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Planning Board Minutes 07/09/14
Chilmark Planning Board
June 9, 2014
Present: Dan Greenbaum, John Flender, Andrew Fischer, Joan Malkin, Mitch Posin, Rich Osnoss, Chair
Not Present: Janet Weidner
Public: Reid Silva, VLSE
Staff: Jennifer Christy, Administrative Assistant, David Norton, Fire Chief
Meeting called to order at 4:34 PM.
  • Pool Bylaw Discussion-Fire Chief, David Norton:
  • Chief Norton presented his concerns with the standpipe (fire hydrant) requirement for pools as stated in the zoning bylaws. The Chief suggested amending the gallon requirement, in Art. 4, Section 4.2A, 3. l. Fire Protection of the Zoning Bylaws, to 10,000 from 7500.
The feasibility of use of a standpipe was discussed. It was noted that many factors influence the usability of standpipes.
Discussion occurred regarding the Board of Appeals (ZBA) and whether the ZBA may be able to be part of the process of determining the location and feasibility of a standpipe, during the pool permitting process.
Mr. Posin inquired whether the issue of insurance should be reviewed to see if there are certain levels of value that may trigger benefits for the homeowners.
Chief Norton noted the fire tankers hold 3000 gallons.
Mr. Silva suggested the bylaw be amended to require a standpipe at the discretion of the Fire Chief.
Ms. Malkin noted her preference for an amendment that would require the ZBA to gather the input of the Fire Chief on whether to require a standpipe for pools over 7500 gallons.
Discussion occurred regarding the pros and cons of the Fire Chief or the ZBA, with a report from the Fire Chief, issuing the decision on which pool applicant would be required to install a standpipe.
Mr. Fischer stated his opposition to the ZBA being involved. He noted the Building Inspector has the sole responsibility in many aspects of zoning and the Fire Chief should have the sole responsibility to decide on whether to require standpipes.
Mr. Posin stated his preference to simply require a standpipe for pools over 10,000 gallons. Chief Norton stated his preference for 10,000+ gallons for the purpose of fire extinguishing.
  • Ms. Malkin moved to amend the zoning bylaws, at the next Special Town meeting or Annual Town meeting, to change the limit to 10,000 gallons approve which the town would require a pool owner to install a standpipe. Mr. Flender seconded the motion. All ayes.
  • E-911 Discussion-Fire Chief, David Norton:
  • Chief Norton presented his issue with existing lot numbers for lots on roads that later turn into developments.
  • Ms. Malkin suggested that when someone comes in with a subdivision that the Board require the sub-divider confirm the name of the road and lot numbers before release of the lots.
  • It was noted that the requirement for all road names and lot numbers on a subdivision plan is already stated in the Rules & Regulations concerning subdivisions in Chilmark. (see the section: Definitive Plan Contents, 2.12, l.)
Ms. Christy noted she would add a note about this section of the Rules & Regulations to the Form C Procedure checklist provided to Board members at meetings where there are Form Cs presented.
  • Form A, Great Rock Bight Ltd. Partnership (Harris):
  • Mr. Silva presented the new Form A plan.
  • Discussion occurred.
  • Mr. Posin made a motion to endorse the Form A with the following plan note added to the letter of determination, “Parcel “1-A” is not to be a buildable lot and shall be combined with Assessor Parcel 9-2.3 to form one (1) buildable lot totaling +/- 18.23 acres.”
  • Ms. Malkin seconded the motion. All ayes.
  • The Board signed the Form A plans.
  • Form A, White/Quansoo Beach Lots:
  • This topic was dismissed due to a lack of need to discuss (The Form A was certified as endorsed by constructive approval by the town clerk after 21 days had passed, since the date of submission (June 6, 2014) with no action by the Planning Board.) The Board made a motion, at the May 12, 2014 meeting, to “not endorse” which was determined to be the same as taking no action.
  • Cupolas:
  • A short discussion occurred. It was decided that the issue of cupolas is best determined by the building inspector and no amendments to zoning bylaws are needed at this time.
  • Minutes:
  • The minutes from April 14, 2014 & May 12, 2014 were reviewed.
Ms. Christy was asked to add more detail to the discussion regarding Quenames Road adequacy.
  • Mr. Flender made a motion to approve the minutes of May 12, 2014. Mr. Fischer seconded the motion to approve. The minutes were approved as written.
  • Beach Lots, General Discussion:
  • Mr. Posin suggested contacting the Attorney General regarding the division of beach lots. The question to be asked is how to limit the division of beach parcels which are not restricted under the Form A procedure due to their non-buildable status.
  • Ms. Malkin offered to review other states’ laws regarding beach and/or unbuildable parcels. She also asked Ms. Christy to call Aquinnah’s Planning Board representative Peter Temple to ask what Aquinnah does with beach lot division.
  • Next Meeting: June 23, 2014
Meeting adjourned at 6:15PM. Minutes respectfully submitted by Jennifer L. Christy