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Selectmen's Meeting Minutes 12/05/05
Chilmark Board of Selectmen             Minutes                 December 5th 2005

People in attendance:   Frank M. Fenner, Jr., J. B. Riggs Parker, Warren Doty, Tim Carroll, Jonathan Revere, Mark Lovewell, Nelson Smith, Winn Davis, Brent Bandy, Steve Gallas, Chuck Hodgkinson, Richard Williams.

7:30 p.m. meeting called to order by Mr. Fenner

Dukes County    
        The County Manager, Winn Davis, thanked the Selectmen for having him and County Commissioner Nelson Smith to visit the board.  He said that the Dukes County Commissioners had voted to make at least two visits a year to each of the island board of Selectmen.  He told the board the activities of the county.
        Mr. Parker asked questions about the costs of the lawsuit between the Airport Commission and the County Commission.  Mr. Davis said that the legal fees had been paid right along, that the salary amounts in question were being held in airport accounts, and that only the issue of treble damages was unfunded at this time.  He went on to say that the judge had died recently, and the County was seeking to have the treble damages overturned.
        Mr. Fenner questioned the county budget.  He requested that the Sheriff’s budget be produced for public inspection.  Mr. Davis said that the state funded that budget and he did not have it.  Mr. Parker suggested that the Sheriff submit a copy to the County Manager since it was a public record.
        Mr. Fenner asked what the time line was for the appointment of a new airport manager.  Mr. Davis said there was a meeting scheduled for this Wednesday and a vote on finalists might occur.  He said he expected it to be completed by mid January.
        Mr. Doty said that the airport dispute appears to outsiders and the public to be an inside fight.  They think that cost lots of money and was stupid.  It has taken a toll on the county’s reputation.
        Mr. Davis explained how the Health Council was doing good work for people in need of health coverage.  He said they were hoping to have more visible programs like that on other regional issues.  Mr. Fenner commented on the county testing of ticks as possibly creating a flood of requests.
        Mr. Parker said that the county should look at regionalization issues and take dramatic steps to save island tax dollars.  Mr. Davis said that the county was anxious to give whatever services were asked of the county.

Personnel Board
        Chuck Hodgkinson made a Power Point presentation to the Selectmen on a  Operation & Organization of town services chart.
        Mr. Parker moved the chart and Mr. Doty seconded it.  SO VOTED: Three Ayes.

Menemsha Cleaning & Trash Removal
        The Selectmen discussed and reviewed the two bids received.  Mr. Parker wanted to see the contract extended to cover the entire season that the Comfort Station is open.  Mr. Fenner said a barrel was needed near the US Coast Guard Boathouse.
        Mr. Gallas handed out a written comparison of the two bids showing where some things were slightly different and reducing the difference in the two bids to approximately $1,600.       
        Mr. Bandy said that cleaning the restrooms was about a third of his daily cost, and that he could negotiate reducing the $700 a week fee in the late season.  He said he was going to run this himself on the job and have some other people help him as necessary.
        Mr. Carroll asked if a Selectman could be appointed to review the bids and make a recommendation to the full board on the lowest qualified bidder.  Mr. Fenner said he was prepared to decide tonight.  The board commended Mr. Gallas for his good track record of cleaning Menemsha.  Mr. Parker said it had never been cleaner.

        Mr. Parker moved and Mr. Doty seconded a motion to award the contract for next season to Brent Bandy per his bid and subject to negotiating a fee for cleaning the restrooms through when the water is shut off in November.  SO VOTED: Three Ayes.
        Mr. Parker moved and Mr. Doty seconded a motion to approve the bill from the Window Doctor for the additional Fall Services cleaning the restrooms.  SO VOTED: Three Ayes.

Middle Line Road RFP
        The Selectmen reviewed a red-line copy RFP with the changes recommended by legal counsel.  Mr. Parker moved and Mr. Doty seconded a motion to approve the RFP as amended for release to the market.  SO VOTED: Three Ayes.
        Mr. Doty moved and Mr. Parker seconded a motion to hire John Stanton to assist the Housing Committee evaluate the responses to the RFP at an hourly rate.  SO VOTED: Three Ayes.

Island Housing Trust
        Mr. Doty asked to be appointed as the representative of the Chilmark Board of Selectmen on the Island Housing Trust.  Mr. Fenner moved and Mr. Parker seconded a motion to appoint Warren Doty the representative of the Selectmen on the board of the Island Housing Trust.
        Mr. Doty explained how this would make it less likely for him to have a conflict of interest if the Island Housing Trust submitted a response to the Middle Line Road RFP.  Mr. Parker said that Mr. Doty should research that conflict of interest more to avoid any issues with the MLR RFP.  The motion was withdrawn.

Aquinnah Selectmen
        Mr. Doty was appointed to represent the Board of Selectmen on a committee to examine how to charge for ambulance services.

Jeff Parker-Middle Road
        The Selectmen reviewed the materials emailed to them by Mr. Parker on traffic calming for Middle Road.  After some discussion the board agree to ask the Planning Board to discuss these items with Mr. Parker.

Tea Lane Farm
        The Silva family asked the Selectmen to participate in the cost of maintaining the barn.  They provided receipts for the work done on the property to date which amounted to approximately $20,000.  The estimate to do the requested work on the barn was $7,000.  As the town owns these buildings and will take possession after Mr. Silva leaves the land, it was agreed the town should develop a long term management plan.
        Mr. Fenner volunteered to negotiate with Elmer Silva who was representing Bobby Silva.

Squibnocket Parking Lot
        Mr. Parker left the room to avoid a possible conflict of interest.  The Selectmen reviewed a bill for $98,115.19 from John Keen Excavation submitted by the Squibnocket Farm Association for the repairs and improvements to the parking lot and causeway.  As agreed to between the Squibnocket Farm Association and the Selectmen, and authorized by vote of the Special Town Meeting, Mr. Fenner moved and Mr. Doty seconded a motion to authorize payment of the town’s $24,999 share.  SO VOTED: Two Ayes.
        Mr. Parker rejoined the board.

Municipal Hearing Officer
        The board discussed the new non-criminal citation process available to the town for Fire and Building Code violations and the statutory requirement for a Municipal Hearings Officer.  Since no hearing officer was  yet selected, Mr. Carroll agreed to attend the training session being presented by the Attorney General and MMA on Monday December 12th in Randolph.  Mr. Parker said that Mr. Carroll could then provide that training to the person appointed as the Municipal Hearings Officer in the future.

Creek Lots
        Mr. Dennis Jason had just submitted payment with his signed lease for a Creek Lot and Mr. Carroll asked the board to sign the lease also.       
        Mr. Fenner questioned the monies reported in Mr. Wilson’s revenue report.  Mr. Carroll provided some  historical information and said that no leases were ever brought before the board for signature until payment had been received for the leases.  
        Mr. Fenner asked Mr. Carroll to look into the Common Victualer licenses also.  Mr. Carroll said that he was hampered in some cases by the issuance of permits to conduct business by other boards.  In the past he had asked that no permits or inspections of food establishments take place until after the applicants had obtained or renewed their Common Victualers license with the Board of Selectmen.  The board discussed this.  It was agreed that the Board of Health should be contacted and told to not issue their Food Establishment permits or conduct health inspections, unless a valid Innkeeper or Common Victualer license was in possession of the applicant.
        The board signed the lease with Mr. Dennis Jason.

Revenue Report
        The board reviewed Mr. Wilson’s memo.  Mr. Parker asked about the $43,000 to $45,000 in prior years and no revenue shown for last fiscal year in waste collection.  Mr. Carroll said that the landfill was closed while the capping was underway and there were no fees collected as a result.

Local Drop Off Repair
        Mr. Doty moved and Mr. Fenner seconded a motion to authorize the emergency repairs caused by a washout at the rear of the old landfill.  SO VOTED: Two Ayes, One Abstention (Mr. Parker).

Minutes of November 15th, 16th, 22nd, & 29th 2005 approved as corrected.

Insurance Certificates
        Mr. Carroll asked the Selectmen to review the loss prevention report he had given them for a future meeting.  MIIA was asking for certificates of insurance for many more circumstances and to develop a policy regarding liquor at the Community Center and other issues.

Community Center
        Mr. Fenner said he had examined the kitchen at the center with the Custodian.  The area under the sinks is rotten and should be repaired.  He thought that the cabinet doors and drawer fronts could be reused.  However, the Formica would have to be replaced at least up to the stove.
        Mr. Carroll reported that the gas stove top range was repaired recently and the town was told it had to be replaced soon.  Mr. Carroll urged replacing both that and the twenty year old electric oven at the same time with a heavy duty gas stove.
        The Selectmen said to create a proposal for the new cabinets and gas stove, and then run it past the Chilmark Town Affairs Council.  Mr. Doty asked if this could be part of the fund raising efforts.  Mr. Fenner said that commercial units did not allow “zero clearance” and might be unsuitable in this application.

Waste Oil
        Mr. Fenner said that the MVRD&RRD was looking into the Selectmen’s request and he would report to the Selectmen on the 20th.

Coastal Zone Management
        Mr. Parker suggested looking into the grant for use by the town.

        Mr. Parker asked when the Selectmen would be able to see their department’s budget.  Mr. Carroll said that the Selectmen had reviewed them during the budget process in the past, but that he would have them to the Selectmen before their next meeting.

Boat Ramp
        Mr. Parker volunteered to look into alternative sources to obtain concrete planks for the Hariph’s Creek town landing.

Meeting adjourned at 10:26 PM

APPROVED:   20 December 2005