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Planning Board Subcommittee Minutes 08/11/16
Joint Meeting of the Chilmark Planning Board Subcommittee
with Harbor Advisory Committee
Chilmark Town Hall, Selectmen’s Meeting Room
August 11, 2016
Planning Board Members Present: Janet Weidner, Joan Malkin, Peter Cook
Public: Lev Wlodyka, William Elliston (Casey) Jim Malkin (Selectman), Jen Wlodyka (Beach Committee),
Harbor Advisory Committee Members Present: Andy Goldman, Jeff Maida, Everett Poole
Staff: Jennifer Christy, Admin. Asst., Chuck Hodgkinson (admin), Richard Steves, Dennis Jason (Harbormaster)

Meeting called to order at 1:04PM
  • Discussion:
  • Ms. Malkin opened the meeting and gave a brief summary of the purpose of the meeting: to gather input on Menemsha.
  • What works in Menemsha and does not work
  • What should change in Menemsha and what should remain
  • Mr. Poole suggested a three way stop where Basin Road meets Dutcher Dock road. Mr. Wlodyka agreed with the idea.
  • Mr. Elliston suggested that parking of employees of the markets in Menemsha be off-site.
  • Mr. Wlodyka noted that there are three different enforcements for the areas in Menemsha and wanted to be clear about the different jurisdictions.
  • Mr. Everett noted that the lots past the Galley towards the Coast Guard building were regulated by the State and he believed that there was a stipulation that the lots be regulated by the Selectmen at transfer.
  • The other lots on the bulkhead were originally privately owned, Mr. Poole stated, from the charter docks to the gas station—and were transferred to the Board of Selectmen.
  • Mr. Elliston stated that the commercial fishermen should have priority in parking in Menemsha rather than employees of the markets. He also noted that it would be best to have a closer off-site parking area.
  • Mr. Steves noted that the gas station needs space for the refill truck (on the dune side) and he further noted the marking off of this space with cones should only be done when the truck is coming.
  • Mr. Elliston disagreed and stated that the area has been cordoned off in that way for many, many years and that there is a necessity for this area. Mr. Wlodyka stated a police presence may help with this.
  • Mr. Wlodyka felt there is an imbalanced enforcement of the bylaws and felt that certain groups are favored whereas others are not. He noted that there are people who have fishing lots that are not currently fishing and that have markets that may not be following the bylaws.
  • Mr. Wlodyka noted that he came to the Town to live because he wanted to do commercial fishing and he has a commitment to the endeavor and the Town.
  • Mr. Elliston noted it was unfair that people from other Towns appear to have advantages that people from Town do not have. Mr. Elliston and Mr. Wlodyka noted that there is boat construction and equipment along the bulkhead that take up space for unspecified periods of time. Mr. Wlodyka noted he has a commercial boat and he is not generally allowed to come in to the bulkhead due to the occupation of the slips by out-of-towners. He has experienced people running their boats into his and actively being kept out. Mr. Steves asked why there is an issue if Mr. Wlodyka has a slip at the West Dock. Mr. Wlodyka noted that there appears to be increased storage allowed to the people who occupy the slips along the bulkhead.
  • Mr. Malkin noted that specific complaints about what is currently occurring may not be relevant to this forum since this meeting is about input for the Master Plan development.
  • Ms. Weidner and Mr. Eisner noted that they appreciate the existence of problems, but are also concerned with the future and what this group of people may contribute to that vision.
  • Mr. Hodgkinson and Mr. Jason noted that no more space for pleasure boats are to be allowed in Menemsha as per the current Master Plan. Mr. Jason stated that a starting point would be to ensure that the majority of Menemsha should be maintained as a commercial fishing spot.
  • Mr. Wlodyka stated that Selectmen have not defined Commercial Fisherman. Mr. Malkin noted that his knowledge was that it must be 40% of your income from commercial fishing. Mr. Wlodyka stated that there appears to be people who operate as commercial fishermen in Menemsha who do not bring in that percentage of income from commercial fishing.
  • Ms. Malkin asked for thoughts on the storage issues. Mr. Wlodyka stated that it is necessary to be a diverse fishermen nowadays and he has huge amounts of gear that he must now truck back and forth from his house and it adds hours to the workday. He further noted that part of the charm of Menemsha was the storage of gear and being able to see it. Mr. Elliston stated that the storage issue is a safety issue as well due to the fact that gear and equipment must be kept ordered and available to promote the safety of the fisherman.
  • Mr. Elliston noted there seemed to be a lot of buildings not used and could be used for storage. He further noted that some buildings that appear to not be used are also in disrepair and affect the aesthetics of Menemsha.
  • Mr. Jason noted that transient boaters are regulars for the most part. He further noted that there are less and less small family transient boaters and the boats are bigger and more expensive. Mr. Jason noted that a reservation harbor would not work well with only 16 slips. He stated that he would not change the way the harbor works for the transient boaters. Mr. Jason noted he would like more and younger families coming back as transient boaters.
  • Mr. Eisner inquired if the “shoulder” season had a significant effect on Menemsha. Mr. Jason noted that the spring is quiet but the fall is busy.
  • Mr. Elliston asked if it would be possible to place more moorings outside Menemsha or in the Pond with the establishment of a launch service.
  • Mr. Jason noted that the Coast Guard has not made it easy to install more moorings. The Town, he noted further, has control over just 35 feet off the dock and the rest of the area is federally operated. He further noted that the State has extensive regulations regarding the Pond and the Town only has ownership of the landing. He noted there are 200 private  moorings in the Pond and there is not a great place to land a dinghy.
  • Mr. Wlodyka noted that Tashmoo has a plan where there are town dinghies that are used to go out to moorings, but he is not clear if that would work in Menemsha.
  • Mr. Malkin noted the need to first determine if Menemsha is to be a fishing port and then what will occur, if in fact the Town does decide Menemsha should remain primarily as a commercial fishing area, is that the numerous issues regarding storage, bylaw enforcement, equity for commercial fishermen, parking, for example, will then be able to be addressed with the mandate of Menemsha as a commercial fishing center.
  • Mr. Wlodyka and Mr. Elliston noted that the issue remains that bylaws do not appear to be enforced equitably and the Town has weighed in again and again with their support of Menemsha as a commercial fishing village.
  • Mr. Jason noted that he agreed with Mr. Malkin that the first step is for an affirmation from the Town of what Menemsha should be. Mr. Jason noted various insurance restrictions for amount of storage of gear and also noted that lots used to be able to have storage on the east side of the road, near the comfort station. Mr. Everett noted he created the shell parking lot on the east side across from the business he used to own for storage, but now this storage area has been eliminated.
  • Mr. Cook noted the process will be for the Planning Board to present the Town with a Master Plan for their approval and then once a Master Plan is approved then the various entities involved in Menemsha will then need to address the problems that are apparent.
  • Mr. Wlodyka inquired about the nearest town-owned land from Menemsha.
  • Mr. Jason noted the West Dock is summer resident slips (14) with parking permitted on the dock for those summer residents. There are 17 slips down the floating dock. Altogether there are 30 slips.
  • Mr. Eisner inquired who fishermen go to for assistance in the  resolution of disputes in Menemsha and is the process easy. Mr. Elliston stated it is not easy. Mr. Wlodyka stated that the recourse for fishermen is the Selectmen and noted it would be helpful to have one governing board that can address Menemsha.
  • Ms. Malkin noted that the gathering of input today is not the end of giving input and invited everyone to contact the members or Ms. Christy if there is more input or questions.
  • Mr. Wlodyka noted that the area around The Galley needs to be addressed for safety.
  • Ms. Malkin inquired for thoughts of the group regarding less parking spaces in Menemsha. Mr. Goldman noted that it is not a matter of few spaces but rather a matter of how long the cars occupy the spaces. He also noted that the shuttle service should address the beachgoers primarily.
  • Ms. Wlodyka noted that the Menemsha shuttle should be advertised more so that the beachgoers utilize it.
  • Mr. Eisner inquired of the group’s feelings regarding a big change to parking rules. Mr. Wlodyka noted that 15 minute parking spaces would be a good addition to Menemsha. Ms. Wlodyka disagreed and stated  that it is the one place where beachgoers can come without a permit to enjoy Menemsha. Ms. Wlodyka stated that the parking issue changes all the time in Menemsha and extreme regulations of parking in Menemsha is not warranted and the freedom of Menemsha is a key aspect of the place.
  • Mr. Jason asked what the rules were concerning the Homeport parking area and he stated he spoke with the Selectmen in the spring about a cul-de-sac in the area of The Galley.
  • Mr. Steves noted that an open area in front of the beach seems like it would be out of place and convey a negative to the public. Mr. Wlodyka stated that it would make Menemsha feel exclusive if there were limits on parking. Mr. Elliston inquired whether there is the possibility of parking in the area of the Coast Guard main station.
  • Mr. Poole stated that the bulkhead should be maintained for commercial boats only and this should be in the new Master Plan. Many attendees seconded that statement. Mr. Poole noted in the late 40s and early 50s there were 60 boats tied to the bulkhead and Mr. Elliston and noted there would be boats five deep at that time.
  • Mr. Maida noted that there is quite a lot of fishing occurring in Menemsha now but the fishing is different and the boats are different.
  • Right behind the Harbormaster boat to the charter boats is the area for the commercial fishing boats. Ms. Malkin inquired if charter boats are commercial fishing boats. There was general sentiment that charter fishing is not commercial fishing. Ms. Malkin asked whether it is a good thing to have the charter boats where they are. It was generally agreed that the area where the charter boats is good.
  • It was noted that northwest of the fuel dock is Dutcher Dock.
  • Ms. Wlodyka noted that a definition of commercial fisherman would need to be broad enough to include the particularly diverse type of fishermen that is necessary to survive in these times.
  • Mr. Goldman and Mr. & Ms. Wlodyka both thanked the subcommittee for their time.
More discussion:
There was discussion about the status of where the subcommittee is in terms of the Master Plan and evident themes from the various meetings.
Mr. Cook noted that the Coast Guard would be a resource to understand how much control they have in Menemsha.
Mr. Eisner stated he does not want to work on the production of a Master Plan without providing input in the form of practical solutions.
Ms. Malkin noted a key area is for the subcommittee to determine exactly what space is “available”. She further noted that along with the Master Plan production she is confident that there will be a set of clear solutions that the Board may present to the Town.
Mr. Cook agreed with this and Ms. Malkin further stated that one clear recommendation that the Board most likely will give is to make better and consistent and applicable signage in Menemsha.

Meeting adjourned at 2:13 PM. Minutes respectfully submitted by Jennifer L. Christy