meeting).

Martha’s Vineyard TV:
Executive Director Julienne Turner presented the project plans and activities that MVTV will be implementing this year. Ms. Turner reported on the survey results that MVTV has received on its current members and inactive members as well. To be an active member $25 dues fees are needed. Mr. Doty asked what MVTV annual revenue is. Ms. Turner said $415,000.00, which is 5% of Com Cast’s revenues.

MVTV needs and assessments are for a larger space with updated technologies. Ms. Turner estimates a cost of $1.4 million. In closing Ms. Turner encourages any Chilmark residents to please contact MVTV with suggestions and questions.

Tri Town Ambulance:
Randhi Belain requested that the Selectmen appoint Paul “Zeek” Wilkins temporary acting chief.
Mr. Mayhew said he is very impressed with Zeek and he hopes all go forward with this request.
Mr. Doty asked how long this appointment would be for. Mr. Belain said 30 days which can be expanded to 60 days.

Mr. Fenner moved to appoint Mr. Wilkins temporary acting chief of the tri town ambulance.
Mr. Mayhew seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Mr. Doty said he has concerns that a good paramedic might not make a financial manager and personnel manager. Mr. Belain said that is the goal; of the hiring process.
Mr. Cioffi said that Zeek has run a long time business on Martha’s Vineyard and manages employees and is well liked in the community.
Mr. Doty said the service to our citizens is terrific, ambulance squad is great but administration needs improvement.

The ambulance committee needs the selectmen to approve the ambulance receipts reserved for appropriation. Mr. Fenner moved to approve with wording amendment to say “and equipment that exceeds the cost of $2,000.00.” Mr. Mayhew seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Harbor Master:
The selectmen reviewed the position description for the harbor master. Mr. Mayhew said he is concerned with setting the requirements too high. With too many credentials required we might miss out on hiring an applicant that we think would be a good fit.

Mr. Jason pointed out that this is a level at what most harbor master positions are required to have. Mr. Doty said if this were in place years ago prior to Mr. Jason being appointed they would not have been able to hire Mr. Jason. Being able to hire a “home grown” harbor master when Mr. Jason retires is desired.

There was extensive review of all the wording of the position description. The Selectmen along with Mr. Jason came up with a total of 6 changes to be made to this draft of the position for harbor master. The selectmen will refer these changes back to the personnel board.

Mr. Fenner asked if Mr. Jason would make a call to the computer program consultant Mr. Nelson, Mr. Jason said he would.
Mr. Fenner said he will also make a follow up call to Mr. Nelson.
Mr. Fenner asked Mr. Jason to make sure the two missing planks on the green dock are replaced as soon as possible. This is prudent due to the construction work beginning on the west dock.

Mr. Carroll said C. White Marine is to begin work on the pier connector project, when would be the best time for the selectmen to meet with the C. White Marine. It was decided that 8:00am on February 24th and every Thursday following at this time would work well.

Mr. Carroll said that the marine insurance inspector Dennis Layfield would be coming to the island to review the damage to the boats involved in the Menemsha fire from July 12, 2010.

Bradley Square:
Selectmen received a letter concerning the Bradley Square housing. The Selectmen response was thank you for letter but we choose to take no action at this time.

DAS update:
Mr. Carroll presented the selectmen with a lease agreement for the hub located at Tabor House Road. This lease has been reviewed and approved by Chilmark’s legal counsel.
Mr. Fenner moved to sign the lease. Mr. Mayhew seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Mr. Carroll presented the selectmen with a lease amendment for the Peaked Hill property. Mr. Fenner moved to sign lease amendment. Mr. Mayhew seconded the motion.
SO VOTED: 3 Ayes, Chairman Doty signed.
Middle Line Road:
Selectmen decided Friday 2/18/11to meet with Seaver Construction managers.
9:05 pm Mr. Fenner moved to go to executive session for contract negotiations and not return to regular meeting. Mr. Mayhew seconded motion. Mr. Fenner: Aye, Mr. Mayhew: Aye, Mr. Doty Aye.              Minutes respectfully submitted by Diana Deblase             Minutes approved 3/1/11