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Planning Board Minutes 10/10/12
Subcommittee APPROVED
Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, October 10, 2012 @ 10:30 AM

Present: Cathy Thompson, Acting Chair, Dan Greenbaum, Andy Goldman, Joan Malkin, Jennifer Christy, Administrative Assistant
Public:  Thomas Bena (filming), Miles Jaffe, Billy Meegan, Chris Murphy
Not Present: Janet Weidner, Chair
  • Acting Chair Thompson called meeting to order at 10:30 a.m. and alerted all to the filming being done by Thomas Bena.
  • Ms. Malkin noted that Mr. Draz (former Wellfleet PB member) did not mention (at the previous evening’s Planning Board Meeting) that a subsequent bylaw, proposed by the Wellfleet Planning board and presented as a warrant article at their town meeting a year after the first successfully passed bylaw limiting house size, did not pass. This bylaw was attempting to limit house size in the rest of Wellfleet not addressed by the previous bylaw.
  • Mr. Jaffe distributed a memo to members of the subcommittee.
  • Ms. Thompson noted that Chair Weidner has met with Pam Bunker, Asst. Assessor, and the subcommittee will be able to use Pam’s data through an excel file. Ms. Thompson also directed attention to the timeline of tasks that Chair Weidner has produced.
  • Ms. Malkin noted there is a question still about whether a size “cap” is legal, in response to Mr. Jaffe’s memo.
  • Ms. Malkin suggested reconsideration of the FAR version bylaw. Based on Mr. Draz’s testimony and Mr. Greenbaum’s proposals, Ms. Malkin suggested there be a “house percent” limit and a “limit” on the total built space (30%). This would not include agricultural use buildings. Mr. Greenbaum noted the problem with “set limits” on some accessory buildings and asked if those buildings would be excluded from the total built space. More discussion occurred concerning a total limit on built living space and limits on specific buildings.
  • Discussion occurred regarding the work done by Mr. Goldman to develop accessory building and barn definitions. Extensive discussion occurred regarding home offices, accessory buildings, detached bedrooms.
  • Discussion occurred regarding the wording of the accessory structure definition. It was suggested that it read “an accessory structure is any roofed structure…”
  • Ms. Malkin proposed that the subcommittee recommend a total limit number of living space. It was proposed that a main house may have up to 4000 sq. ft. of living area and 30% of the permissible house size could be attributed to other living area. Total living area could be a maximum of 5200 sq. ft.
  • Mr. Murphy suggested looking at the average size of all houses in town and creating a limit that was 25% larger than that, based on the information gathered from Mr. Draz. For the zones of the town that are not 3 acre zoning, prepare a different limit number.
  • Ms. Malkin emphasized the need to keep the bylaw very simple and easy to calculate an understand.
  • Ms. Malkin will redraft the FAR & Visual Only drafts.
  • Wide-ranging discussion continued to occur regarding different approaches to limiting house size.
  • No minutes were reviewed.
Next Meeting:
  • Wednesday, October 16, 2012 @ 9:30AM
Meeting was adjourned at 12:00 PM.
Minutes respectfully submitted by Jennifer Christy, Administrative Assistant.