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Selectmen's Meeting Minutes 01/04/05
Chilmark Board of Selectmen             Minutes         January 4, 2005

People in attendance:   Jonathan Revere, Melanie Becker, Max Hart, Jane Greene, Frank M. Fenner Jr., Warren Doty, J. B. Riggs Parker, Tim Carroll, Dennis Jason, Dick Johnson, Kent Healy, Jay Walsh, Dan Bryant, Steve Gallas.

7:31 p.m. meeting called to order

Minutes of December 21, 2004 as corrected were approved with two changes.

Treasurer - Social Security Administration
        Mrs. Becker came and told the board that she was required to send all employees hired after January 1, 2005 a notice (form SSA-1945) regarding county retirement.  It was the advice of the county treasurer to send the notice to all current employees and have them sign a receipt for it.  The Selectmen agreed to send the notice to all current employees that receive county retirement.

Menemsha Trash
        The Selectmen reviewed the two bids received from Sparkle Cleaning and the Window Doctor.  Mr. Fenner moved and Mr. Parker seconded a motion to award the bid to Steve Gallas of the Window Doctor as the lowest bid, with the understanding that Mr. Gallas would be returning $1,200 to the town from shower revenue.  SO VOTED: Three Ayes.

Personnel Board
        Ms Jane Greene came before the board to ask that the Executive Secretary change the way the town tracked the accrual of benefits.  The Personnel Board said they would like it tracked in hours now instead of days as has been the practice for more than twenty years.  Mr. Carroll objected to the Personnel Board not having mentioned anything about this request since their meeting two weeks before and not providing any notice of the topic by the deadline for the agenda like all other departments.  Miss Greene said she was before the board to ask them to direct the Executive Secretary to change the method of recording leave.  
        Mr. Doty postponed this discussion to the joint Personnel Board and Board of Selectmen’s meeting on January 18th.  He said that the organizational chart will be discussed and that the boards can talk about who will be collecting this data and how it will be collected.  Mr. Doty asked Miss Greene if there would be a specific proposal at the January 18th meeting.  Miss Greene said that the Personnel Board would be meeting tomorrow morning to try and complete a proposal.

        The Selectmen signed the job descriptions for the Library staff.

Martha’s Vineyard Commission
        Mr. Carroll reported that he had advertised for a replacement for Miss Greene as the Selectmen’s representative.  Mr. Doty said that the group should make an active effort to recruit a good candidate.
Emergency Management
        Constable Bryant asked the board to support the adoption of a model bylaw by all island towns that would allow the Selectmen in each town to enact a driving ban during states of emergency.
        The board agreed with the concept pending review by legal counsel.  The board reviewed the concept of a single Regional Planning Committee to address HAZMAT concerns on Martha’s Vineyard instead of each town having a Local Emergency Planning Committee.

Sheriff’s Meadow Foundation - Harris 61A
        Mr. Dick Johnson, executive director of SMF, came before the board to explain what the long term use was for the Harris land under 61A protection.  He said that Ms. Harris was donating the land to the SMF and was going to donate money for SMF to build a 2,000 square foot single family home with three bedrooms to house SMF staff onsite.  Mr. Johnson said he was the staff member that was expected to live there.
        Mr. Parker and Mr. Fenner said that they wanted a recordable document that gives the Town of Chilmark the Right of First Refusal to purchase the property should the use of the land ever change to non-charitable.  Mr. Johnson said he would bring that request to his board of directors.  Mr. Parker said that SMF needed to submit the document to the town for recording.

Squibnocket Farm Association - Beach Parking Lot
        Mr. Jay Walsh and Kent Healy came representing the Squibnocket Farm Homeowners.  Mr. Healy proposed a less expensive solution that would call for on-site mixing of the “2 bag sand cement” to reinforce and repair the town’s parking lot at Squibnocket Beach and to repair the Eastern end of the town’s stone revetment.  He said that the mix would have 500 psi strength as compared to the 3,000 psi of “six-bag” cement.
        Mr. Parker moved and Mr. Fenner seconded a motion to support a warrant article for up to $24,500 to repair the town’s share of the parking lot and the fifty feet of revetment on the eastern end.  SO VOTED: Three Ayes.
        It was agreed that the project would be done in October of 2005, but that the repairs to the revetment and the moving utility wires underground could happen this spring.

Energy Resolution
        Mr. Doty asked the board to put the resolution worded as had been accepted by four other island towns on the Annual Town Meeting warrant.  Mr. Parker said he preferred the re-written draft that was worked on since the last Selectmen’s meeting.  The board discussed the resolution.  Mr. Fenner and Mr. Parker said they could support the new verison.  Mr. Doty said that he would submit the original by petition.

Clerk of the Works
        Mr. Parker said that he would like to continue Michael Renahan as the clerk of the works for the Police Station.  Mr. Parker moved and Mr. Fenner seconded a motion to have Mr. Renahan continue as the Clerk of the Works on the Police Station and Landfill at ten hours a week through the month of January.  SO VOTED: Three Ayes

School Repairs
        Mr. Carroll reported that the furnace burners were being repaired by Mr. Dan Mayhew.  Mr. Carroll said that both burners appear to have been installed with only sheet metal as the rear inspection hatch instead of heavy cast iron.  This part failed last month and caused fire to burn through the rear of the fire box and shoot out the back of the furnace.  He also said that when Mr. Mayhew went to repair the number 1 furnace, he discovered that the cast iron face had been cracked and was held together by high temperature silicone so that one of the four screws was not doing anything to support the weight of the burner.  Mr. Carroll said that the installer’s warranty was over and that he was waiting to find out from Mr. Mayhew if the manufacturer would send the parts under an other warranty.

Menemsha Dredging
        Harbor Master Dennis Jason reported that Watercourse Construction had done a good job dredging, but that they had removed five pilings in the process.  Mr. Jason said three had to be reset before Summer.  Mr. Parker moved and Mr. Fenner seconded a motion to withhold $750 from the payment to Watercourse Construction to cover the resetting of the three pilings.  SO VOTED: Three Ayes.

Menemsha Floating Docks
        The Selectmen discussed the state of the resident floating docks.  After they were hauled out this fall, they were found to be in good condition.  Mr. Parker moved and Mr. Fenner seconded a motion to keep the resident floating docks for at least two more years and to not do any major repairs to them at this time.  SO VOTED: Three Ayes.
        Mr. Parker said that two more floats could possibly be built for behind the transient yacht dock.

Tea Lane & Meeting House Road
        Mr. Carroll said that he has been receiving many complaints and suggestions regarding the maintenance of Tea Lane and Meeting House Road.  He asked the Selectmen for permission to invite the residents of these roads to a special meeting with the Selectmen and the Superintendent of Streets.  The Selectmen agreed to a special one purpose meeting on Tuesday January 25th from 4:30 - 5:30 PM in the Selectmen’s Meeting Room.  The board told Mr. Carroll to invite the Conservation Commission, Planning Board and Mr. Kent Healy in addition to the residents and the Superintendent of Streets.

Meeting adjourned 9:37 PM

Approved: January 18, 2005