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Planning Board Minutes 12/09/13
Chilmark Planning Board
December 9, 2013
Present: Dan Greenbaum, Catherine Thompson, Chair, Janet Weidner, John Flender, Rich Osnoss, Andrew Fischer, Mitch Posin
Not Present:
Public: Reid Silva, Pam Goff
Staff: Jennifer Christy, Administrative Assistant, Chuck Hodgkinson
Meeting called to order at 4:31 PM.
  • Goff Form A, Map 13 & Lots 16 & 39:
  • Mrs. Goff introduced the Form A application. Mr. & Mrs. Goff described the plan and noted the restriction of conservation land within the lots
  • Mr. Posin noted that the general statement regarding roads are only used for the lots subdivided should be on the endorsement and the plan. The Goff’s elected to have this statement placed on the plan.
  • Mr. Posin also requested that the Goff’s extend the 40 wide easement so that Lot 3 has 100’ of frontage and to show this on the plan. The Goff’s stated they would ask Reid to show that easement/frontage on the plan.
  • Mr. Osnoss noted the entrance of the road, from Middle Line, is not shown as a 40 ft. easement. Mrs. Goff stated it should say a 40 ft. easement.
  • The Goff agreed to send a document certifying the easement.
  • Chair Thompson requested Ms. Christy to record on the endorsement the election of the Goff’s to certify the existence of the easement before any lots are released.
  • Ms. Christy summarized the three changes that the Goff’s have elected to make to their plan prior to endorsement. Mrs. Goff stated she would deliver a new plan with the changes and statement to Ms. Christy and the board members would visit the town hall to make their endorsement.
  • Ms. Weidner made a motion to endorse the Form A. Mr. Osnoss seconded the motion. All ayes.
  • Squibnocket Beach & Parking Project:
  • Mr. Hodgkinson introduced the plan for a new road, beach and access to the Squibnocket Farms subdivision and beach area.
  • Mr. Hodgkinson requested the board members consider bylaw amendments. He distributed a document titled, ‘Possible Zoning Bylaw Amendments.’
  • Discussion occurred regarding the bylaw subject.
  • Mr. Flender made a motion to send a letter to the Board of Selectmen asking them to insert placeholders on the Annual Town Meeting warrant for possible zoning bylaw amendments. Mr. Osnoss seconded the motion and it came to a vote. All ayes.
  • Mr. Osnoss requested to make a statement
  • FY15 Budget
  • Chair Thompson suggested to approve the draft budget as a preliminary budget pending information regarding the legal expenditures for FY14. A motion was made to approve a preliminary budget. The motion was seconded. All ayes.
  • Steven Flanders, Map 13, Lot 87:
  • Discussion occurred and it was determined that the board would need to receive certification that the escrow account was established and specified for a purpose.
  • Ms. Christy will contact Mr. Flanders.
  • Subcommittee Update:
  • No subcommittee update.
  • New chairmanship:
  • Rich Osnoss volunteered to assume the chair.
  • Minutes:
  • The minutes from Nov. 12, 2013 were reviewed. It was approved with changes.
  • Next Meeting: Jan. 27, 2014
Meeting adjourned at 5:52PM. Minutes respectfully submitted by Jennifer L. Christy