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Planning Board Minutes 11/12/13
Chilmark Planning Board
November 12, 2013
Present: Dan Greenbaum, Catherine Thompson, Chair, Janet Weidner, John Flender, Rich Osnoss, Andrew Fischer
Not Present: Mitch Posin
Public: Christine Flynn (MVC), Candace DaRosa, Stephanie DaRosa, Steven & Martha Flanders
Staff: Jennifer Christy, Administrative Assistant,
Meeting called to order at 4:30 PM.
  • Christine Flynn, MVC, Housing Needs Assessment:
  • Ms. Flynn introduced herself and the Martha’s Vineyard Housing Needs Assessment (MVHNA) Summary Findings, 2013. She summarized the process by which the MVHNA was completed.
  • Ms. Flynn briefly described the findings and the recommendations from the consultant the Commission worked with to produce the assessment, Karen Sunnarborg.
  • Ms. Flynn summarized the goal to foster a connection with MVC, Planning Boards and Housing Committees to further the planning for housing needs on the island.
  • Chair Thompson thanked Ms. Flynn and recognized the importance of the document for planning purposes. She assured Ms. Flynn the Planning Board would meet, jointly or otherwise, in the new year (2014) to begin to forge a path ahead in planning for the future of housing on the island.
  • Ms. Flynn recognized Ann Wallace, Chilmark’s representative to the committee that produced the MVHNA.
  • Preliminary Homesite Housing Lot Discussion, Candace & Stephanie DaRosa, Map 11 & Lot 69:
  • Ms. DaRosa described the situation with the Goldstein lot (next door to the DaRosa’s lot.) Ms. DaRosa said the lot, at Map 11, Lot 69, is not a buildable lot unless it is converted to a homesite lot, according to conversations Ms. DaRosa has had with Lenny Jason, Building Inspector.
  • Ms. DaRosa stated her daughter, Stephanie, has offered to buy the lot from Mr. Goldstein, owner. Ms. DaRosa further described the process her family is following in order to create this homesite lot. She noted that the lot is less than an acre. It was determined that the lot is 99.6% of one acre.
  • Ms. DaRosa described her intention to obtain the approval from the Planning Board that it is a Homesite Housing Lot.
  • Mr. Flender made a motion to approve the lot as a potential Homesite Housing Lot despite the fact that the lot is 171 sq. ft. short of an acre and subject to the conditions listed in Zoning Bylaws section 6.9, C., 3.. Mr. Fischer seconded the motion. All ayes.
  • Ms. Christy informed the DaRosas that she will issue a letter of approval to them.
  • Preliminary Discussion of relief from conditions, Steven Flanders, Map 13, Lot 87:
  • Mr. Flanders informed the Board of his request to release the first lot in the subdivision for sale with just a road constructed to that first lot and noted he would need relief from the condition on the letter of approval dated Sept. 10, 2012 (The Lorna T. Flanders Revocable Trust). He has a potential buyer for the first lot. Mr. Osnoss made a motion to approve the release of Lot 1 pending the creation of an escrow account of a minimum of $25,000 to cover the cost of road & utility installation across Lot 1 to the boundary of Lot 2 as shown on the subdivision plan of Sept. 10, 2012 named The Lorna T. Flanders Revocable Trust definitive subdivision plan. Mr. Flender seconded the motion. All ayes.
  • Ms. Christy was directed to issue a letter of lot release to the Flanders.
  • Subcommittee Update:
  • Ms. Weidner updated the Board on the progress of the subcommittee’s work reviewing the Zoning Bylaws and possible amendments to them.
  • Ms. Weidner noted the possibility of hiring a consultant to help the Board later in the year.
  • Minutes:
  • The minutes from Oct. 15, 2013 & Oct. 28, 2013 were reviewed. Both were approved with no changes.
  • Correspondence: Letter of resignation from Catherine Thompson, Chair.
  • Chair Thompson read aloud her letter of resignation and submitted the letter to Ms. Christy.
Chair Thompson noted that her last meeting would be December 9, 2013.
  • Next Meeting: Nov. 25, 2013 & December 9 Holiday Party, no meeting on December 23, 2013.
Meeting adjourned at 5:42PM. Minutes respectfully submitted by Jennifer L. Christy