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Planning Board Minutes 05/12/14
Chilmark Planning Board
May 12, 2014
Present: Dan Greenbaum, John Flender, Andrew Fischer, Acting Chair, Joan Malkin, Janet Weidner (until 5:17PM)
Not Present: Mitch Posin, Rich Osnoss, Chair
Public: Reid Silva, VLSE, Wendy Weldon, SPDAC chairperson, Bill Rossi, Selectman, Ann Wallace, Housing Committee Member, Jessica Roddy, Housing Committee member, Marina Lent, Housing Comm. Admin. Asst., Bill Randol, Housing Committee member
Staff: Jennifer Christy, Administrative Assistant
Meeting called to order at 4:32 PM.
  • SPDAC :
  • Ms. Weldon discussed the cupola issue in the SPDAC report and suggested the language in the zoning bylaw does not make it clear whether a cupola would be restricted like a chimney, antenna, etc…
  • Board members reviewed the zoning bylaws and discussed the issue with Ms. Weldon. It was stated the Building Inspector determined that the cupola was “slender”, as stated in the zoning bylaws, but that a cupola was not allowed in Menemsha.
  • It was determined more discussion is needed. The subcommittee, it was suggested, could take this issue up and find a definition of a cupola.
  • Form A, White/Quansoo Beach Lots:
  • Mr. Silva presented the Form A plan and emphasized that the division is of a parcel, not a buildable lot.
  • Mr. Silva reviewed the regulations concerning the ANR process.
  • Ms. Weidner reviewed the history of beach parcel division.
  • Ms. Malkin requested Ms. Christy send her the Bigelow files (the application from many years ago that was denied an endorsement of the division of a beach parcel.)
  • Mr. Fischer noted the previous meeting’s discussion regarding the topic of a road association’s power to limit the division of parcels of beach. Mr. Greenbaum asked Mr. Silva if the issue had been brought to the road association. Mr. Silva did not know whether the Quansoo road association had been informed of the division.’
  • Mr. Flender made a motion to not endorse the plan. Mr. Greenbaum seconded the motion. The Board voted unanimously to not endorse the Form A.
  • Form A, Harris:
  • Mr. Silva presented the Form A.
  • Mr. Flender inquired about the referral process to the MV Commission. He wondered if a referral may encourage the establishment of an affordable housing site/youth lot. Ms. Christy directed the Board members to information in their folders about the MVC referral process.
  • Mr. Silva noted that the plan before the Board is not creating any more lots and is not a further subdivision.
  • Mr. Fischer suggested a letter to the MVC asking them to take more initiative in the topic of providing a homesite lot.
  • Ms. Weidner noted that the two Form As that Mr. Silva brought in this evening were issues the Board wants to follow up on with the MVC: the division of beach parcels and the successive Form A divisions that allow the lot owner to subdivide without going through a definitive subdivision plan.
  • Mr. Flender made a motion to endorse the Form A. Mr. Greenbaum seconded the motion. The Board voted unanimously to endorse the Form A.
  • Ms. Malkin asked Ms. Christy to provide her with the updated MVC DRI Checklist.
  • Patricia Sands’ Document: “Approval of Division”
  • An “Approval of Division” agreement was distributed by Mr. Silva and he asked if the Planning Board would consider reviewing and signing the agreement now.
  • The Board reviewed the “Approval of Decision” and decided it was superfluous.
  • Ms. Christy was asked to draft a letter affirming the endorsement of the Form A on March 24, 2014. It was agreed that the draft would first be reviewed by the Chair before being sent. Wendy Weldon agreed to send Ms. Christy the contact information of Patricia Sands.
  • Housing Committee:
  • Jessica Roddy presented the Accessory Apartment draft bylaw.
  • The draft bylaw was discussed. Ms. Roddy requested the Planning Board review the draft bylaw sooner rather than later.
  • The Board decided to ask the subcommittee to look at the draft bylaw.
  • Minutes:
  • The minutes from March 24, 2014 were reviewed. The minutes were approved with no changes.
  • Next Meeting: May 12, 2014
Meeting adjourned at 6:15PM. Minutes respectfully submitted by Jennifer L. Christy