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Planning Board Subcommittee Minutes 07/27/15
Chilmark Planning Board Subcommittee Meeting
July 27, 2015
Present: Janet Weidner, Chair, Joan Malkin
Not Present:  Dan Greenbaum
Public: Pam Goff
Staff: Jennifer Christy, Administrative Asst., Lenny Jason, Jr., Building Inspector
Meeting called to order at 3:07PM:

  • Historic House Zoning Bylaw proposed amendment:
  • Mr. Modigliani’s questions, submitted for a previous meeting, were readdressed.
  • Ms. Goff suggested replacing the sentence, in Accessory Uses, Section 4.2A.1 Guest Houses, beginning with ‘However’ with: “even if it exceeds 800 square feet. [see 6.11.B.3.d.]”
  • Discussion occurred regarding a concern with what would happen if a historical structure, if burned down or otherwise affected by a natural disaster, is rebuilt. Ms. Malkin suggested that the bylaw amendment, in section 6.11.b.3.d., state the rebuilding of a historic house destroyed by a natural disaster may be allowed by special permit.
  • Ms. Malkin agreed to produce a final draft of the bylaw amendment. Ms. Malkin drafted a sentence to include in the second section of the draft document stating rebuilding of an historic house destroyed or partially destroyed by a natural disaster may be allowed by special permit. While brief discussion occurred, Ms. Malkin completed the changes to the draft and delivered to Ms. Christy to revise for a final draft.
  • Open Topic List Review:
  • The subcommittee reviewed the topics on the list.
  • The upcoming August 26th ZBA meeting was discussed and the topic items of the Final Draft of the Residential Building Size Biennial Report and changes recommended by the ZBA to the swimming pool portions of the town zoning bylaws were discussed. Ms. Weidner requested Ms. Malkin make sure, at the meeting with the ZBA on August 26th, to confirm that one of the changes to the ZBLs section called ‘Fire Protection’ (page 4-4) in the swimming pool zoning bylaws is to  amend the number of gallons in a swimming pool requiring a standpipe installation.
  • It was further discussed that changes must be made to the Rules & Regulations Governing Subdivisions:
  • An amendment needs to be made to require, when a subdivision is built, a plan must be provided by the applicant to install a standpipe.
  • Street number identification was discussed and the subcommittee members agreed to revise the Rules & Regulations Governing Subdivisions to reflect the requirement that subdivision plans must indicate the street numbers of the lots after consultation with the Fire Chief.
  • The subcommittee also discussed the need to have a public hearing to amend the road specifications portions of the Rules & Regulations Governing Subdivision. Ms. Malkin stated she would be meeting Mr. Posin in the near future.
  • The subcommittee members discussed the possible dates of the upcoming Special Town Meeting. Ms. Weidner stated the subcommittee will bring the final biennial report to the Planning Board in the beginning of September and then submit the report to the Board of Selectmen for consideration at one of their meetings in September with the recommendation that the Planning Board present the report at the fall special town meeting.
  • Ms. Weidner suggested the Board go to the ZBA in late September with the final draft of the Historic Structure bylaw amendment. This will allow sufficient time to hold a public hearing and have the amendment appear at the Annual Town Meeting in April 2016.
  • Minutes:
  • Minutes from July 13, 2015 were reviewed. They were approved with changes.
  • Next Meeting:
  • Monday, August 10, 2015, 3PM
  • Monday, August 24, 2015, 3PM
  • Wednesday, August 26, 2015 5PM ZBA
  • Monday, September 14, 2015
  • Wednesday, September 23, 2015 5PM ZBA?? (to present the Historical Structure bylaw amendment?)
  • Wednesday, September 23, 2015 6PM All Island Planning Board
  • Monday, September 28, 2015
Meeting adjourned at 4:25PM.

Minutes respectfully submitted by Jennifer L. Christy