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Selectmen's Meeting Minutes 09/22/05
Chilmark Board of Selectmen             Minutes of      September 22nd 2005

Meeting called to order by Chairman Fenner in the Selectmen’s Meeting Room at 7:30 PM.

Present:        JBR Parker, Frank Fenner, Warren Doty, Tim Carroll, Brian Hellund, Joan Jenkinson, Walter Wlodyka, Betty Martin, Sasha Wlodyka, David Douglas, Laura Campbell, Brett Stearns, Russell Maloney, Jordan Weisman.

Minutes of September 6th 2005 approved.

Dog Hearing     
        Chairman Fenner swore in the Assistant Dog Officer Joan Jenkinson to tell the truth and nothing but the truth.  Mrs. Jenkinson reviewed her written report and recounted nine times that the two dogs were loose this year and other times that were not formally reported.  
        Mr. Fenner read the complaint that two husky dogs, Louve and Luna, owned by Sasha Wlodyka attacked a cow and her new-born bull calf on September 3rd 2005 at the Rainbow Farm.
        Sasha Wlodyka told the Selectmen that these dogs had broken out of their enclosure twelve times in the past sixteen months.  Mr. Douglas said he had seen them on his farm a lot.  Mrs. Jenkinson said that they had been seen chasing deer and attacking wild turkeys.  Brett Stearns said that the gray dog was the same one that chased one of the foals at Blue Heron Farm.  Mr. Fenner cited the published characteristics of Huskies and concerns.
        Sasha Wlodyka offered to build a 75'x75' enclosure with concrete footings and rat wire to prevent escape.  Mrs. Jenkinson said it needed to have deeper concrete and a chain link roof.   There was discussion.
        Mr. Parker moved and Mr. Doty seconded a motion to order that the dogs be permanently restrained, that a $200 bond be posted for each dog, that a temporary holding area for the dogs be as described by Walter Wlodyka, that a suitable permanent enclosure be built before October 31st 2005 and that both enclosures be acceptable to the Assistant Dog Officer Joan Jenkinson.  SO VOTED: Three Ayes.
        Mr. Stearns asked to be called by Sasha Wlodyka immediately if the dogs got loose again so he could safeguard his livestock.  Sasha Wlodyka thanks the Selectmen and said she was going to pursue sending the dogs to Brazil to live with her husband’s family.
        Dog Hearing Closed.

Conservation Commission
        The Selectmen interviewed Mr. Russell Maloney for a position on the Conservation Commission.  Mr. Maloney said that he was a new resident with no experience serving on public committees.  He said he loved the town and the island.  He asked to help out.  Mr. Parker moved and Mr. Doty seconded a motion to appoint Russell Maloney an Associate Member of the Conservation Commission.  SO VOTED: Three Ayes.

Capital Improvement Plan Ordinance
        Mr. Carroll asked the selectmen for their comments on the draft CIP ordinance and policies.  Mr. Parker questioned who the ordinance was saying would not vote on items that had not been before the CIP committee.  Mr. Carroll said that this was binding upon the Selectmen and their subordinates.  Mr. Fenner said that it should say that.  Mr. Parker said he would write up a draft of language to that effect.
        Mr. Doty asked how this impacts sudden opportunities to purchase land, like the Tea Lane Farm or Engley House.  He cited these as two successful cooperative ventures  with the MV Land Bank.  Mr. Parker agreed to draft a section to address these concerns.
        The Selectmen discussed the Shellfish Constable request to open the Family Bay Scallop season on October 1st 2005.  Mr. Doty moved and Mr. Parker seconded a motion to open the non-commercial season on October 1st 2005 to dip net and diving in all waters with a ½ bushel limit and to revisit the method of harvesting at their October 4th meeting with the expectation of opening the commercial season on November 1st 2005 to dredges.  SO VOTED: Three Ayes.

Police Station
        Mr. Carroll presented the Selectmen with the quotes for the repairs to the gutters and replacement of the storm windows in the front of the building.  He asked them to review the information and get back to him with their opinions as soon as possible so Mr. Bunker could proceed with hiring a contractor.

Homeland Security Grant
        Mr. Doty moved and Mr. Parker seconded a motion to authorize the chairman to sign a grant request for $12,000 of Homeland Security funds and told the staff to focus on items that would help the town respond to emergencies during hurricanes and winter storms.  SO VOTED: Three Ayes.

MIIA Rewards Program
        Mr. Carroll asked the Selectmen to review the insurance company loss prevention credit program and get back to him about how the town should participate.  Mr. Carroll said that the direct cash savings would not significantly outweigh the costs to implement the program.  Mr. Doty said that the training should be participated in by the town for the value of the training as well as the savings on our insurance.  Mr. Carroll proposed having each department send someone to the various training sessions so that the cost would be spread out over as many departments as possible and that as many staff members received loss prevention training.

Emergency Plan
        Mr. Carroll provided the Selectmen with a copy of the existing emergency plans for winter storms and hurricanes.  He told them that the Emergency Planning Committee was working on updates to these documents and would be asking to meet with the Selectmen this fall to approve new plans.

Meeting Adjourned at 9:20 PM

APPROVED: 4 October 2005