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Planning Board Subcommittee Minutes 12/12/16
Chilmark Planning Board Subcommittee Meeting
Monday, December 12, 2016
Present: Janet Weidner, Chair, Joan Malkin, Peter Cook
Not Present: John Eisner
Public: Adam Turner, MVC Director, Ewell Hopkins, George Rivera
Staff: Jennifer L. Christy

Meeting called to order at 3:06PM:
  • Menemsha Master Plan:
  • Mr. Turner stated he was attending to gather an idea about the scope of work that the subcommittee required for how the Martha’s Vineyard Commission (MVC) could assist in the Master Plan work.
  • Ms. Weidner summarized the work so far in acquiring data and input on the state of Menemsha and on what is working and not working in Menemsha. She phrased this work as “Phase 1”. Ms. Weidner also described the communications the subcommittee has had with the Board of Selectmen (BOS) in order to get started on some easy safety fixes for Menemsha and to increase the usage of the off-site parking area off Tabor House Road in summer 2017.
  • Ms. Weidner stated that there is need to design a better way for traffic to flow in Menemsha. Ms. Malkin and Mr. Eisner stated there is a need for a consultant to help the Town understand whether changes in parking areas, drop-off areas, space for emergency vehicles, and pedestrian areas would help the flow.
  • Mr. Turner stated he felt the first thing that may be most beneficial is organization of the project. Mr. Turner stated that he could take the information the subcommittee has gathered so far and come back in mid-January with a draft of a plan for moving forward, possibly with help from consultants.
  • Ms. Malkin stated the outcome of Mr. Turner’s work should be to physically draw up some examples of what Menemsha should look like—maybe a few so that they could be reviewed by the Town in order to get further feedback. She imagined that each of the plans may come with recommendations as well.
  • Ms. Malkin stated the next step would be to get an idea of the best plan and then get estimates of what the cost would be to implement the changes.
  • Mr. Turner stated he would be happy to facilitate this process.
  • Ms. Malkin stated she would want to provide Mr. Turner with the 100 +/- or so traffic/pedestrian related items that have been broached in the feedback/input process.
  • Mr. Eisner stated he would like to review the list of items that has been generated so far and possibly narrow down the list to represent the priorities of the subcommittee.
  • Ms. Weidner asked Ms. Christy to send Mr. Turner the excel file of the traffic/safety items that has been generated so far.
  • Ms. Weidner and Mr. Eisner both spoke about the philosophical underpinnings of the future plan for Menemsha and both stated that the plan should reflect the philosophy that has become evident over the months of input.
  • Discussion continued regarding the amount and type of data needed to produce a usable and worthwhile plan.
  • Mr. Turner reiterated that the project needs to be organized around a plan of action. He stated he would get “existing conditions” data first so that the state of Menemsha, a snapshot of the area, is able to be created. He further stated he would then “map” the problems and the “issues”. He stated then he would begin to create plans for the future.
  • Mr. Turner stated that he would plan to return to the subcommittee on January 23, 2016.
  • Mr. Turner also stated he would bring Bill Veno, Senior Planner, in to help with the project.
  • Mr. Turner stated it is important to be thinking about the philosophical underpinnings of the project so that thinking happens about what kind of place Menemsha should be.
  • Mr. Hopkins inquired into the success of the police detail at the top of the hill during the Meet the Fleet event last summer. Ms. Weidner thought it went well, but it was only for one night.
  • Ms. Malkin asked what the subcommittee imagines are the key areas of concern in Menemsha? What is the problem?
  • Traffic congestion
  • Consensus is there on what is important
  • Need to communicate what the problems are and what philosophy guides the potential revisions of Menemsha
  • Mr. Eisner stated that in order to formulate a philosophy, the subcommittee would need to interpret the feedback.
  • Ms. Weidner stated three general areas that seem to be emerging priorities in the feedback received so far:
  • Keep Menemsha a “going fishing concern” and a “working waterfront”
  • Remain a recreational area
  • Recognition that people make a living in Menemsha
  • Mr. Eisner stated he agreed with that assessment but thinks that the subcommittee can make their own adjustments to the plan so that it encompasses the three main priorities above while also incorporating changes that reflect the philosophical vision for Menemsha.
  • It was agreed that it is difficult to include all of the feedback due to the fact that they are sometimes contradictory.
  • Ms. Weidner asked the subcommittee members to identify what materials should be provided to Mr. Turner so that he may get started.
  • The list of items from the feedback/input sessions on the large spreadsheet.
  • Review of Meetings with Board of Health and Beach Committee:
  • It was noted that the Board of Health provided a list of priorities to the subcommittee members who attended their meeting on December 7, 2016.
  • Discussion occurred regarding the water and sewage usage and capacities in Menemsha.
  • The draft minutes were not ready for review.
  • Ms. Weidner stated she would add items from the two meetings of the Beach Comm. and the Board of Health to the spreadsheet.
  • It was noted by Ms. Malkin that the BOH member, Mr. Poole, described that when he was a child there was an approximately  three feet wide are on the left side of the road going to Menemsha that was grassy and went all the way from the Crossroads to Menemsha.
  • Next Meetings:
  • January 6, 2017, 9AM- Use the draft of the spreadsheet to formulate a clear set of problems
  • January 9, 2017, 3PM
  • January 23, 2017, 3PM
  • Cont’d Discussion re Menemsha Master Plan:
  • More discussion occurred about whether the plan should be given to the MVC/consultants with or without a statement of the philosophical underpinnings of the plan.
  • Correspondence:
  • The subcommittee reviewed Ms. Packer’s letter.
  • It was determined that Park & Recreation has no jurisdiction over non-bulkhead businesses.
  • The subcommittee stated their decision to send the letter back to the Board of Selectmen due to the fact that the problem identified by Ms. Packer is under the business of the BOS. Ms. Weidner requested Ms. Christy send an email letter to the Executive Secretary stating the issues brought forward by Ms. Packer are not within the regulatory and/or enforcement purview of the subcommittee.
  • Minutes:
  • These minutes were reviewed:
  • Nov. 28, 2016: Approved as written.
Adjourned at 4:32PM.
Minutes respectfully submitted by Jennifer L. Christy