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Planning Board Subcommittee Minutes 11/28/16
Chilmark Planning Board Subcommittee Meeting
Monday, Nov. 28, 2016
Present: Janet Weidner, Chair, Joan Malkin, Peter Cook, John Eisner
Not Present:
Staff: Jennifer L. Christy

Meeting called to order at 3:04PM:
  • Board of Selectmen Meeting Update (November 15, 2016):
  • Ms. Malkin gave a short update regarding the meeting of the BOS to review the warrant articles on the STM scheduled for December 5, 2016.
  • Ms. Malkin noted that the easement for the sidewalk (along the lot owned by the DiMaura’s in Menemsha) would only be requested once it is clear what would be planned.
  • Mr. Eisner inquired why a “consultant” is not mentioned in the warrant articles since it is supposed that the project would need at least a minimal amount of consulting.
  • It was determined that the warrant articles did not specifically state that the funds cannot fund a consultant and also determined that an action to obtain a reasonable consultant soon after a positive vote for the articles would be an important first step.
  • There was a brief discussion about the 2013 Annual Town Meeting warrant article funding a comprehensive review of the zoning bylaws and whether this may be used to help fund a consultant. It was determined that it could not be used. Ms. Malkin asked if Ms. Christy would inquire what the Board needs to do to return these funds to the general fund and then what happens to those funds.
  • Menemsha Master Plan:
  • Ms. Malkin opened the discussion to relate a conversation with a friend who is not a resident of Chilmark regarding Menemsha. She related that diners at the Homeport may be stranded in Menemsha if they are dining late and have parked at the off-site parking area. This person related that they were unable to take the shuttle bus back to the off-site parking area.
  • Ms. Malkin asked that this issue be placed on the list of traffic issues (created by Ms. Weidner).
  • Discussion occurred regarding reaching out to the larger island community for input on the Menemsha area. Ms. Weidner stated she would draft a letter for review by the subcommittee on December 12th.
  • The subcommittee members reviewed the 1/12/2016 Menemsha Traffic/ Circulation Visioning Results sent to Tim Carroll by Bill Veno of the MVC after a meeting of the BOS on January 12, 2016.
  • Enforcement of parking regulations was discussed.
  • Where the bus drops off passengers was discussed and it was imagined how it would work to drop passengers nearer to the beach.
  • It was determined which items should be added to the broader brainstormed list of issues. Ms. Weidner stated she would add items that are on this list, but do not appear on the larger list of issues, to the larger list.
  • It was mentioned that the off-site parking area shelter may need to be made from a transparent material for safety reasons.
  • After-sunset exodus of visitors is an important issue to address.
  • Menemsha Master Plan Traffic Study Information:
  • The subcommittee members reviewed the email from Priscilla LeClerc at the MVC and the second email from Adam Turner of the MVC.
  • It was discussed when Adam Turner could attend a subcommittee meeting to discuss the topic of a traffic study RFP.
  • Next Meetings:
  • December 12th, 2016, 2:30PM. It was requested that Ms. Christy invite Adam Turner of the MVC and whomever from the MVC staff that he feels it would be good to include to the next meeting on December 12th.
  • It was requested that Ms. Christy please contact the Board of Health once more to see if a representative could attend the subcommittee meeting at 3:30PM to provide input about the Menemsha Master Plan.
  • Correspondence:
  • The response from Tim Carroll regarding the email from Louie Larsen was discussed. It was determined that Ms. Weidner should contact the chairperson of the Park & Recreation committee, Andy Goldman, to confirm that the Park & Recreation committee will be following up with Louie Larsen. Ms. Weidner stated she would contact Andy Goldman concerning the issue in the email.
  • There was brief discussion regarding the email from Marjorie Maws. It was stated that the subcommittee would like to know under what conditions may the road be closed down to Menemsha. It was determined that Chief Cioffi would be able to answer this question and the subcommittee requested Ms. Christy to find out the answer to this question.
  • It was noted by Mr. Eisner that there is no signage for emergency evacuation and he wondered if this is required to be installed.
  • Ms. Malkin requested that Ms. Christy respond to Ms. Maws and request that she provide more details about her concern.
  • Minutes:
  • These minutes were reviewed:
  • Sept. 26, 2016: Approved as written.
  • Sept. 29, 2016: Approved with changes.
  • Nov. 2, 2016: Approved with changes.
  • Nov. 14, 2016: Approved with changes.
Adjourned at 4:30PM.
Minutes respectfully submitted by Jennifer L. Christy