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Planning Board Subcommittee Minutes 01/27/14
Chilmark Planning Board
Subcommittee Meeting
January 27, 2014
Present:  Janet Weidner, Acting Chair, Dan Greenbaum, Joan Malkin
Not Present:
Public: Rich Osnoss, Planning Board Chair, Paul Hornblower, David Damroth, Wendy Weldon, ZBA Chair & SPDAC Chair, Lenny Jason, Building Inspector, Bill Rossi, Selectman
Staff: Jennifer Christy, Administrative Assistant
Meeting called to order at 3:00PM
  • Proposed Zoning Bylaws:
  • Chair Janet Weidner opened the meeting and outlined the plan for the meeting.
  • Discussion occurred about the proposed ZBL amendments that will be discussed at the Planning Board public hearing later at 4:30PM
  • Extensive discussion occurred regarding the site where the proposed ZBL amendments may first be implemented, Squibnocket. It was stated that the currently proposed Squibnocket project is occurring in Zone B1, B2 and C. Further discussion occurred about which districts the currently proposed Squibnocket project may occur within and whether further amendments should be proposed to the ZBLs in order to allow for a project to proceed, such as the currently proposed Squibnocket project.
  • Discussion occurred about whether the Squibnocket area is a District of Critical Planning Concern (DCPC). Ms. Weldon stated she has been informed by counsel that Article 12 is not a DCPC. Mr. Jason stated that the Squibnocket area is not a DCPC, but the Coastal District is a DCPC.
  • Ms. Malkin stated the importance of recognizing the subcommittee and Board’s task: to review the proposed bylaws, hold hearings and submit a proposal/report to the Board of Selectmen. She further stated the task is not to debate the merits of a particular project, such as the Squibnocket project proposal.
  • Chair Weidner directed the subcommittee to look at the draft Notes/Amendments document submitted by Ms. Malkin.
  • Mr. Osnoss inquired whether a special permit requirement should be considered.
  • Mr. Damroth expressed concern with the lack of open process the Squibnocket project and proposal to amend the bylaws has been given.
  • Discussion occurred about whether amendments to the ZBLs are being expedited and moved along too quickly, without time and opportunity for adequate input.
  • Chair Weidner inquired whether there is danger to homeowners if the Squibnocket project roadway is not completed. Mr. Hornblower stated the road may be remade if a weather event impacts it again and stated that he may possibly lose his house if he were to be assessed, by the homeowner’s association, a portion of the cost of the new proposed road.
  • Mr. Damroth noted the possibility of unforeseen costs with a roadway, parking lot and beach project that is rushed along.
  • Chair Weidner summarized the sentiment of the subcommittee that if there were any ZBLs proposed by the Planning Board it would be amendments to only Article 12 and that a requirement for a special permit should be developed within the bylaw amendment.
  • Mr. Rossi attended meeting and asked the subcommittee to summarize their determinations during the last hour of the meeting. At the request of Chair Weidner, Ms. Malkin summarized the current conclusions of the subcommittee.
  • Minutes:
  • January 16, 2014 Draft Minutes were not reviewed.
  • Next Meetings:
  • February 4, 2014, 9AM
  • February 10, 2014, 3PM
Meeting adjourned at 4:25PM. Minutes respectfully submitted by Jennifer L. Christy