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Planning Board Minutes 03/25/13
APPROVED Meeting Minutes
Monday, March 25, 2013 @ 4:15 PM

Present: Janet Weidner, Chair, Catherine Thompson, Andrew Fischer, Daniel Greenbaum, John Flender, Rich Osnoss
Not Present: Mitch Posin
Public:  Reid Silva
  • Meeting was called to order by Chair Janet Weidner at 4:15 p.m.
PUBLIC HEARING, CONTINUED: Chair Weidner reopened the public hearing. The Chair read the hearing advertisement posted in the paper.
Form C Application Hannemann Map 26, Lots 66.4 & 67.1:
  • Mr. Silva accompanied the Board members to the site and was present to respond to questions regarding the Form C application.
  • On site, there was discussion regarding the manhole at the entrance to the proposed road, the topography of the area, and the impact of possible future development of the Barbara Green Estate on the abutter, Mr. Sexton, due to the new road. It was determined the manhole would not generally be traveled on when cars enter or exit the road, the topography allowed for a mostly level and straight access, and traffic due to development would pass Mr. Sexton’s house whether a new road was created or not.
  • The Board members returned to town hall. Chair Weidner inquired if there was further discussion. No more discussion occurred. Mr. Flender made a motion to close the public hearing. Mr. Greenbaum seconded the motion. All ayes. The Chair closed the public hearing.
  • Mr. Osnoss made a motion to approve the Form C application and Ms. Thompson seconded the motion. The motion came to a vote and was approved unanimously.
Form A Application Greatfield Nominee Trust, Map 9, Lots 2.1:
  • Mr. Silva presented the request from Greatfield Nominee Trust (Harris land) on Brickyard Road. It is a parcel of approximately 20 acres. The owners want to divide the piece into three parcels with the intention to sell a parcel.
  • There was discussion regarding a previous application from the same owners and the issue of youth lots or resident homesites.
  • Discussion continued about youth lots and resident homesites and it was stated by the Chair that the Board felt the owners should consider granting a youth lot or resident homesite if there is any further subdivision.
  • Mr. Silva did not have a plan to sign and the Board decided to endorse the plan at the following meeting on April 8, 2013.
Building Envelope Change: Squibnocket Farms, Map 35 Lot 1.4:
  • Mr. Silva presented the request from Squibnocket Farms.
  • The Board reviewed the building envelope change and discussed whether the change would have an environmental impact that would require the involvement of the Conservation Commission. Mr. Silva said it would not.
  • The Board discussed with Mr. Silva the approval of the neighbors and the reason for the change.
  • Mr. Fischer made a motion to approve the building envelope change and to issue a letter from the Planning Board stating approval of the change. The motion was seconded by Mr. Greenbaum. All ayes.
Preliminary Discussion- Constance Taylor, Homeward Way, off North Rd.:

  • Discussion occurred about the options available to the Taylors to divide their 8.1 acre lot. The issue concerned access: the access starts at 50’ feet wide, narrows to 40’ wide and then, near to their parcel, narrows further to a 20’ wide right of way.
  • The Board determined the best route at first would be for the Taylors to approach the neighbors with a request for an easement to increase the size of their right of way.
  • The Board decided to make a site visit to the lot on April 8, 2013 at 4:00PM.
  • March 11, 2013 Minutes were reviewed and approved with changes.
Next Meeting:  Planning Board, Monday, April 8, 2013, 4:30 PM
With no more business to discuss, Chair Weidner adjourned the meeting at 6:30 pm.
        Minutes respectfully submitted by Jennifer Christy, Administrative Assistant.