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Selectmen's Meeting Minutes 11/01/05
Chilmark Board of Selectmen             Minutes         November 1, 2005

People in attendance:   Jonathan Revere, J. B. Riggs Parker, Warren Doty, Tim Carroll, John Larsen, Thomas Bena, Trina Kingsbury, Ian Fein.

7:30 p.m. meeting called to order by Mr. Parker.

Menemsha Creek Lots
        Mr. John Larsen asked the Selectmen if they would consider issuing him the lease to the Creek Lot held by the late Matthew Poole.  He said that Mr. Todd Goodell had not been fishing for two years and was not a town resident anymore.  The board agreed that he would be a good choice for the lot.  Mr. Goodell had not been issued a lease this past year by the Town.  Mr. Parker said that the board would take this under advisement and asked Mr. Carroll to contact Mr. Goodell so this could be addressed at a future meeting.

        The minutes of October 18th 2005 were approved with corrections.

Trina Kingsbury
        Ms. Kingsbury came before the board regarding the Tea Lane drainage that comes onto her property.  She recounted a time line of how she offered the town to take excess water when the existing culvert under Tea Lane couldn’t handle the flow into her little ponds.  She explained how the trench was connected to the water before it was properly lined and as a result eroded terribly and silted in her ponds.  The town paid to have the ponds dredged and restore her property approximately ten years ago.  During that project a catch basin was installed that was supposed to only divert excess water through a pipe into her ponds.  She says that it was installed wrong. She said that the pipe to her ponds is at the bottom of the catch basin instead of near the top, causing most of the water to run into her ponds and bring debris with the water.  She asked to have the town correct this situation as she was unwilling to continue to maintain the catch basin.
        Ms. Kingsbury gave Mr. Parker a copy of documents showing her original drainage plan for her property.  Mr. Parker said the town would examine these documents and investigate if the town was responsible.  He said that if the town was responsible, then they should correct the problem.  The Selectmen asked Mr. Carroll to review this with Kent Healy.

Community Center Use
        Mr. Thomas Bena came before the board to ask permission to hold his 6th annual Movie Festival on March 17th through 19th.  He then asked for permission to get into the center on the evening of the 16th to set-up and then have a small special screening for dedicated past participants.  He also asked for a ½ day on Monday the 20th to finish the clean-up.
        Mr. Parker said that was a matter of scheduling that needed to be cleared with Ms. Anthony.  Mr. Doty spoke favorably of the festival and said he was ok with Thursday if the schedule allowed it, but that he did not want to go into Monday as it would effect the Custodian’s schedule for the week.  Mr. Parker told Mr. Bena to discuss the event with the Police Chief and that the usual rules would apply.  Mr. Doty told Mr. Bena that it was necessary for his group to protect the bank and post office parking lots Saturday morning.  Mr. Parker asked Mr. Bena to assign a person to stand out on the road to direct people.
        Mr. Doty moved and Mr. Parker seconded a motion to allow the 6th annual movie festival as conditioned above.  SO VOTED: Two Ayes.
        Mr. Bena asked about when the town was going to have the ceiling acoustically treated.  Mr. Carroll said that there was not enough money appropriated to cover the town’s ½ of the cost and that he was going for an article at the Annual Town Meeting in April.  Mr. Bena said he would look into loaning the town the money from his non-profit.  He was cautioned against that as there could be no guarantee the town meeting would approve the request.  He said he would speak to the Chilmark Town Affairs Counsel.

Special Town Meeting
        Mr. Doty moved and Mr. Parker seconded a motion to call a special town meeting on November 21st at 7:30 PM in the Chilmark Community Center to see if the Town will vote to authorize the Board of Selectmen under  G. L. chapter 40, § 14, to purchase six parcels of land in Menemsha, and the improvements thereon, commonly known as “The Home Port,” which property is identified on Assessors Map 27.1 as Parcels 81, 82, 83, 84, 85 and 86, for general municipal purposes, or take any other action relative thereto, and to see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate a sum of money up to $3,900,000.00 (Three Million Nine Hundred Thousand and no/100) Dollars, said amount to pay for the purchase of said six parcels of land, and any other services or costs incidental and related thereto; and, further, that to raise the appropriation, the Treasurer, with the approval of the Board of Selectmen, is authorized to borrow said sum, or any portion thereof, under and pursuant to Chapter 44 of the General Laws, and to issue bonds and notes of the Town therefor, provided that a majority of the voters casting a ballot thereon at the Special Election to be held on December 7th 2005, vote in the affirmative, to exempt from the provisions of Proposition 2-1/2, so-called, the amounts required to pay for the principal and interest on bonds or notes issued for the acquisition, or take any other action relative thereto.  SO VOTED: Two Ayes.

Special Town Election
        Mr. Doty moved and Mr. Parker seconded a motion to call a special town election on December 7th 2005 to see if the town would vote to be allowed to exempt from the provisions of proposition two and one-half, so-called, the amounts required to pay for the bond issued in order to purchase six parcels of land in Menemsha, and the improvements thereon, commonly known as “The Home Port,” which property is identified on Assessors Map 27.1 as Parcels 81, 82, 83, 84, 85 and 86, for general municipal purposes, and for the payment of any and all other costs incidental and related thereto.  SO VOTED: Two Ayes.

Oil Recycling
        The Selectmen received a memorandum from the Board of Health saying that they were not going to do oil recycling anymore.  Mr. Carroll said that perhaps the Selectmen could ask the Refuse District to provide the oil recycling using our tank at the Tabor House Road LDO or in Edgartown.  John Larsen told the board that the oil tank had started out in Menemsha as a service to the commercial fishing fleet and that it was still needed.  Mr. Parker said that this should be deferred until Mr. Fenner’s return.

Cartographic Associates Inc
        Mr. Doty moved and Mr. Parker seconded a motion to sign the annual contract with CAI for maintaining the GIS files.  SO VOTED: Two Ayes.

Legal Bills
        The board discussed the Davies/Lochridge lawsuit and its $18,688.84 bill.  Mr. Doty said he would speak to Mr. Rappaport about the status of the case.  Mr. Parker said he would draft a new policy concerning ongoing litigation and regular reports.

Tea Lane and Meeting House Road
        Mr. Carroll reviewed the recent bill from DECA for grading and other repairs to Tea Lane and Meeting House Road.  He said that DECA had proceeded with the repairs to the private roads that were dumping water into Tea Lane without giving him advanced notice.  As such, it was done before any money was collected from the private land owners.   The Selectmen approved the bill for payment and asked Mr. Carroll to pursue collecting from private owners where the additional work was done.

Beach Committee
        The board accepted the resignation of Josh Scott from the Beach Committee.  Mr. Carroll reported that two people, Pam Bunker and Ian Fein, had been expressing interest in serving on the Beach Committee since the last advertisement in the Spring.  He asked if he should advertise the vacancy.  Mr. Parker said that this should be deferred until Mr. Fenner returned.

Squibnocket Beach
        Mr. Doty said that members of the public were told that they could not use the beach because a private wedding was using the beach.  Mr. Parker said that he had some of the same complaints.  He thought that the event may have filled the parking lot and that is why people were turned away.
        The Selectmen agreed that in the future private events can not have the entire parking lot and they may be required to bus in their guests.  The Selectmen also agreed that the police department should be told to not say the beach is closed to the public, but that the lot is full and that people can be dropped off and the car would have to leave.

        Mr. Doty reminded the board that there was a possible meeting of the Selectmen and FINCOMs of the three up-island towns with the UIRSD Financial Task Group on November 29th 2005.

Plan for Middle Line Road
        Mr. Doty said that there was a draft RFP back from the consultants and that the committee would be meeting to review it.

Meeting adjourned at 8:34 PM