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Selectmen's Meeting Minutes 04/04/06
Draft minutes   Selectmen       April 4th 2006

People present: Warren Doty, Riggs Parker, Frank Fenner, Tim Carroll, Todd Goodell, Dennis Jason, Louie Larsen, Jennie Greene, Noreen Mavro-Flanders, Chuck Noonan (younger).

7:30 PM Called to order in the Selectmen’s meeting room of the town hall by Mr. Fenner..        
Cape Cod Municipal Health Group
        Noreen Mavro-Flanders came before the Selectmen and told them she was the current chair of the CCMHG.  She reviewed the rates for the coming year for health insurance plans.  She went over two letters to the Selectmen regarding the upcoming health benefits fair and the role and responsibility of the Selectmen.  She asked for permission for the staff to attend the fair.
        Ms. Mavvro-Flanders told the Selectmen that she was very concerned about anyone recommending a particular plan to a person.  She requested that the town have employees using the services of Chilmark’s consultant sign a waiver of liability for the town.  She also said that this was a busy time for the CCMHG and the consultant might not find that she receives prompt and complete assistance with her research of the various health plans.
        Ms. Mavro-Flanders told the Selectmen about the Employee Assistance Plan that had been adopted for the county employees.
        Mr. Doty said that he had attended the Howes House presentations by the CCMHG providers and though that an independent not associated with the town or vendors was a good service to provide to the employees at a small cost.  Mr. Doty requested the CCMHG provide a two adult policy instead of a family plan.  Ms. Mavro-Flanders said that had been investigated and could not be done because it would cost as much as a family plan in the end.  Mr. Doty asked the CCMHG to provide a very inexpensive plan so that the volunteer firefighters that are able to buy health insurance at 100% of the premium through the town could have an affordable option.  Ms. Mavro-Flanders said she would look into this and said it had also been requested by the town of Orleans.  It was discussed this might be a type of catastrophic policy.
        Mr. Fenner had questions about Delta Dental and the value of having a plan here on MV Island.  He said that his dentist had dropped processing Delta Dental claims as of April 1st.  Ms. Mavro-Flanders agreed to look into this.

Louie Larsen
        Mr. Larsen came before the board to remind them of the history behind his lot and to tell the board he was interested in wholesale fish buying and the selling of ice.  He asked the Selectmen what they were expecting or wanted for Menemsha.
        Mr. Parker said that he wanted to figure out how to keep Menemsha a fishing port. 1) certainly buy and sell fish and lobsters and shellfish, probably not conch.  Aquaculture might be in our future as well.  2) allow very little processing at the dock.  3) like to see competition, but not encourage stray trucks to buy fish.  4) agreed that a full-time fish dealer should get special consideration.  Mr. Parker said that some of that consideration is the inexpensive leases.  He also said it would be ok with him for Mr. Larsen to supply the ice.
        Mr. Doty said that he did not expect processing at the dock.  He said every buyer should do what they can do.  He said that as some one that used to operate a lot of trucks, he thought they should be able to buy fish also.  He said they might be after conch and sea bass.  He said it would not be a service to the town if they were prohibited from buying at the harbor.  He suggested that the town could possibly regulate that use of the town dock.  He said that there was some benefit to serving the fleet with an independent ice company and not returning to the old system of the markets giving ice to their regulars only.
        They discussed how large an ice machine might be needed.  Mr. Larsen said he was looking at a 3 ton a day salt-water ice machine.  
        They discussed the role the town could take in reporting illegal fish buying to the state and federal government to protect the three fish buyers on the bulkhead from unfair and illegal dealings.  Dennis Jason said that the town cannot condone an illegal act on town facilities.  Mr. Jason said that if Mr. Larsen thinks he can solve our problem then the Selectmen should make exceptions for him.  Mr. Jason said that he was looking for a long term solution, more than just this summer.  Mr. Fenner said that he was expecting the three fish buyers to be a part of that solution.
        Mr. Fenner said he was interested in the boats that regularly fish out of Menemsha, but that it could grow as time passes and based on individual availability.  He said he did not see any fish processing on the dock or bulkhead, besides minor trimming.  He said that those who make the investment in our community should get some protections.  He said the town could regulate fish buying.  He said that his only interest in the town selling ice was if a private business can not do it.  He would like to see someone invest in a three or five ton ice machine.
        Mr. Larsen said that ice is important to the fleet.  The colder you can keep it, the better the quality will be.  His idea of a salt water ice machine would keep fish colder and just needs filtration and not treatment of incoming water.
        Mr. Jason said he was looking for a long term buyer, year-round and not just the summer and shoulder seasons.  He said that good marketing could get a better price for the fish.  Mr. Larsen said he would drive up to Menemsha to unload fish year-round if it was worth his effort.  He said it didn’t make sense to drive up for a box of fluke.
        Mr. Doty said that some processing had traditionally occurred on the dock.  He said swordfish, tuna and striped bass were dressed and that shellfish was shucked there.  Mr. Larsen said he might want to process striped bass and use the gury for lobster bait.  Mr. Larsen said that he would like to help out and buy fish, but if it doesn’t work out, he said he didn’t want to lose his current lot.

Fish Weir
        Karsten Larsen’s request was discussed.  Mr. Doty proposed that Mr. Larsen go through the permit process with the state and come back to the town with a firm application and proposal once the state says what it is willing to permit.  Mr. Parker agreed the Selectmen needed to have a plan first.

Personnel Board
        Jane Greene presented new personnel policies to the Selectmen.  They discussed the FLSA and how salaried and exempt were not inter-changeable words.  Mr Parker said the personnel board worked hard on these policies.  Mr. Fenner thanked them.  Mr. Parker said that employees felt better knowing what these new rules were.

        Mr. Parker presented a draft letter to Messers Goldberg, Andresen and Congdon addressing the status of the West (Filled) Dock project and how it was impacting those slip holders.  Mr. Doty & Mr. Fenner approved the draft.

Harbor Loading Zone
        The selectmen discussed the loading zone with the Harbor Master and that the F/V Janelle was being moved to the channel dock.  The selectmen directed Mr. Jason to develop a plan for two loading zones this summer.

Chris Murphy
        Mr. Murphy called and spoke to Mr. Fenner, Mr. Doty and Mr. Carroll regarding his desire to continue using the creek lot he is assigned.  Mr. Murphy intends to continue fishing from the lot with a skiff, and share the dock with Scott Steven.  Mr. Fenner said that he didn’t want to throw Mr. Murphy off the lot just because medical reasons had slowed him down.  Mr. Doty said precedent existed with Eric Cottle’s lot and Pat Jenkinson.  Mr. Jason disagreed and opposed the renewal of Mr. Murphy’s lease.
        The group discussed the progress being made on the definition of a commercial fisherman by Mr. Doty.  It would incorporate major landings only.  He also said that his draft would currently eliminate some longstanding slip and lot holders.
        Mr. Doty moved and Mr. Parker seconded a motion to reissue a creek lot lease to Chris Murphy.  SO VOTED: Three Ayes.

Municipal Hearing Officer
        Mr. Parker moved and Mr. Doty seconded a motion to appoint Joseph Sollitto Jr. As the Municipal Hearings Officer pursuant to the new decriminalized process for building and fire code violations.  SO VOTED: Three Ayes.

Community Center
        The selectmen agreed to not charge a fee for the use of the sound system for the London wedding.  The board also approved the request of Candy Schweder to locate a tent as described in back of the kitchen for a wedding, pending approval from the Fire and Police Chief.

Board of Health
        The request of the BOH to place a mutual aid agreement on a town meeting warrant was scheduled for the next special town meeting if necessary.

        The selectmen reviewed a matrix written up by Mr. Carroll of various vacancies.  Mr. Doty moved and Mr. Parker seconded a motion to appoint Russell Maloney to the Conservation Commission.  SO VOTED: Three Ayes.
        Mr. Doty moved and Mr. Parker seconded a motion to appoint Virginia Dyer as an Associate Member of the Conservation Commission.  SO VOTED: Three Ayes.
        Mr. Parker moved and Mr. Doty seconded a motion to appoint William Randol as At-Large Member of the Community Preservation Committee.  SO VOTED: Three Ayes.
        The minutes of March 21st were approved as corrected.
        The minutes of March 23rd were approved as written.
        The minutes of March 7th Executive Session were approved as corrected and released to regular session.

        Mr. Parker commended the town of Tisbury for paying the police out of their port fee.

Financial Task Force
        Mr. Parker asked the board to send a letter of thanks to the task force members.  Mr. Fenner and Mr. Doty agreed.

Beach Rules
        Mr. Carroll reported that he had met with Mr. Norton, Mr. Emin and Mrs. Mastromonaco and that they had preliminary discussions.  He expected to have the updated rules by the deadline.

TriTown Ambulance
        The Selectmen discussed the efforts being made to educate the voters in advance of the three Town Meetings regarding the charging for ambulance runs.

Annual Town Meeting
        Mr. Parker asked that Mr. Carroll have his explanation sheet ready by the 18th for the Selectmen to review.     

Plan for Middle Line Road
        The board agreed to forward the legal advice from Ron Rappaport to the Housing Committee for their review.  Mr. Doty proposed a workshop meeting with the Housing Committee and interested people to work out the issues.  It was agreed to have a special meeting before the 18th meeting if the remaining legal opinions arrive.

Dog Attack
        Mr. Parker moved and Mr. Doty seconded a motion to pursue transferring the forfeited Dog Bond posted by Sascha Wlodyka to Alan Healy and help him obtain reimbursement from the county dog fund to help address his loss of sheep and other expenses incurred by the attack of Ms. Wlodyka’s two dogs.  SO VOTED: Three Ayes.

Meeting was adjourned at 10:04 PM.