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Planning Board Subcommittee Minutes 02/04/15
Chilmark Planning Board Subcommittee Meeting
February 4, 2015
Present: Janet Weidner, Chair, Joan Malkin, Dan Greenbaum
Not Present:  
Public:  Pamela Goff, Jessica Roddy, Rodney Bunker
Staff: Jennifer Christy, Administrative Asst., Lenny Jason, Jr., Building Inspector
Meeting called to order at 4:00PM:

  • Accessory Apartment Bylaw Amendment:
  • The subcommittee members briefly reviewed the bylaw amendment as it will appear on the warrant for the Annual Town Meeting.
  • Forum plans were discussed. Discussion occurred regarding an informational flyer to send to the town’s voters.
  • Mr. Bunker spoke to the negative impacts of Accessory Apartments and inquired whether there would a possibility to slow building of apartments and to limit them to a certain number per year.
  • Discussion occurred regarding the mission of the town to provide affordable housing.
  • Mr. Bunker inquired of Mr. Jason how the proper occupation of the apartments will be enforced. Mr. Jason noted that the Dukes County Regional Housing Authority will be managing the affordable rental apartments and he also noted that the occupation of family members in the apartment is on the “honor system”, as all compliance with town regulations and bylaws requires. Mr. Bunker stated he did not have confidence that people would abide by the regulations .
  • Discussion occurred regarding a regular review of the bylaw amendment. Ms. Roddy suggested a review every 2 years.
  • Ms. Roddy explained that her main concern is the provision of housing so that the elderly may age-in-place and young family members may stay in town. Mr. Bunker stated he felt that there are going to be too many structures in town and that the town cannot accommodate all the people who may want to come live in Chilmark.
  • It was suggested that forums be held twice in the evening. April 1st and 9th were proposed and agreed to as forum dates. The forums will be held at 5:30PM. Ms. Weidner asked if Ms. Christy will create a flyer to hand out at the flyers using the information in the powerpoint shown at the public hearing in December. Mr. Jason noted that the flyers should be available prior to the forums in the Town Hall. Ms. Christy agreed to create a draft of a flyer for the forums by February 27th.
  • Historical Structure Draft Bylaw Amendment:
  • The committee members reviewed the latest draft of the historical structure bylaw amendment provided by Ms. Malkin and Ms. Goff.
  • The committee members ran through a number of scenarios to try to understand the possible implications of the bylaw amendment.
  • The committee discussed the submission of the bylaw amendment at this year’s Annual Town Meeting. The committee agreed to send the bylaw amendment to the Planning Board at their Monday, February 9, 2015 meeting for their consideration to submit it to the Board of Selectmen at their next meeting on February 17th.
  • Ms. Malkin will make changes to the draft bylaw amendment for Monday’s meeting.
  • Biennial Residential Building Size Review:
  • Mr. Jason reviewed with Mr. Greenbaum the information needed to complete a Biennial Residential Building Size Review.
  • Correspondence: Correspondence was reviewed. It was agreed to look at the two emails from Mr. Hodgkinson and review and respond to him after the meeting on February 9, 2015.
  • Minutes: Nov. 10 & 24, 2014 and December 4, 2014 Minutes were reviewed. Ms. Malkin moved to approve all three sets of minutes as written. Mr. Greenbaum seconded the motion. All ayes to approve as written.
  • Press: Ms. Malkin requested that Ms. Christy invite the Gazette to the meetings of the Planning Board for the public hearing of the bylaws and the forums for each of them.
  • Next Meetings
  • Planning Board: February 9, 2015, 3PM: Historical Bylaw review
  • Planning Board Subcommittee: February 19, 2015, 9AM
  • Board of Selectmen: February 17, 2015, 7:00PM
  • Planning Board: February 23, 2015
  • Planning Board: March 9, 20145, 3PM: Possible Public Hearing of Historical Bylaw, ZBA joint meeting

Meeting adjourned at 5:30PM. Minutes respectfully submitted by Jennifer L. Christy