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Planning Board Subcommittee Minutes 01/16/14
Chilmark Planning Board
Subcommittee Meeting
January 16, 2014
Present:  Janet Weidner, Acting Chair, Dan Greenbaum, Joan Malkin
Not Present:
Staff: Jennifer Christy, Administrative Assistant, Chuck Hodgkinson
Meeting called to order at 9:08AM
  • Squibnocket Parking & Beach Proposed Zoning Bylaws:
  • Discussion occurred about the possible ZBLs changes that will be discussed at the Planning Board public hearing on January 27, 2014.
Specific discussion occurred about the definition of “structure” and how the definition, as used for this bylaw, may or may not limit development in other areas at other times.
Discussion occurred regarding the definition of terms such as “infrastructure” and “public amenity.” It was suggested the word “municipal” may be a more useful term to use.
Discussion occurred regarding how specific to make the proposed zoning bylaws so that they may or may not regulate a defined area such as Squibnocket Farms.
Mr. Greenbaum suggested the inclusion of the proposed bylaws within the Squibnocket section of the existing zoning bylaws, Article 12. Ms. Malkin & Chair Weidner agreed the suggestion was a valuable one and agreed this suggestion should be given to counsel for consideration.
Discussion occurred regarding how to revise Article 12 in order to specifically allow only the project currently being proposed. Ms. Malkin began to draft new wording.
The subcommittee reviewed Article 11, Section 11.6, C. 2. d. that regulates Roadways in the Roadside District and questioned how the proposed amendment in Article 9 may impact the Building Inspector’s jurisdiction over roadways in the Roadside District.
  • Discussion occurred about the role of the Squibnocket Pond District Advisory Committee regarding the proposed amendments. Chair Weidner asked Ms. Christy to invite the members of the SPDAC to the public hearing on the 27th.
  • Chair Weidner proposed a meeting of the subcommittee on Wednesday, January 22, 1:30PM , to review a draft of amendments to Article 12. Chair Weidner suggested members carefully review Article 12 before the 22nd. A meeting will be posted for 3PM on the 27th of January as well.
  • Chair Weidner asked Ms. Christy to alert town counsel to the proposed changes that will be reviewed on the 22nd and alert Chair Osnoss to the proposed changes and see if he may be able to attend the subcommittee meetings on the 22nd and the 27th at 3:00PM.
  • Mr. Hodgkinson suggested inviting other members of town boards and town officers to the public hearing as well, such as members of the Site Review Committee, the Conservation Committee, the Building Inspector, the Community Preservation Committee (monies from CPC are proposed to be used for this project) and the Board of Health. Chair Weidner agreed that this was a good idea and asked Ms. Christy to make those invitations.
  • General Discussion of Zoning Bylaws review:
  • Mr. Greenbaum inquired about the process of the overall review of the zoning bylaws.
  • Chair Weidner suggested the subcommittee, and subsequently the Planning Board, identify and prioritize key areas that should be amended rather than proposed a complete overhaul at one time.
  • The subcommittee discussed how to proceed with the review and amendment of the zoning bylaws. Suggestions included: the review and amendment of the entire set of bylaws at one time, the amendment of the zoning bylaws by topic (swimming pools, wireless communications) or the amendment of the zoning bylaws numerically, by Article.
  • Mr. Greenbaum suggested thought be given to the impact of different approaches and suggested there is a difference to amending the existing document while fixing a number of identified areas of need and planning for the future.
  • The subcommittee agreed a course of action needs to be decided upon before more work is done. Chair Weidner suggested the subcommittee settle on an action plan at the next meeting.
  • Ms. Malkin asked Ms. Christy to find the document referred to by Mr. Greenbaum that identifies key areas needing review and possible amendment.
  • Minutes:
  • December 12, 2013 Minutes were reviewed. Ms. Malkin moved to approve the minutes as amended. Mr. Greenbaum seconded the motion. All ayes.
  • Next Meetings:
  •  January 22, 2014, 1:30 PM
  • January 27, 2014, 3PM
Meeting adjourned at 10:25AM. Minutes respectfully submitted by Jennifer L. Christy