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Selectmen's Meeting Minutes 06/07/05
Chilmark Board of Selectmen             Minutes         June 7, 2005

People in attendance:   Jonathan Revere, Ian Fein, Frank M. Fenner Jr., Warren Doty, J. B. Riggs Parker, Tim Carroll, Pat & Joan Jenkinson, Tim Mathesion, Rob Kendall.

7:30 p.m. meeting called to order by Chairman Frank Fenner.

        The minutes of May 17th 2005 were approved with one strike out.

Vineyard Conservation Society
        Rob Kendall and Tim Mathesion explained plans for an August 13th event at Allen Farm.  They reported that the police chief had already given his requirements to them. Mr. Fenner asked them to contact the other town departments necessary.  Mr. Doty moved and Mr. Parker seconded a motion to give the approval of the Board of Selectmen for this event.  SO VOTED: Three Ayes.

        Mr. Walter “Pat” Jenkinson asked the board what happened and how come he never got any notice of the eminent domain taking of the clayrights under Middle Line Road and the traveled way.  He said that in the 1920's his grandfather was given notice by the town for another taking.
        Mr. Parker said that it was a mistake to not send Mr. Jenkinson a letter.  He said though it was done legally, it was not courteous.  There was discussion of what the process was concerning the negotiations with the Harris Family regarding the clayrights.  
        Mr. Doty said that the right-of-way was added to the taking of the clayrights at the recommendation of the lawyers to perfect our existing rights over the road; that only the traveled way was condemned and not a new forty foot wide easement.  He said that whatever road that was already on the ground, and the town already had rights to use, were what was taken, nothing more.
        Mrs. Joan Jenkinson said that their property has been taxed as a buildable lot, but that it wasn’t going to be buildable after the taking.  The Selectmen said that if it was buildable before the taking, then it was still buildable after the taking.
        The Selectmen agreed to communicate with the Jenkinsons in the future.

UIRSD Financial Task Group
        Mr. Fenner reported on the consultant’s presentation last week at the Howes’ House with spreadsheets from FY2004 and FY2003.  2004 was the worst year for enrollment at the Chilmark Elementary School.  
        The board discussed the actions of the West Tisbury Board of Selectmen regarding hiring the consultant to analyze a scenario in which the Chilmark School was closed.  Mr. Parker moved and Mr. Doty seconded a motion to write the consultant objecting to him doing this additional work as a conflict of interest.  SO VOTED: Three Ayes.

Community Center Landscaping
        Mr. Fenner moved and Mr. Parker seconded a motion to authorize Mr. Doty to meet with the School Principal and arrange the removal of the large stones under the trees near the school.  SO VOTED: Three Ayes.

Squibnocket Beach Parking Lot
        Mr. Fenner reported on a meeting with Mr. Larry Lasser and Mr. Jay Walsh at the beach lot.  Mr. Carroll reported he had hired Robin Hyde to grade the parking lot this week.  Mr. Doty directed Mr. Carroll to ask Mr. Healy about the lot.

Common Victualers
        Mr. Fenner said that the town should have a requirement requiring trash containers available to customers be located within twenty feet of all public entrances to common victualers during their hours of operation.  Mr. Doty so moved and Mr. Parker seconded the motion.  SO VOTED: Three Ayes.

Annual Appointments
        Mr. Carroll submitted his list of recommendations for appointment to the Selectmen.  Mr. Doty asked that the Selectmen look at committees separate from staff.  
        Mr. Carroll read the first page of recommendations. Mr. Parker asked to change the title of the “Receptionist/Assistant to the Executive Secretary” position to “Receptionist/Assistant”in accordance with the approved job description.  Mr. Doty moved and Mr. Parker seconded the following annual appointments:
Town Accountant                                         Tom Wilson      

Asst. Assessor                                                  Pamela Bunker

Admin Asst to Board of Health                           Sylvia Yeomans

Assistant to Executive Secretary & Receptionist         Annette Anthony

Collector of Taxes                                              Polly McDowell

Asst Town Clerks                                                Annette Anthony & Tim Carroll

Beach Staff                                             See List from Superintendent Mastromonaco

Building Inspector                                              Leonard Jason Jr.

Dir Emergency Management                                        Daniel Bryant
Assistant Director of Emergency Management              Bill Smith

Conservation Officer                                            Rusty Walton

Assistant Constable                                             M. Emmett Carroll Jr. - 3 yrs. (2008)

        SO VOTED: Three Ayes.

Mr. Carroll read the second page of recommendations.  Mr. Parker moved and Mr. Doty seconded the following annual appointments:
Custodian                                                       Rodney Bunker

Asst Dog Officer                                                Joan Jenkinson
Executive Secretary                                             Tim Carroll

Fire Chief                                                      David Norton

Forest Warden                                                   David Norton

Harbor Master                           Dennis Jason

Assistant Harbor Masters                Richard Steves, Andrew Bluestein,

Inspector of Animals                    Ozzie Fisher (appointed in March)
Assistant Inspectors of Animals Mike Renahan & Joan Jenkinson (appointed in March)

Asst Inspector of Plumbing              William Haynes

Inspector of Wires                      Lee Welch
Asst Inspector of Wires         David Schwab

MV Land Bank TAB                        Warren Doty

Legal Counsel                           Ron Rappaport
Special Legal Counsel           Jack Collins, D. Moschos, Richard Renehan

Library Director                        Cathy Thompson
Asst Library Dir/Children’s Lib Kristen Maloney

Moth superintendent                     Keith Emin

Police Officers                 See List from Chief Timothy Rich

        SO VOTED: Three Ayes.

Mr. Parker moved and Mr. Doty seconded a motion to appoint Ian Yaffe an Assistant Harbor Master pending a favorable report from the Harbor Master after his interview.  SO VOTED: Three Ayes.

Mr. Doty moved and Mr. Parker seconded a motion to appoint the following annual appointments:  

Shellfish Constable                             Stanley Larsen (2006)
Asst Shellfish Constable                        Spider Andresen

TriTown Ambulance Duty EMTs             See list from EMT Coordinator Mastromonaco

        SO VOTED: Three Ayes.

Mr. Doty moved and Mr. Parker seconded a motion to appoint the Community Center Advisory Committee comprised of Jules Worthington, Kathie Carroll and Rodney Bunker.  SO VOTED: Three Ayes.

The board discussed the Conservation Commission membership and had Rusty Walton review it for them.  Mr. Doty said people should only serve on one major board or committee at a time.  Mr. Fenner and Mr. Parker agreed.  Mr. Fenner moved and Mr. Parker seconded a motion to appoint Pam Goff, Ray Kellman and Bruce Bartels to the Conservation Commission for three year terms.  SO VOTED: Three Ayes.

Mr. Doty moved and Mr. Parker seconded a motion to appoint Anne Dietrich to the Up Island Council on Aging for a three year term.  SO VOTED: Three Ayes.

The Harbor Advisory Committee was postponed.

Mr. Doty moved to expand the Historical Commission to seven members and reappoint Jane Slater and Stephen P. McGhee for three year terms and appoint Leonard Jason, Jr to a term expiring in 2007, it was seconded by Mr. Parker.  SO VOTED: Three Ayes.  

The Housing Committee was discussed and postponed.

Mr. Doty moved and Mr. Fenner seconded a motion to reappoint Mr. Parker and Alex Preston to the Mooring Assignment Committee.  SO VOTED: Three Ayes.

Mr. Fenner moved and Mr. Parker seconded a motion to appoint Mr. Doty as the Selecmten’s representative on the Martha’s Vineyard Land Bank Town Advisory Committee.  SO VOTED: Three Ayes.

Mr. Doty moved and Mr. Fenner seconded a motion to reappoint Andy Goldman, Alex Preston, Jane Slater, Tim Carroll, J.B.Riggs Parker to the Park & Recreation Committee.  SO VOTED: Three Ayes.

Mr. Fenner moved and Mr. Doty seconded a motion to reappoint J.B.Riggs Parker to the Site Review Committee.  SO VOTED: Three Ayes.

The Disaster Planning Committee was discussed and Mr. Carroll asked that the EMT Coordinator be added to the committee.  Mr. Parker moved and Mr. Doty seconded a motion to expand the committee to include the EMT Coordinator.  SO VOTED: Three Ayes.

Mr. Doty moved and Mr. Parker seconded a motion to appoint the following annual appointments:
Dukes County Advisory Board             Warren Doty

MV Shellfish Group                              Frank Fenner

Cable Television Advisory Committee     Jay Lagemann

Joint Transportation Committee          Keith Emin, Alternate Leonard Jason Jr.

Skate Park                                      Phil Demers

        SO VOTED: Three Ayes.

Mr. Carroll reviewed the list of appointments listed as pending.  Mr. Parker moved and Mr. Fenner seconded a motion to appoint Mr. Doty the Selectmen’s representative on the Community Preservation Committee.  SO VOTED: Three Ayes.  The Selectmen discussed the Housing Committee and the possibility of a Middle Line Road Building Committee.  Mr. Doty moved and Mr Parker seconded a motion to reappoint Jennie Greene to the Personnel Board for a term expiring in 2008.  SO VOTED: Three Ayes.

The Selectmen received Mr. Carroll’s memorandum regarding the disciplinary probation of the Town Clerk.  Mr. Parker moved and Mr. Fenner seconded a motion to accept his recommendation to continue the probation from June 7th until September 7th 2005 to give the Town Clerk more time to attend the required classes or training.  SO VOTED: Three Ayes.

Mr. Doty moved and Mr. Parker seconded a motion to temporarily appoint Margaret T. Orlando Town Clerk through September 30th 2005 at which time the Board of Selectmen will assess performance and other factors.  SO VOTED: Three Ayes.

        Mr. Carroll reported on the plan he was working on with Mr. Emin to post, advertise and directly mail notices of the closure of North Road for the Repaving Project June 13-17.

        Mr. Carroll reported that the Police Chief was requesting that the Accidental Life and Dismemberment policy coverage for death be increased from $300,000 to $500,000 at an annual cost of $4,000.  This policy covers all police and fire staff as well as all TriTown Ambulance volunteer EMTs.  Mr. Doty moved and Mr. Parker seconded a motion to authorize the increase of this policy.  SO VOTED: Three Ayes.

School Repairs
        Mr. Doty will speak with Carl Flanders regarding the doors.

Community Preservation Committee
        Mr. Doty was opposed to paying full rate for police details during the stonewall repairs.  He asked to have the duty police officer provide the services needed.   Mr. Doty moved and Mr. Parker seconded a motion saying the Selectmen want to reduce the cost of these projects by using duty police officers.  SO VOTED: Three Ayes.
        Mr. Doty moved and Mr. Parker seconded a motion to award the stonewall repair project to Morgan Stone less the price of the police details.  SO VOTED: Three Ayes.
        Mr. Parker moved and Mr. Doty seconded a motion to award the scenic vista work to Tea Lane Nursery & Farm.  SO VOTED: Three Ayes.
Park and Recreation
        Mr. Fenner asked to have the Park & Recreation Committee review the sale of jewelry in front of Stanley Larsen’s fish market and a sign that was hanging into the road.

Tour Buses
        Mr. Parker asked when tour buses were prohibited form Menemsha.  Mr. Doty said he thought it was June 15th.

Local Drop Off
        Mr. Doty told Mr. Carroll to proceed with the $505 Cole Powers quote to instal telephone and cable at the LDO shack.  The board agreed.  Mr. Doty reported on the punch list for the landfill capping project.

Preschool Lease
        Mr. Fenner asked to clarify with the school the “1/8" comment in the draft lease.
Town Hall Building Committee
        Mr. Fenner asked about the repair of the older section of the roof.  Mr. Carroll said he was waiting until after July 1st when he hoped a contractor would be available.

Tea Lane
        Mr. Fenner asked to instruct Mr. Carroll to enter into a monthly maintenance program with DECA to grade Teal Lane and Meeting House Road one day a month through November.  Mr. Doty so moved and Mr. Parker seconded the motion.  SO VOTED: Three Ayes.

Mr. Fenner asked to continue this meeting to Monday June 13th at 4:00 PM for a site visit to Menemsha Harbor.

Meeting continued at 9:41 PM

Meeting reopened at 4:15 PM June 13th 2005 on the Menemsha Harbor Master’s Office porch.  Messrs. Parker, Fenner, Doty, Carroll, Jason, Fein and Andrew Bluestein present.

Mr. Parker handed out a list of things he would like to discuss.

Commercial Fisherman Definition
        Mr. Parker moved and Mr. Doty seconded a motion to appoint Pat Jenkinson, Dennis Jason, James Morgan, Jonathan & Gregory Mayhew to a committee to make a recommendation to the Selectmen on how a new definition should read.  SO VOTED: Three Ayes.

Charter Dock Slip 5
        The board agreed with the Harbor Master’s request to discontinue slip number 5 after a trial period of last season.  The Harbor Master will speak to Mr. Finnerty about moving to the channel dock or behind the transient dock.  Mr. Carroll will call MIIA regarding any possible town liability should Mr. Finnerty’s boat be damaged in slip # 5.
Seasonal Yacht Dock (West/Filled Dock)
        The Selectmen agreed to amend the regulations to establish a maximum of 45 feet for all future boats in these slips.
        The Selectmen discussed the reduced fee being paid by Mr. Syslo for his slip.  Mr. Doty made a motion to continue that rate.  Mr. Fenner suggested moving Mr. Syslo to another area.
        The Selectmen discussed possible regulations and rules to avoid derelict boats left in slips.  Possible rules to assist handicapped boaters was discussed.  
Transient Dock
        The Selectmen discussed adding two additional floats behind the transient dock next winter.

Meeting adjourned at 5:10 PM

Approved:    21 June 2005