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Planning Board Minutes 11/23/15
Chilmark Planning Board
November 23, 2015
Present: Chair, Rich Osnoss , Mitchell Posin, Joan Malkin , Janet Weidner, Sam Hart
Not Present: Jennifer Christy, Administrative Assistant
Public: Chris Macleod
Staff: Tim Carroll, Exec. Sec.
Meeting called to order at 4:35 PM
  • ZBLs DRAFT Proposed Amendments to section 6.9 Homesite Housing:
  • Mr. Carroll introduced the amendments to section 6.9, A., a., c., section 6.9, B., 4. and section 6.9, C., 3. and briefly summarized the purpose of the amendments:
  • Streamline the permitting process for homesite applicants
  • Make the Town the recipient of the special permits so the Town may grant the permits to the applicants at the conclusion of the process.
  • Brief discussion occurred.
  • Mr. Carroll introduced the amendments to section 6.9, D. and briefly summarized the purpose of the amendment noting it was suggested by Town Counsel:
  • The special act (Chap. 445, Section 1) has not been adopted by the Town, but it could be in the future and the proposed amendment would allow the Town to proceed without further changes to the ZBLs.
  • The definition of ‘long term deed restrictions’ was questioned and it was determined that the Board would review the Housing Committee’s Implementation Guidelines at the next meeting.
  • Discussion occurred about the language/wording used for the amendment section 6.9, D. Use, Resale, and Transfer of Homesite Housing Lots.
  • Mr. Carroll stated that he would have further information, and provide this to Ms. Christy, from Town Counsel before the next meeting on December 14, 2015.
  • Brief discussion occurred regarding the residency preference points that Homesite Housing applicants may be eligible for and the possible conflict those present in relation to Fair Housing Laws.
  • Ms. Weidner made a motion to hold a public hearing on December 14, 2015 for the proposed amendments to the Zoning Bylaws Section 6.9. Mr. Hart seconded the motion. All ayes. A public hearing was called for December 14, 2015.
  • Vineyard Conservation Society (VCS) Plastic Bag Ban proposal:
  • Ms. Malkin (also a member of the Board of the VCS) presented the proposed bag ban and noted these points:
  • Plastic bags are a large source of litter on the roads.
  • Plastic bags are dangerous to oceans and ocean life.
  • Plastic bag regulation is not a new issue.
  • VCS would like to amend the Town’s bylaws and would like the support of the Planning Boards, the Boards of Health and town Boards of Selectmen.
  • The Board members expressed support for the initiative and encouraged VCS to amend the Town Bylaws at a Town meeting rather than to pursue a Board of Health Regulation change.
  • MVC Checklist Review discussion:
  • Ms. Malkin reported that she has attended the Wednesday meetings of the DRI Checklist review committee at the MV Commission.
  • Ms. Malkin reported that Adam Turner, MVC director, will be providing the Towns with DRI historical statistics by the 25th of December to assist the Towns in their discussion. Ms. Malkin offered to supply the Board with the information from the MVC when it is made available.
  • Ms. Weidner suggested the Board review the checklist and be ready to discuss the checklist at the next meeting.
  • Form A & Form C Checklists:
  • Ms. Malkin asked Board members to review the checklists for discussion and adoption at the next meeting on December 28th.
  • Correspondence:
  • The Board reviewed the correspondence.
  • All Island Planning Board (AIPB) Affordable Housing Strategy Group (a subcommittee of the AIPB):
  • Mr. Osnoss attended the group’s meeting at the MV Commission offices.
  • Mr. Osnoss stated the group decided to address ‘Housing’ in their discussions rather than only ‘Affordable Housing.’
  • Mr. Hart volunteered to attend the future strategy group meetings as a representative from the Planning Board. The Board welcomed this and Mr. Hart agreed to obtain the minutes from the first meeting and then report back to the Board.
  • Brief discussion occurred. It was particularly noted that a mechanism/framework needs to be established for the Towns to work collaboratively before specific housing plans are initiated.
  • It was asked whether the AIPB would meet again in the winter: The next meeting of the AIPB will occur on January 13, 2016 at 6PM and is to be hosted by Oak Bluffs.
  • The history of Community Preservation Act (CPA) fund usage was discussed. It was suggested that Chuck Hodgkinson, administrator for the Community Preservation Committee, attend a future meeting to inform the Board members of the levels of funding for each of the areas: Open Space, Affordable Housing and Historical Preservation.
  • All Island Planning Board:
  • Ms. Malkin offered to revise the s.122 letter that has been drafted by Adam Turner of the MVC and supply a new draft that may be sent to island Planning Boards for review.
  • Minutes:
  • September 28, 2015 minutes were reviewed. The minutes were approved as written.
  • October 13, 2015 minutes were reviewed. The Board asked Ms. Christy to develop a format for submissions to the agenda to identify some background information about the applicant and/or the reason for the topic to be presented. The minutes were approved with changes.
  • October 26, 2015 minutes were reviewed. The minutes were approved with changes.
  • Open Topic List:
  • The open topic list was not reviewed.
  • Next Meetings:
  • December 14, 2015 Public hearings, Subcommittee and Board meetings: 3:30PM, 4:30PM
Meeting adjourned at 6:10 PM. Minutes respectfully submitted by Jennifer L. Christy