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Planning Board Minutes 07/23/13
Chilmark Planning Board
Subcommittee Meeting
July 23, 2013
Present: Catherine Thompson, Chair, Dan Greenbaum, Joan Malkin, Janet Weidner
Not Present: Andy Goldman
Staff: Jennifer Christy, Administrative Assistant,
Meeting called to order at 11:06AM
  • Minutes from July 8th & 15th were reviewed. July 8th minutes were approved with changes. July 15th minutes were approved as written.
  • ‘Permanent File’ Outline Document:
  • Discussion occurred about Mr. Greenbaum’s draft of an outline for a permanent file.
  • Chair Thompson suggested the inclusion of the flowcharts in the permanent file. Ms. Malkin did not think the flowcharts were particularly relevant to the process but is amenable to including them in the permanent file. Ms. Weidner agreed.
  • Discussion occurred about who should compile a permanent file. Ms. Weidner suggested Ms. Christy spearhead the effort with assistance from her. Chair Thompson also volunteered to assist.
  • Ms. Weidner also suggested that Town Counsel be alerted to the planned creation of a permanent file and asked for his review and suggestions. Ms. Malkin suggested that the file be compiled from Mr. Greenbaum’s outline. Ms. Malkin offered to take the fully compiled file and create a summary of it for Town Counsel to review. Ms. Malkin suggested a preamble to the permanent file be considered which includes a disclaimer of sorts.
  • Ms. Malkin inquired whether Ms. Christy still has the zoning bylaws of other towns and cities. Ms. Christy replied that she believes she does have these documents.
  • In further discussion of items to be included in a permanent file, Ms. Malkin noted the two different approaches that were looked at during the process of developing the new bylaws: FAR and FAR-modified. She noted we also considered a review-only approach. Mr. Greenbaum noted the subcommittee also considered a temporary moratorium. Chair Thompson noted we had considered an architectural review approach. Ms. Malkin noted we had considered an approach that dealt with the roadside district only. Ms. Weidner noted that the Planning Board heard from Mr. Draz and Peter Temple regarding the approaches that their town’s followed. Ms. Malkin noted the overlay DCPC approach that was discussed.
  • Zoning Bylaw Review Documents:
  • Ms. Malkin asked to postpone the review of Chuck Hodgkinson’s list of zoning bylaw ‘fixes’ until more research is done and the subcommittee receives comment.
  • Chair Thompson requested the subcommittee review the document provided by Ms. Christy (a list of items that were discussed at subcommittee and Planning Board meetings throughout 2012 and the first part of 2013.)
  • Ms. Weidner asked for clarification of Ms. Malkin’s request to schedule a public hearing for comment from the public regarding revisions to the zoning bylaws. It was agreed that a scheduled public hearing be done at an undetermined time in the future.
  • Ms. Weidner asked Ms. Christy to alert town boards and committees periodically that the subcommittee is reviewing the zoning bylaws and are interested in their input.
  • Mr. Greenbaum noted the Zoning Bylaw Biennial Review document, approved by the Planning Board, should be sent to the Zoning Board of Appeals and the Building Inspector. Ms. Malkin noted that the communication include a reference to the amendment, voted in at Annual Town Meeting. Chair Thompson requested that Ms. Christy send the biennial review document to the ZBA and the Building Inspector for a review of the format of the document and noting that the final document will be the tool that will be used to accomplish the Biennial Review.
  • Ms. Malkin asked Ms. Christy if she had a list of ‘anomalies’ that appeared during the creation of the flowcharts. Ms. Christy replied that she would be able to find those ‘anomalies’ but that a document listing them was not now in existence.
  • Mr. Greenbaum asked how a property is determined to be in a DCPC. It was noted that this is a question that needs clarification.
  • Ms. Malkin asked if Ms. Christy would create a different format for the zoning bylaw review topics. Ms. Weidner volunteered to assist with the creation of an organizational spreadsheet.
  • Master Plan Discussion:
  • Ms. Malkin suggested that the goals not yet met in the Master Plan be reviewed and acted upon by some entity, delegated to the proper entities by the Board of Selectmen.
  • Ms. Weidner suggested that a list of goals from the Master Plan be sent to Boards/Committees for action.
  • Ms. Malkin noted the benefit of delegation of tasks by the Board of Selectmen, of action that needs to be taken to reach the goals of the Master Plan.
  • Chair Thompson stated the need for a revised Master Plan and that Boards/Committees need to develop an action plan to achieve the relevant goal for their area.
  • Ms. Malkin asked Ms. Christy to remind the subcommittee, on or near October 1, 2013, of the need to review the relevant goals in the Master Plan and determine what should be done to facilitate the achievement of the goals.
  • Ms. Weidner suggested that the subcommittee spearhead the meeting of a multi-board meeting to discuss the goals of the Master Plan.
  • Next Subcommittee Meeting: Monday, August 5, 2013, 11AM
Meeting adjourned at 12:04AM. Minutes respectfully submitted by Jennifer L. Christy