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Selectmen's Meeting Minutes 09/16/05
Minutes of the meeting of the Chilmark Board of Selectmen on September 16, 2005.

Present: J.B. Riggs Parker, Vice Chair, Warren Doty, Melanie Becker, Treasurer, Rodney Bunker and Brien Hefler of the Gazette.

In the absence of Selectman Frank Fenner, Jr., Chair, Mr.Parker called the meeting order at 10:30 AM.

He stated that the only item on the agenda was the appointment of a committee to consider the options in connection with the possible acquisition of the Home Port.

Accordingly, a motion was made and seconded as follows:

“The following voters of Chilmark are hereby appointed to the Home Port Committee: Linda Coutinho, Leonard Jason, Jr., Paul H. Mayhew, Richard Osnoss and Douglas Sederholm.~
The Home Port Committee should meet at 7PM on Monday September 19th or as soon thereafter as convenient for the members to:
~~~ ~~~ 1. Appoint a Chairman,
~~~ ~~~ 2. Determine meeting dates for itself,
~~~ ~~~ 3. Begin the process of considering the possible uses for the Home Port if the property is acquired by the Town, the pros and cons of such an acquisition, and the pros and cons~of not acquiring the property,
~~~~~~~~4. Develop a method of receiving suggestions on these issues from the public, and~~~~~
~~~ ~~~ 5. Develop a format and method of distribution for the work product of the Committee so that the Townspeople will be able to consider these matters with the benefit of the Committee's insights well before the Town Meeting at which a vote will be taken.
Mr. Doty said he thought this was a good committee. He pointed out the breadth of the experience of the members with town affairs and Menemsha.

Mr. Parker noted there are others willing to serve, but this group gives the town key representatives of various boards (Planning, MVC, Fincom, Assessors) as well as voters at large who have a long association with Menemsha. He said he also thinks it important to have principally younger (versus those of his age) people involved, because this is~not a decision for today, but for generations to come.

Mr. Bunker asked if the meetings would be public and Mr. Parker said they would be. Ms. Becker noted she was available to the committee to provide any financial information it might need.

There being no further discussion, the motion was unanimously voted.

The meeting adjourned at 10:43 AM.

Respectfully submitted by J. B. Riggs Parker
