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Selectmen's Meeting Minutes 6/06/06
Draft MINUTES           Chilmark Board of Selectmen                     June 6th 2006

Present:        Riggs Parker, Wrren Doty, Frank Fenner, Tim Carroll, Jonathan Revere, Wendy Weldon, Spider Andresen, Joanie Ames, Rusty Walton, Ernie Weiss, Art Nelson, Marc Hanover.

Meeting Called to order at 7:34 PM by Chairman Parker in the Selectmen’s Meeting Room.

Water Quality
        Joanie Ames conducted a power-point presentation on water quality that focused on nitrogen loading of our coastal ponds and its affect on the island ecology and economy.  It lasted twenty minutes and suggested that the effects of development in West Tisbury in the past twenty years would be felt on the Lagoon Pond shortly.  It advocated shellfish as a method of reducing nitrogen, as well as special septic/sewage treatment systems.

        Art Nelson demonstrated the Access based Harbor Management software he was developing for the town.  Mr. Parker credited Ernie Weiss for the creation of the beach sticker computer system and asked for his help to create a system for the harbor.  This system will track all revenue and the utilization of resources in the harbor to provide better management and oversight.

Woodshole, Martha’s Vineyard & Nantucket Steamship Authority
        Marc Hanover, governing board member, came before the selectmen on his annual visit.  He reported that fuel costs are up $1 million.  He says that Captains have been slowing down their speed and so far they have saved 34,000 gallons of fuel at a cost of five minutes per trip.  He said they hope to save 150,000 gallons of fuel.
        He reported that the three freight boats have been made 33% larger and are all standardized now.  The M/V Island Home will be launched in July and be delivered in November.  That will make the M/V Islander and M/V Governor extra next year.  Mr. Hanover said they hope to have a new fast ferry for Nantucket by next spring and they are selling the M/V Flying Cloud.
        The Selectmen discussed the new bill pending before the legislature with Mr. Hanover.  Mr. Parker suggested that the Selectmen write their legislators opposing the bill.  Mr. Fenner moved and Mr. Doty seconded a motion to adopt Mr. Parker’s draft letter and send it to the local legislators.  SO VOTED: Three Ayes.  Mr. Parker said copies of this letter should be sent to all and sundry.     

Olga Hompson
        The request of Olga Thompson for permission to place a Mimossa Tree in the North Road triangle was referred to a sub committee of Mr. Fenner and the Superintendent of Streets for their review and approval.

Personnel Board

        The Personnel Board recommended increasing the base pay of the Tax Collector and Town Clerk by one hour a week.  This was to compensate them for the average extra time worked in a given year that, until their designation by the Personnel Board and Selectmen as Salaried Exempt employees this spring, they had taken as time off.  Mr. Fenner moved and Mr. Doty seconded a motion to adopt the Personnel Board’s recommendation and to seek funding at the Special Town Meeting in September.  SO VOTED: Three Ayes.

Highway Department Staffing
        The Superintendent of Streets reported that his two seasonal employees have been out with serious health issues and he has not been able to replace them.  He has determined he can not complete the necessary trash pickup and roadside cutting/trimming unless he is allowed to pay himself for extra hours from the seasonal salary line this month.  He requested permission to pay himself for extra hours to do the work traditionally done by the seasonal employees for this month.  Mr. Doty moved and Mr. Fenner seconded a motion to approve this request.  SO VOTED: Three Ayes.  Mr. Carroll said he would inform the FINCOM.
Beach Regulations
        The Selectmen discussed the reprinted regulations from the Beach Department.  Mr. Doty moved and Mr. Fenner seconded a motion to amend the regulations to read “No traditional clambakes between June 15th and Labor Day at Menemsha or Squibnocket Beaches.  SO VOTED: Three Ayes.

Public Record Request - Jim Zisson
        Mr. Parker announced that at the advice of Town Counsel the town was addressing Mr. Zisson’s questions as a public records request and had sent him a letter to that effect.
        Spider Andresen asked if the Selectmen can prohibit boats over seventy-five feet if the town has accepted state or federal funds for the harbor.

Recycling Request
        Mr. Doty moved and Mr. Fenner seconded a motion to recommend and endorse the request of Julian Wise (to be allowed to assist an 8 year old collect and turn in returnable cans and bottles at the town beaches) to the Beach Committee with the hope that they will approve it for Squibnocket and Lucy Vincent Beaches.        SO VOTED: Three Ayes.

Annual Appointments to Committees

Mr. Fenner moved and Mr. Doty seconded a motion to reappoint David Flanders a Member of the Conservation Commission.  SO VOTED: Three Ayes
Mr. Doty moved and Mr. Fenner seconded a motion to reappoint Virginia Dyer Associate Member of the Conservation Commission.  SO VOTED: Three Ayes.

Mr. Doty moved to reappoint Zoning Board of Appeals Members Chris Murphy & Peter Knight and Associate Members Wendy Weldon and Barbara Armstrong.  Mr. Fenner said he could not second that motion.  Mr. Parker seconded the motion for discussion.  Mr. Fenner said that the Selectmen should seriously consider the recommendations of the Zoning Board of Appeals Chairman to move Mr. Murphy to Associate membership and Ms. Weldon to full Membership.  Mr. Doty said that this is a very unusual request and the first time it has happened in the years he has been a Selectman.  Mr. Doty said that this was clearly about a particular hearing and a particular member’s vote.  Mr. Doty said that the committee is divided on that issue, but to not reappoint would be wrong.  Mr. Fenner said that he has spoken to all the members except two on the Zoning Board of Appeals and they were in agreement with the recommendation.  Mr. Parker said that it was wrong for the Selectmen to assume why the chairman recommended what he did.  He said that the Selectmen need to honor the hard work and dedication of the chairman.  He then said that the Selectmen should also honor the members and ask them to meet standards of performance to be reappointed.  Mr. Parker said that since the Selectmen have not established any standards yet, we should reappoint.
        Mr. Parker called for a vote.  Mr. Fenner said that since his son-in-law is Peter Knight he should abstain from the vote.  SO VOTED: Two Ayes One Abstention.

The following appointments were made by the Selectmen:

Housing Committee                               William Randol
                                                Andrew Goldman

Community Preservation Committee                Warren Doty
                                                William Randol
                                                Karin Wetmore

Beach Committee                         Leslie Weiss
                                                Elizabeth Zane
                                                Arlene Wise
                                                Judith Herman
Ian Fein

Community Center Advisory Committee     Kathie Carroll
                                                Jules Worthington

TriTown Ambulance Committee             Mary Murphy Boyd

Historical Commission                   Barbara Armstrong                       2009
                                                John Flender                            2009

Park & Recreation Committee             Andrew Goldman
                                                Alexander Preston
                                                Jane Slater
                                                J. B. Riggs Parker
                                                Timothy R. Carroll

Harbor Advisory Committee                       Alexander Preston
                                                Everett Poole
                                                James D. Morgan
Paul H. Mayhew
Scott McDowell
                                                Gregory Mayhew
                                                Louis Stanley Larsen

Mooring Assignment Committee            Alexander Preston
                                                J. B. Riggs Parker
                                                Harbor Master

Personnel Board                         Maxwell McCreery                        2009

The terms of appointment for the Zoning Board of Appeals was determined by drawing paper lots.  Chris Murphy expiring 2008 & Peter Knight expiring 2009.  This was done to put the terms of the ZBA back into compliance with the five year rotation.

Executive Secretary
        Mr. Parker asked the Selectmen to revisit their policy on allowing the Executive Secretary to respond to emergencies.  Mr. Fenner said that Mr. Carroll was trained for emergencies and was an officer on the fire department and that it was in the best interests of the town to have him respond.  Mr. Doty and Mr. Parker concurred.

Selectmen’s Schedule
        The July 4th Selectmen’s meeting was canceled for the holiday.  It will be rescheduled if necessary.

Bug Infestation
        Mr. Fenner spoke about the worms eating all the leaves off of trees in town.  There was general discussion about possible treatments and outcomes of spraying trees.  Mr. Carroll reported the concerns of Doctor Thorpe.  The Selectmen agreed to have the large Oak Tree at the Community Center and the two Elm Trees at the Police Station sprayed immediately.


The minutes of May 10th 2006 approves as presented.
The minutes of May 11th 2006 approved as corrected.
The minutes of May 16th 2006 approved as corrected.

Meeting adjourned at 8:48 PM.