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Selectmen's Meeting Minutes 02/14/06
Chilmark Board of Selectmen             Minutes                 February 14th 2006

People in attendance:   Frank M. Fenner, Jr., J. B. Riggs Parker, Warren M. Doty, Tim Carroll, Dennis Jason, Jonathan Revere, Mark A. Lovewell, Nelson Sigelman, Jane Slater, Andy Goldman, Stanley Larsen, Jonathan Mayhew, Sergeant Klaren, Steve Larsen, Keith Emin, Marshall Carroll, Denny Jason, Jim Morgan, Karsten Larsen, I. Scheffer, Steven Larsen, Lev & Jennifer Wlodyka, John Armstrong, Louis S. Larsen, Louis Larsen, Scott McDowell, Chris Yeomans, Emmett Carroll, Willy Whiting.

2:30 p.m. meeting called to order by Mr. Fenner Selectmen’s Meeting Room.

2:40 PM.  Mr. Carroll Arrived.

Menemsha Harbor- Commercial Fish Buyer
        Karsten Larsen expressed his displeasure with the Selectmen going to an out of state fish buyer before talking to the local people involved in commercial fishing.  He said that he and three others were engaged in this business and that the Selectmen were adversely impacting his livelihood by bringing in an out of state company.
        Mr. K. Larsen suggested a Commercial Fish Board to address these major issues affecting the local fishing fleet.  Mr. Parker said that there was a committee to redefine what a commercial fisherman was, but that it had not come to an agreement on a new definition yet.
        The group discussed process and public participation.  Mr. Parker said they were trying to preserve Menemsha as a fishing port.  The Selectmen asked Mr. Larsen what he was going to do this year.  He said he was going to buy fish and he was going to have his license shortly.  Mr. Fenner said that the whole reason everyone was here was to make Menemsha survive, to make our fleet survive, to work together on these.  He said we need a reliable market that pays reasonably for at least the local people and small boats.  Mr. K. Larsen said that putting more businesses in Menemsha was cutting the throats of the existing businesses.
        Dennis Jason said that last Summer the Selectmen asked him to ways to improve the situation.  He thought that an island-wide fish buyer was needed and he asked Mr. Kevin Conroy about it.  Mr. Jason questioned Mr. Larsen about him being a fish hauler in stead a fish buyer.
        Louis S. Larsen (younger) said he tried to buy in Menemsha, but that he found fishermen were difficult, the town took away a forty foot loading zone, and he had trouble with fishermen self reporting the number of lobsters they put in his tanks.  He said he was interested in helping, but that this was the first he had heard of the need.
        The group talked about how the town had the resources and location to facilitate commercial fishing at the harbor.  How far this could be taken given federal and state regulations,  fish gurry, and sewering was not clear.  It was discussed that fish processing could not be done in Menemsha nor could fish be commingled.  Mr. L. Larsen said if they bring the fish to Vineyard Haven, he would buy their fish at the Net Result.  
        Mr. Doty asked if it was the consensus of the group to have the Selectmen lay back and see how it goes this coming year.  There was no comment, and then Mr. Morgan said “No, we need a dependable fish buyer”.  Mr. Louis Larsen (elder) said that Mr. Morgan was no longer commercial fishing.  Jonathan Mayhew said that made him a good spokesperson.  The group discussed having a schedule that some one would be at the harbor to buy fish for the Net Result.
        Stanley Larsen said that competition was the best thing for commercial fishing.  He urged attendance at a Co-Op meeting on March 22nd here at the Town Hall.  He said only so much money can be made here.  He said that his customers want more than just our local fish.  He said it was the bureaucracy that is killing these businesses.  He said we need to develop our own markets.  He said he imports salmon and mussels.  He said he is a survivor and he will get through and process fish.  He said he was buying fish and shellfish the first year.  He said he is working at being licensed to wholesale buy again.

        Mr. Fenner agreed that the regulations make it difficult for fish buying.  He asked if anyone else wanted to speak.  Karsten Larsen asked permission to park a reefer truck on his bulkhead lot for fish buying.  Mr. Doty said he would support it if it was a good fish buying service.  The need for utilities and a concrete pad were discussed.  Mr. Fenner asked if there was anything else.
        Mr. Doty said that the lack of ice for commercial fishing boats was a problem people had mentioned and asked it was possible, should the town work to get a building and an ice machine to serve the fleet.  Scott McDowell asked if the town would charge for the ice and Mr. Doty said yes.  Louis S. Larsen (younger) said he could put a machine in his lobster building.  Jonathan Larsen said it was an interesting concept.

Meeting Recessed at 3:40 PM

Meeting Called To Order at 4:00 PM

Menemsha Harbor - West (Filled) Dock Repair Project Bids
        Mr. Parker opened three bids for the steel project.  They were:
C. White Marine         $471,470.00
RDA Marine                      $448,524.00
AGM Marine Contractors  $539,000.00

        The bids opened on Friday at 4:00 PM for the concrete floats were:
C. White Marine         $193,930.00
RDA Marine                      $193,524.00
AGM Marine Contractors  $158,800.00

Mr. Carroll reported that the reference checks for AGM & RDA were favorable.  Mr. Fenner said to call and ask AGM how much a change order to widen the aluminum ramp to four feet would cost.  The board said to confirm the schedule with AGM & RDA.  It was agreed to table the award of the bids until 7:00 PM Wednesday February 15th before the joint meeting with the FINCOM on the budget.

Mr. Doty asked about using free cash to reduce the borrowing.  The board agreed to discuss that and the bottom line of the budget on Wednesday.

Meeting Adjourned at 4:30 PM.