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Planning Board Subcommittee Minutes 03/14/16
Chilmark Planning Board Subcommittee Meeting
Monday, March 14, 2016
Present: Janet Weidner, Chair, Joan Malkin
Not Present:  Jennifer Christy, Administrative Asst.
Public: Peter Cook, Pam Goff
Staff: Tim Carroll
Meeting called to order at 3:30PM:

  • Discussion re Town-wide Planning/ Menemsha Planning:
  • Discussion occurred regarding next steps in the long-term planning for Menemsha.
  • Discussion occurred about the other areas of the Town that need long-term planning other than Menemsha.
  • Mr. Carroll itemized the issues that will be addressed at the Annual Town Meeting regarding Menemsha:
  • Width of the Boardwalk/dune path.
  • Bus parking/turn-around area:
  • Extended discussion occurred about the workings of the small parking area next to the comfort station.
  • In the off-season, the bus will make the loop around the beach rather than turn around on the small parking lot by the comfort station.
  • Width of the road and the bulkhead widened and paved in order to provide for the larger size of cars in this era.
  • A proposal to add 3 ft. to the width of Basin Road and add a painted 3 ft. pedestrian area from Menemsha Blues to Crick (or Creek) Hill Road. Mr. Carroll reviewed the survey plan prepared by VLSE, dated January 12, 2015.
  • Mr. Carroll further reviewed the plan area by the Homeport, the Menemsha Market and the Galley. He noted a solution for the length of road from Menemsha Blues to the Galley will need to wait until next year. However, there will be some brush-cutting done on the northwest side of the road.
  • The renovation of the Comfort Station. The goal of the BOS is to make cosmetic changes for the summer 2016. The cost could be $75,000 to repair while a new building could be $200,000+. Mr. Carroll noted the structure of the building is sound and changes in plumbing and replacement of certain areas of the interior could greatly improve the experience of the users.
  • Mr. Cook suggested a porta-potty at the off-site parking area at the old landfill site.
  • Mr. Carroll noted Edgartown’s use of porta-potties in a wooden structure.
  • Mr. Carroll discussed the issue of a sidewalk brought to the Town by members of the Crick Hill community.
  • There are safety issues with walking from Beetlebung CafĂ© to the paved road before the bridge, walking west and northwest.
  • There is an established public right to access the walking path over Crick Hill but area homeowners dispute the rights of the walking path over Crick Hill.
  • Mr. Carroll noted that the Board of Selectmen intend to protect the walking path access.
  • Mr. Carroll noted that the Town voted in the 1960s to provide a walking path from the Community Center to Menemsha. This has been the reasoning behind clearing 6 ft. of roadside along Menemsha Crossroad and North Road down to Menemsha.
  • Mr. Carroll noted the police department had advised to not cut the brush back on the roadside down North Road into Menemsha because it provided areas that invited parking. However, Mr. Carroll further noted, the Town has begun to cut back the brush on the North Rd.-Menemsha roadside to provide pedestrian access along the road due to the fact that the road has been posted No Parking consistently and the problem of parking on the roadsides has been reduced.
  • Minutes:
  • Minutes of Feb. 4, 2016 were not reviewed.
  • Next Meeting:
  • March 28, 2016, 3:00PM

  • Meeting adjourned at 4:35PM.
Minutes respectfully submitted by Jennifer L. Christy