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Planning Board Minutes 02/16/16
Chilmark Planning Board
February 16, 2016
Present: Chair, Rich Osnoss, Mitchell Posin, Joan Malkin, Sam Hart, Chris MacLeod
Not Present: Janet Weidner, John Eisner
Public: Peter B. Cook, Bill Veno
Staff: Jennifer Christy, Admin. Asst., Tim Carroll, Exec. Sec.
Meeting called to order at 4:30 PM
  • 2015 DRAFT Annual Town Report:
  • Ms. Malkin made a motion to approve the 2015 draft of the Board’s Town Report Submission as drafted. The motion was seconded. All ayes.
  • Mayhew Trail Opportunity, Bill Veno, MVC:
  • Mr. Veno, on behalf of the MV Land Bank, presented the trail proposal and showed a map of the area that would be accessed by the trail. The new trail would be in an area abutting Middle Line Road and abutting the Middle Line Woods Land Bank property.
  • Mr. Veno suggested the Board, if approached with a subdivision plan, may obtain a trail easement for the Land Bank.
  • The Board asked that Ms. Christy please create a file for this topic and file under Map 13, Lot 42.
  • Mr. Carroll noted that the Planning Board had a Trails & Byways Committee and had discussed this trail.
  • Mr. Posin requested that Mr. Veno send the Board the map as an attachment in an email so that it is clear, in the future, that the suggestion originated from the Land Bank and the MVC.
  • Mr. Osnoss requested that a letter be drafted from the Board and sent to the Town’s Trails & Byways Committee, re Map 13, Lot 42, indicating the Board’s endorsement of the creation of a trail at Map 13, Lot 42, shown in the map provided by Mr. Veno.
  • Homesite Housing Section 6.9 proposed amendments:
  • Mr. Posin made a motion to accept the proposed bylaw amendments, including the changes detailed in the January 12, 2016 email from town counsel. The motion was seconded and was voted unanimously to send to the Board of Selectmen once the changes are included in the draft.
  • All Island Planning Board (AIPB) Affordable Housing Strategy Group (a subcommittee of the AIPB):
  • Mr. Hart provided a summary of the work of the strategy group.
  • Mr. Hart stated he would return to the Board with the draft Housing Production Plan (HPP.)
  • Memo re Master Plan Funds, Tim Carroll
  • Ms. Malkin noted that she attended a Board of Selectmen meeting on Feb. 3rd, 2016 to offer the Planning Board’s help in town planning. She further noted that Mr. Carroll spoke with her and Ms. Weidner re planning. Ms. Malkin suggested a letter be drafted to the Board of Selectmen noting the town planning priorities and a reiteration of the desire of the Board to assist with town planning.
  • Mr. Carroll suggested, verbally and in his memo to the Board, that a warrant article, passed at ATM April 2013, appropriating $5000.00 for a consultant to the Board re the zoning bylaws, could be amended to address a Master Plan need.
  • Ms. Malkin suggested that the Board review what the costs are for a revised and updated Master Plan rather than rushing to change a warrant article at this April Town Meeting in 2016. She further suggested the Board discuss what it is the Board wants to pursue regarding town planning before taking action on a change to the warrant article.
  • Mr. Carroll suggested that the approach be a hybrid of existing knowledge and new information. He further suggested the MVC may assist in the revision.
  • Mr. Veno mentioned the benefits of using the resources at the Citizen’s Planner Training Collaborative. He also mentioned that the MVC will be funding the fall 2016 CPTC workshops.
  • Mr. Carroll stated he would send the Board the powerpoint presentation re the Master Plan from the CPTC.
  • The Board requested that Ms. Malkin compose a letter to the Board of Selectmen reiterating the Board’s willingness and interest in assisting with town planning.
  • Mr. Veno stated he would send a digital version of the Chilmark Community Development Plan written by the MVC.
  • Wiesner Lot Release:
  • Mr. Sederholm was not present to discuss this release.
  • Historic House ATM handout draft:
  • Ms. Malkin noted two changes and asked Ms. Christy to revise the document.
  • South Road Flooding:
  • Ms. Malkin volunteered to revise letter and send to Ms. Christy. The letter, after it is revised, will be sent to the Board of Selectmen with the map of South Road problem areas. Mr. Carroll suggested he would place the problem areas on a GIS map and it could be distributed. Ms. Christy was requested to send Mitch’s sketch to Mr. Carroll.
  • Minutes:
  • December 14, 2015 minutes were not reviewed.
  • January 11, 2016 minutes were approved as written.
  • Open Topic List:
  • The open topic list was not reviewed.
  • Sica Covenants:
  • Ms. Christy stated she had reviewed the new covenants against the original ones and reviewed the minutes from July 13, 2015. She stated she would send a scan of the documents to the Board members and further stated that the covenants have been amended correctly.
  • Next Meetings:
  • Feb. 22, 2016, 4:30PM
Meeting adjourned at 6:00 PM. Minutes respectfully submitted by Jennifer L. Christy