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Planning Board Minutes 12/17/12
APPROVED Meeting Minutes
Monday, December 17, 2012 @ 4:30 PM

Present: Janet Weidner, Chair, Catherine Thompson, Daniel Greenbaum, John O. Flender, Andrew Fischer, Rich Osnoss
Not Present: Mitch Posin
Staff: Jennifer Christy, Administrative Assistant
Public: Andy Goldman, Thomas Bena, Joan Malkin, Remy Tumin (V. Gazette), Bea Phear, Bill Rossi, Steve Bernier, Warren Doty, Ray Ewing (V. Gazette photographer), Chris Murphy, Mark London, Ginny Jones, George Brush, Frank LoRusso, Allison Burger, Chris Alley, Abby Rabinovitz, Jessica Roddy, Chuck Hodgkinson, Wendy Weldon, Joe Chapman, Zelda Gamson,  Julie Flanders, Ebba Hierta

  • Meeting was called to order by Chair Janet Weidner at 4:30 p.m.
  • Chair Weidner alerted all to the filming of the meeting/hearings by Thomas Bena and the photographing of the meeting by a photographer from the Vineyard Gazette.
  • Chair Weidner described the process of a public hearing and the proper steps to be followed. She opened the first public hearing at 4:33PM.
Detached Bedroom Bylaw Public Hearing:
  • Chair Weidner read the Detached Bedroom bylaw draft as advertised in the MV Times on November 29, 2012 & December 6, 2012.
  • Chair Weidner described the history of consideration of this draft bylaw.
  • Discussion occurred regarding the impact of a size limitation of a detached bedroom. Various comments were expressed regarding the need for a finer definition of a detached bedroom.
  • Chair Weidner proposed to close the public hearing after there was no more discussion, but leave the written record open until January 7, 2013 at 4:30PM.
  • Ms. Thompson made a motion to close the public hearing, but leave the written record open until January 7, 2013 at 4:30PM
  • Mr. Fischer seconded the motion.
  • There was a roll call vote: AF-aye, RO-aye, DG-aye, CT-aye, JF-aye, JW-aye.
Residential Bylaw Public Hearing:
  • Chair Weidner opened the second public hearing at 4:55PM and read the Residential bylaw draft as advertised in the MV Times on November 29, 2012 & December 6, 2012.
  • Chair Weidner introduced and presented a PowerPoint describing the Residential Bylaw draft.
  • Chair Weidner read two letters received into the record:
  • Robert Kenney, received on December 10, 2012
  • Monina von Opel, received on December 11, 2012
  • Discussion occurred regarding various points in the draft bylaw. Some expressed the view that the living space amounts per acre were too low, some felt the numbers were too high and many felt the triggers and limits were reasonable. A few took issue with the rate of increase as acreage increases and felt that the 2/3rds vote at town meeting may be attainable only with a larger rate of increase.
  • Discussion occurred on the subject of the definition of ‘gross living space’ and ‘residential built area (RBA)”. It was agreed by most everyone that a consistent, easily accessible definition for what is measured is essential. Members of the public suggested various ways to go about determining the definition and various measurements that would be defined.
  • Members of the public expressed the need for the Planning Board to address the impact of large houses beyond size: energy use, environmental impacts
  • There was some discussion regarding the possible impact the proposed bylaw may have on subdivision. People expressed views on both sides of this issue and stated the proposed bylaw may and also may not give incentive to subdivide.
  • Chair Weidner proposed to close the public hearing after there was no more discussion, but leave the written record open until January 7, 2013 at 4:30PM.
  • Ms. Thompson made a motion to close the public hearing, but leave the written record open until January 7, 2013 at 4:30PM
  • Mr. Fischer seconded the motion.
  • There was a roll call vote: AF-aye, RO-aye, DG-aye, CT-aye, JF-aye, JW-aye.
  • No minutes were reviewed
Next Meeting:  Planning Board Subcommittee, Thurs., December 20, 2012, 9:00 AM
                  Planning Board, Monday, January 7, 2012, 4:30 PM
                  Planning Board, Monday, January 14, 2012, 4:30 PM

With no more business to discuss, Chair Weidner adjourned the meeting at 7:00 pm.
        Minutes respectfully submitted by Jennifer Christy, Administrative Assistant.