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Planning Board Minutes 01/06/14
Chilmark Planning Board
January 6, 2014
Present: Dan Greenbaum, Janet Weidner, John Flender, Rich Osnoss, Chair, Andrew Fischer, Mitch Posin
Not Present:
Public: Kate Warner, David Damroth, George Brush, Barbara Lee, Stephen Lee, George Sourati, Chris Alley, Lanse Robb, Eve Vincent
Staff: Jennifer Christy, Administrative Assistant, Chuck Hodgkinson, Zoning Administrator
Meeting called to order at 4:32 PM.
  • Proposed Squibnocket ZBLs amendments:
  • Chair Osnoss opened discussion of the draft of the zoning bylaws, reviewed and commented on by town counsel provided by the Squibnocket Beach & Parking Committee.
  • Discussion occurred regarding the draft and comments made by town counsel. There was particular discussion about gaining some consistency in the language in the first section under Article 2, Definitions. The Board voted to change the language in the 3rd sentence of the second larger paragraph at the top of the page for consistency purposes.
Chair Osnoss read the changes suggested by counsel and the board members continued to review the suggested changes.
Mr. Damroth questioned the purpose of the proposed amendments to the zoning bylaws. He cautioned the Board and asked the members to consider how this change may be applied elsewhere, allowing unforeseen and unwanted changes. Ms. Weidner inquired of Mr. Damroth whether he had specific concerns about the ramifications of the proposed zoning bylaws amendments.
Mr. Lee questioned the lowering of the fine for violating the bylaw.
Mr. Lee questioned whether the proposed bylaws would effect a long-term solution due to the ongoing weather events and fragile location of the proposed bridge and beach parking lot.
Chair Osnoss welcomed all comments and Mr. Hodgkinson reminded all about upcoming meetings.
  • John Flender made a motion to send the proposed zoning bylaw draft to the Board of Selectmen. Ms. Weidner seconded the motion. All ayes.
  • Leonard Bell, Map 32, Lot 72, & Clethra LLC, Map 32, Lot 65:
  • Ms. Warner (representing Leonard & Linda Bell of Map 32, Lot 72, 11 East Lane) introduced the topic of the road change proposed by Leonard Bell. The Board members reviewed the original subdivision plan from 1979 and other documents. Ms. Warner showed the board members the proposed road alteration on the Bell property. Ms. Warner noted that no trees will be taken down in the altered location of the road. Ms. Warner asked the Board to consider whether the Board had jurisdiction over the change in location of the road. Ms. Warner further noted that the Robb lot’s(Map 32, Lot 65) well is 25 feet from the edge of the proposed road on the Bell lot.
  • Chair Osnoss read the report from the Board of Health, regarding the CLethra LLC (Robb, Map 32, Lot 65) and dated December 19, 2013, into the record.
  • Chair Osnoss read a letter, received from Anne Bell Robb (Map 32, Lot 65), into the record.
  • Ms. Weidner questioned whether the Planning Board has jurisdiction over the road alteration since the lots in question do not appear to be part of the subdivision plan.
  • Mr. Sourati was recognized by Chair Osnoss and inquired whether counsel should be consulted to determine whether the Board has jurisdiction over this issue.
  • Mr. Lanse Robb offered a description of the membership of the Stonewall Road Association and how the proposed road alteration may affect his lot (Map 32, Lot 65).
  • Mr. Brush presented a plan from 1965 describing the Moses lot (presently Bell, Map 32, Lot 72.)
  • Board members voted to ask town counsel whether the Board has the right to approve or disapprove of a road relocation upon the Bell property. Mr. Fischer made a motion to ask town counsel for an answer to this question: “Does the Planning Board have jurisdiction over the road that crosses Leonard Bell’s lot, formerly Moses?” Mr. Flender seconded the motion. All ayes.
  • Subcommittee Update: There was no report from the Subcommittee.
  • Squibnocket Beach & Parking:
  • Further discussion occurred about the draft proposal.
  • Minutes:
  • The minutes from Dec. 9, 2013 were reviewed. Mr. Fischer made a motion to approve the minutes as written. Mr. Posin seconded the motion. All ayes. Chair Osnoss asked that the date of the next meeting, noted on the minutes, be changed to reflect the actual next meeting date (January 27.)
  • Next Meeting: Jan. 27, 2014
Meeting adjourned at 6:15PM. Minutes respectfully submitted by Jennifer L. Christy