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Planning Board Subcommittee Minutes 01/18/17
Chilmark Planning Board Subcommittee Meeting
Wednesday, January 18, 2017
Present: Janet Weidner, Chair, Joan Malkin, Peter Cook
Not Present: John Eisner
Staff: Jennifer L. Christy

Meeting called to order at 9:00AM:
  • Menemsha Master Plan:
  • Ms. Weidner opened the meeting and gave an update of the status of the Menemsha Master Plan work. She mentioned that Adam Turner, of the MVC, has the Menemsha public safety summary with photos and will likely be visiting the subcommittee meeting on January 23rd.
  • Ms. Weidner asked Ms. Christy if she could determine what happens next with the funds that were voted at the fall Special Town Meeting for upgrading the off-site Tabor House parking area and the Menemsha area. Ms. Weidner stated she would contact Hillary Keene to inquire whether she would be willing to provide input on the design and/or landscaping of the off-site parking area. Ms. Weidner stated she would also like to know the status of asking the high school to build a shed.
  • Mr. Eisner suggested that there are standard waiting shelter designs that could be reviewed.
  • Mr. Cook suggested he thought the Selectmen are most likely going to wait until the Planning Board has more concrete plans for the upgrades to the off-site parking area and the Menemsha area.
  • Ms. Malkin stated she would like the Planning Board to be on the BOS’s agenda for Feb. 9th.
  • Mr. Eisner stated he would be away from end of January to mid-March.
  • Ms. Weidner discussed the need for consistent signage and mentioned that Mark London had sent an email in December that discussed this topic.
  • The subcommittee reviewed the Menemsha Master Plan Summary and made various changes.
  • Next Meetings:
  • January 23, 2017, 3PM: Review the spreadsheet of public safety issues in Menemsha and edit in preparation for finalization of the summary and the development of a survey.
  • The subcommittee requested Ms. Christy contact Adam Turner at MVC to delay his visit to the subcommittee until Feb. 13, 2017.
  • The subcommittee requested Ms. Christy contact Tim Carroll to see if he would be able to do a site visit to the lot near Menemsha Inn that could be used for Menemsha parking at 2:30PM on January 23, 2017. Ms. Christy will post this meeting.
  • Schedule an April meeting for all Chilmarkers for Menemsha Master Plan input, prior to the Annual Town Meeting. Ms. Weidner suggested a night meeting in a venue such as Community Center or Library Meeting Room:
  • Report on the expenditures voted on at the fall STM
  • Forum to finalize the public survey
  • Report on the information gathered up to this point.
  • The subcommittee asked Ms. Christy to ask Rich about placing the AIRBNB issue on the Feb. 13th Board agenda.
  • Development of Survey for Menemsha Master Plan:
  • The subcommittee asked Ms. Christy to send the members examples of past questionnaires/surveys and ones from other similar sized towns in Massachusetts.
  • Ms. Christy will also send the requirements for the survey within the Master Plan MGL.
  • Mr. Cook suggested a survey that states a certain opinion/solution and which asks for agreement, disagreement or other.
  • Ms. Malkin suggested a question be placed on the survey concerning the Town aggressively requiring, or strongly encouraging, parking at the satellite lot.
  • Ms. Christy suggested an incentive program for the encouragement of parking in the satellite area at Tabor House.
  • Correspondence:
  • Minutes:
  • These minutes were reviewed:
  • Dec. 12, 2016: Approved as written.
Adjourned at 10:46AM.
Minutes respectfully submitted by Jennifer L. Christy