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Planning Board Subcommittee Minutes 11/14/16
Chilmark Planning Board Subcommittee Meeting
Monday, Nov. 14, 2016
Present: Janet Weidner, Chair, Joan Malkin, John Eisner, Rich Osnoss
Not Present: Peter Cook
Menemsha Residents: Scott McDowell, Everett Poole, Leonard Jason, Annette Cingle. Jane Slater, Helen & Arne deKejizer, Jeff Bezanson, Edward Greenebaum, Barbara Fenner, Debbie Packer, Robert Riemer, BMCS/Officer in Charge (USCG)
Staff: Jennifer L. Christy

Meeting called to order at 3:04PM:
  • Menemsha Master Planning Meeting with Menemsha Residents:
  • Chairperson Weidner introduced the topic of the Menemsha Master Plan update and summarized the events leading up to today and the subcommittee’s progress in obtaining input on Menemsha.
  • Ms. Fenner stated that the places where the buses stop on the way into Menemsha to allow riders to disembark is unsafe.
  • Ms. Malkin inquired the public’s feeling about whether the VTA buses should be allowed to be flagged down rather than have a set bus stop. It was unclear the feeling of the room regarding bus stops, but there was general agreement that the VTA bus stopping near or on the intersection to Dutcher Dock/Basin Road is very unsafe.
  • Mr. McDowell expressed dismay with the speed of the drivers on Basin Road. Ms. Slater joined in the sentiment that the speed of drivers on Basin Road is dangerous.
  • Ms. Packer distributed a written response to traffic and parking issues at or near her business, Menemsha Market.
  • Ms. Packer expressed great satisfaction with having a traffic officer and clear signage in the Menemsha area, particularly in the area around the Menemsha Market and Galley area.
  • Ms. Fenner agreed with the assessment that a traffic officer stationed in Menemsha is very helpful.
  • Ms. Packer suggested the securing of the concrete car “stops” at the beach parking lot. She expressed satisfaction with the walkway/boardwalk traveling from the beach to the comfort station.
  • There was some discussion about purchasing a better walkway that allowed for access of wheelchairs and strollers (access on the current walkway is limited to walkers.)
  • Ms. Packer expressed some concern with the idea of a sidewalk on the south side of the road from the intersection to the Menemsha Market area. Mr. Greenebaum stated that a retaining wall and landscaping would need to be installed in this area to create a walkway and, if this were to be done well, he would be in favor of the establishment of a walkway.
  • Mr. Bezanson also spoke in favor of a well-created walkway that protected the property owners and the public.
  • Mr. McDowell observed that often he sees that the pedestrians are walking faster than the cars due to the gridlock. He suggested a speedbump for Basin Road.
  • Ms. Slater stated that the delineation of walkways and parking will need to be designed well in order for it to work and be adopted by the visitors and travelers in Menemsha.
  • Mr. Greenebaum described a plan that could work if installed alongside the south side of his property that may accommodate pedestrians and cars safely and well.
  • Ms. Slater reiterated her reminder that it is important to remember that the unsafe time is approximately 10 weeks.
  • Ms. Cingle stated that there are keys things that could be employed to increase the safety on Basin Road. She noted Mr. McDowell’s idea of speed bumps, walkways and the change of the stopping areas for buses.
  • Mr. Bezanson inquired about the parking rules in Menemsha and whether these rules are enforced. He suggested a two-hour limit, for example, for the Menemsha beach.
  • Ms. Slater expressed doubt that introducing a tow truck to Menemsha in the high season would be helpful.
  • Mr. Eisner inquired the group feeling regarding the policing of Menemsha. Ms. Cingle stated that the signage for the off-site parking should be larger. Mr. Bezanson suggested that the traffic officers provide directions to the off-site parking area to the car drivers.
  • Mr. Eisner inquired whether the group is interested in compulsory parking at the off-site parking site. There appeared to be general agreement that this would not be a great idea.
  • Ms. Malkin suggested the idea of a “parking lot full” sign. Some mentioned that this kind of sign would hurt businesses.
  • Mr. McDowell stated that the entire issue of traffic needs to start at Woods Hole. He further stated that the issue is that greater and greater amounts of cars are coming to the island in general and Menemsha is simply the “receiving end” and there is little that can be done.
  • Ms. Malkin asked the feeling of the group regarding reducing the numbers of parking spaces as a way to make the area easier to navigate and safer. There was general agreement that this was not a good idea.
  • Ms. Weidner inquired the view of the group on instituting an area only for compact cars along the northeast side of Basin Road past the comfort station to the beach.
  • Ms. Packer stated there are many employees/owners cars and belongings parked for long periods of time which are blocking the areas for visitors. She estimated 25 spaces appeared to be occupied by employees/owners each day and for long periods of time.
  • Ms. Weidner stated that Angela Grant of the VTA reminded the Board that there are buses that are scheduled to assist employees arriving early and leaving late.
  • Ms. deKeijzer stated that Menemsha needs to remain a family-friendly area and the public beach and businesses that are there enhance that feeling of community.
  • Ms. Cingle imagined that off-site parking could possibly be at the school parking area and, if a nice path were established along the Menemsha crossroad and down North Road to the village, the visitors may walk to Menemsha or ride bikes.
  • Mr. Eisner inquired about the group’s feeling on change in Menemsha.
  • The group stated that change in Menemsha is not welcome except the small changes to increase the safety of pedestrians and vehicle drivers. Ms. Slater stated clearly that those who work and/or live in Menemsha do not want it to change. She mentioned how welcoming the village is for visitors and many of these visitors are renting in Chilmark from year-rounders who are able stay on the Vineyard due to this arrangement.
  • Ms. Armstrong mentioned she would like the external noise produced by VTA buses in Menemsha to be addressed.
  • Ms. Slater, a member of the Park & Recreation Committee, stated that that committee is already addressing the issue of outside/external noise from businesses in Menemsha and the committee considers this an issue that the committee must resolve.
  • Ms. deKeijizer inquired about ancient ways. She noted the paths that have been used by residents for access to the beach and Cove Road. General discussion occurred about the usage of paths. She further noted the lack of access to water for those who may be interested in launching a boat.
  • Ms. Armstrong inquired about where the VTA bus will be stopping and turning around in Menemsha and if any decisions had been made on this topic. Ms. Weidner stated there is no decision yet.
  • Next Meeting:
  • November 28th, 2016, 3PM
  • Minutes:
  • No Minutes were reviewed.
Minutes respectfully submitted by Jennifer L. Christy