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Planning Board Minutes 05/28/13
APPROVED Meeting Minutes
Monday, May 28, 2013 @ 4:30 PM

Present: Catherine Thompson, Chair, Andrew Fischer, Daniel Greenbaum, John Flender, Mitch Posin, Rich Osnoss, Joan Malkin, Subcommittee Member
Not Present: Janet Weidner
Public:  Doug Hoehn, David Damroth, George Sourati, Charles Gilstead
Staff:  Jennifer Christy
The meeting was called to order by Catherine Thompson at 4:30 p.m.
Reappointment of Housing Committee Members:
  • Chair Thompson board members of letters received from Michele Leonardi, Jim Feiner & Sheila Muldaur requesting reappointment to the Housing Committee.
  • Mr. Osnoss made a motion to reappoint the three members of the Housing Committee. Mr. Fischer seconded the motion. There was no discussion and the motion was brought to a vote. All ayes
Preliminary Discussion: Chesapeake Realty Trust, Red Valley Road, Map 33, Lot 45.1 & 45.2:
  • Mr. Hoehn reviewed the proposed plan.
  • Discussion occurred regarding the road frontage, specifically.
  • Ms. Christy was asked to contact Town Counsel to inquire
The applicant has proposed to use the ‘driveway’ to gain the required 100’ frontage for each lot. Can a ‘driveway’ be a ‘road’ that accesses 2 lots? Would it satisfy the subdivision regulations? (The driveway is preexisting before zoning.)
Lot Line Change: Squibby, LLC-John Foster, Squibnocket Farm #2, 14 Round Pond Road, Map 35, Lot 1.4:
  • Reid Silva reviewed the plan.
  • Mr. Silva stated the neighborhood association had reviewed the plan and endorsed it.
  • Mr. Posin made a motion to endorse the lot line change with the understanding that there is no impact on the archeological resources or the neighboring wetland. Mr. Fischer seconded the motion. There was no discussion and the motion was brought to a vote. All ayes
Preliminary Discussion: J.B. Riggs & Helen Parker & R. Olney III Trustees, Belhaven Real Estate Trust, Map 13, Lot 4:
  • Charles Gilstead reviewed the plan and highlighted the large amount of land to be put under a conservation restriction and the fact that a second curb cut would be avoided.
  • Discussion occurred about the shape of the proposed lots and the variety of land types within the 39 + acre spot. Discussion occurred regarding the possibility for a trail system. The Board stated they would encourage the creation of access and a walking path or would encourage the owners to approach a conservation organization that would manage a path system.
  • The Board asked that they be notified if the owners did include a trail system in the restricted land.
Fire Chief
  • Discussion occurred regarding an issue with residential addresses that do not correlate correctly to the actual location/access.
  • Ms. Christy was asked to send a memo to the Wayside Farms owners, the Belhaven Real Estate Trustees, and Mr. Khedouri regarding the recommendations of the Fire Chief regarding road names.

Subcommittee Report:
  • Ms. Malkin and the Board reviewed the questions submitted by Sergio Modigliani and John Abrams regarding the new bylaws.
  • Ms. Christy was asked to respond to Mr. Abrams and Mr. Modigliani and provide the answers to their questions, developed by the subcommittee.
  • May 13, 2013 Minutes were reviewed and approved with changes.
Next Meeting:  Planning Board, Monday, June 10, 2013, 4:30 PM
With no more business to discuss, Chair Thompson adjourned the meeting at 6:45 pm.
        Minutes respectfully submitted by Jennifer Christy, Administrative Assistant.