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Planning Board Subcommittee Minutes 06/27/16
Chilmark Planning Board Subcommittee Meeting
Monday, June 27, 2016
Present: Janet Weidner, Chair, Peter Cook, John Eisner
Not Present: Joan Malkin
Staff: Jennifer L. Christy
Meeting called to order at 3:08PM:
  • Menemsha Master Plan Planning:
  • Brief discussion occurred regarding the meetings with the MV Fishermen’s Preservation Trust, Police Chief, and the Park & Recreation Committee.
  • Discussion occurred regarding how the ideas and thoughts that are generated will be organized in order to create a written Master Plan. Mr. Eisner suggested that the topics be grouped in categories. More discussion occurred regarding the importance of continuing to listen to the entire range of thoughts and ideas for the Master Planning of Menemsha without suggesting that the Planning Board has noticed a theme or a trend in the feedback. Mr. Cook suggested that the final Master Plan for Menemsha may not have a lot of directives in it from the Planning Board but will instead provide a vision for Menemsha that other entities that issue regulations and policy may use to develop rules and regulations and initiatives.
  • Ms. Weidner stated the August 8th meeting with the BOS will be a further effort in gathering information and ideas.
  • The subcommittee members discussed how the Menemsha Fish House is the most visible aspect of the commercial fishing activity in Menemsha. The subcommittee members discussed how this commercial activity may coexist with the tourist activity.
  • It was noted that the area of Menemsha is a finite area and there are many different things that people want and it will be important to balance, if possible, those different views.
  • Mr. Eisner expressed a desire to look past what Menemsha has always been and the status quo.
  • Mr. Cook noted that the Planning Board will need to develop a Master Plan that supports certain goals for the Menemsha area; the stakeholders in Menemsha such as the Park & Recreation Committee, and the Historical Commission, and the MV Fishermen’s Preservation Trust will then identify objectives that work towards implementing action plans that reflects the goals for Menemsha.
  • Mr. Eisner stated his view that he does not want the Planning Board to be simply a conduit for what others want to do in Menemsha.
  • Mr. Cook stated that the intent of the Menemsha Master Plan may be to keep the essence of Menemsha intact. It was discussed, for example, how a vision for a traffic plan for Menemsha can contribute to the maintenance of the essence of Menemsha. Ms. Weidner stated that specific actions could be taken to enhance the safety in Menemsha and the Planning Board could suggest the “overall vision” and then separate entities, such as the Police Dept. or the Park & Rec. Dept., could develop initiatives and solutions to address parts of the vision.
  • It was discussed how to deal with an area that is at saturation in terms of traffic in the summer and may be getting worse in the future.
  • Mr. Eisner noted that the Board should be developing a range of solutions to the issues that are uncovered during the time that the Board is gathering feedback. Ms. Weidner agreed that the Board should be developing a vision, a plan, and then public forums are held regarding the vision. Mr. Eisner noted there must be consensus before anything may be successful.
  • Mr. Cook stated that solutions could be advanced and the up and down sides could be highlighted for each proposed solution. He further stated that direction will be provided as the discussion continues.
  • Mr. Eisner stated that his primary concern is the focus on solutions for Menemsha without being distracted by the creation of a Master Plan.
  • Minutes of the Planning Board Subcommittee meeting with Park & Recreation Committee on June 24, 2016 and Subcommittee Meeting with the Police Chief on June 13, 2016:
  • The minutes for these two meetings were reviewed and approved with changes.
  • Next Meeting:
  • July 11, 2016, 3PM
  • Meeting adjourned at 4:23PM.
Minutes respectfully submitted by Jennifer L. Christy