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Planning Board Minutes 07/08/13
Meeting Minutes
 Monday, July 8, 2013 @ 11:00 AM

Present: Catherine Thompson, Chair , Andy Goldman, Dan Greenbaum, Joan Malkin, Jessica Roddy
Not Present: Janet Weidner
Public/Board Members: John Flender
Staff: Jennifer Christy, Administrative Assistant, Lenny Jason, Building Inspector

Meeting Called to Order: 11:02AM

Discussion of Subcommittee Goals & Objectives:
  • Discussion continued on how to proceed with a review/revision of the zoning bylaws and a review/revision of the Chilmark Master Plan.
  • Ms. Malkin & Mr. Greenbaum advocated a two-prong approach:
  • Review the zoning bylaws to identify small-scale errors and inconsistencies.
  • Review the Master Plan to identify goals yet to be met and devise procedures, with public input, to achieve those goals.
  • Others felt the Master Plan needs to be reviewed and, possibly, revised before a review and revision of the zoning bylaws.
  • Mr. Jason advocated working with regional bodies for assistance in revising the Master Plan.
  • Ms. Thompson stated the need for the development of an action plan, using the Master Plan as a guide. A revision of the zoning bylaws would proceed, she suggested, only after an action plan had been developed.
  • The subcommittee members agreed to go through the zoning bylaws to identify the small-scale changes that may be proposed for revision.
  • Discussion occurred about what the Planning Board was tasked with at the Annual Town Meeting through the approved warrant article 20:
To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of
$5,000.00 for legal, consultant and general expenses for the
Planning Board to conduct a comprehensive review of the Zoning Bylaws”
  • Ms. Malkin noted the revision of the zoning bylaws would not proceed without looking at the Master Plan concurrently.
  • Mr. Jason noted the ‘Definitions’ section of the zoning bylaws needs review and revision.
  • Mr. Flender suggested the subcommittee request direction from the Planning Board, asking these questions:
  • Should the subcommittee first review & revise the Master Plan, looking for any small changes that may need to be made but without addressing major problems?
  • Should the subcommittee first review & revise the Master Plan and embark on the development of a comprehensive new Master Plan?
  • Should the subcommittee review & revise the zoning bylaws without a review & revision of the Master Plan?
  • Mr. Greenbaum noted the Master Plan review and revision is a small task but an implementation plan to achieve the goals of the plan is a much larger and important task.
  • Ms. Malkin advocated the listing of goals, found in the Master Plan and not yet achieved. Ms. Malkin suggested this list be given to the Board of Selectmen to prioritize and subsequently task the various Boards/Committees with the development of implementation plans to achieve the goals.
  • The subcommittee voted to request direction from the Planning Board on what task to embark upon.
Minutes :
  • The minutes of May 24 were reviewed and approved with changes and the minutes of June 17 were approved as written.
Next Meeting:
  • Monday, July 15, 2013 @ 11:00AM

Meeting was adjourned at 12:15 PM.
Minutes respectfully submitted by Jennifer Christy, Administrative Assistant.