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Planning Board Subcommittee Minutes 09/20/16
Chilmark Planning Board Subcommittee Meeting
with the Historical Commission
Tuesday, Sept. 20, 2016
Present: Janet Weidner, Chair, John Eisner, Joan Malkin, Peter Cook, Barbara Armstrong, Steve McGhee, Jane Slater, Leonard Jason Jr.
Not Present:
Staff: Jennifer L. Christy, Chuck Hodgkinson

Meeting called to order at 5:15PM:
  • Menemsha Master Plan:
  • Mr. Cook asked if the Commission had input for the subcommittee from their perspective.
  • Ms. Slater noted that she would not want to preserve a vision of Menemsha that was tied to a historical perspective which would somehow limit the fishing industry.
  • Ms. Weidner inquired about the possibility of a museum being placed in Menemsha.
  • Ms. Slater noted that a museum may add to the parking problems.
  • Ms. Malkin inquired about the private houses that are in Menemsha and the possibility that they are not restricted by zoning that limits height to lower than the standard 24 foot height limit.
  • Mr. Eisner inquired whether the Commission would feel that there is worth in having more limited zoning in Menemsha.
  • Ms. Malkin asked if the Commission felt that there is any benefit to limiting the buildings to certain size and height in a different and separate zoning area.
  • Ms. Slater and Mr. Jason stated that more regulations in Menemsha would limit the rights of lot owners. They asked the subcommittee members for clarification on what the zoning should change. Ms. Malkin, Ms. Weidner and Mr. Eisner clarified that their intent is to gather information rather than make any proposals.
  • Mr. Cook stated it appeared that the Commission members do not support more regulation or instituting restrictive zoning to maintain the picturesque look.
  • Mr. Eisner asked how the Commission views the idea of compulsory parking off-site at certain times.
  • Mr. Jason stated that the parking area on the comfort station side of the way to Menemsha is not available, currently, to parking for the bulkhead fishermen.
  • Ms. Slater and Mr. Jason stated that Menemsha is not as large a problem as Beetlebung Corner and Middle Road.
  • Mr. Jason was asked again, by Mr. Eisner, whether he was in favor of any application of compulsory parking. He stated he would be in favor of some type of compulsory parking, especially for employees.
  • Mr. Cook alerted the Commission members that a regular refrain from many committees/Boards/dept. heads is to not increase parking spaces in Menemsha.
  • Ms. Slater stated that the Police may need to be different in Menemsha with a different focus that hones in on traffic issues through a parking attendant, for example.
  • Mr. Eisner suggested the idea of concierge/pay parking in Menemsha.
  • Mr. Jason suggested the idea of resident-only Menemsha beach parking.
  • Ms. Slater stated that the plan for Menemsha has to be balanced and the Menemsha business owners need to be allowed to have their patrons get to their business.
  • Ms. Malkin suggested the Commissioners think about solutions that would improve the Menemsha area without making huge changes. A drop-off area in Menemsha is one idea for a change that would help but not make a huge change.
Meeting adjourned at 5:55PM.
Minutes respectfully submitted by Jennifer L. Christy