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Planning Board Minutes 09/26/12
Subcommittee APPROVED
Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, September 26, 2012 @ 10:30 AM

Present: Janet Weidner, Chair, Dan Greenbaum, Cathy Thompson, Andy Goldman, Joan Malkin, Jennifer Christy, Administrative Assistant
Public:  Thomas Bena (filming), Mark London, Jessica Roddy, Bill Randol, Lenny Jason
Not Present:
  • Chair Weidner called meeting to order at 10:30 a.m. and alerted all to the fact that meeting would be filmed.
  • The Chair reiterated her plan to discuss the residential bylaw topic amongst subcommittee members first and then take comments from the public.
  • Chair Weidner referred to Mr. Goldman’s ‘incremental approaches’, submitted on Sept. 24, and added a #6 Review Board Comparison.
  • Ms. Malkin stated there are three areas to consider: Triggers, Caps & Review Authority.
  • Chair Weidner noted Mr. Greenbaum’s concerns regarding regulation of development on lots under 3 acres (see document titled “No Special Restrictions for Lots Under Three Acres” dated September 25, 2012. Discussion occurred concerning this topic. The pros and cons of including lots under 3 acres within the proposed regulation were identified.
  • Extended discussion occurred regarding what would be regulated: the square feet of the main residence or the combined square footage of all structures, finished basements, detached bedrooms, garages with apartments above (detached bedroom).
  • Ms. Roddy fetched Mr. Jason who then contributed his views and knowledge to the meeting regarding detached bedroom regulation and measurement of living area.
  • Mr. Goldman proposed the elimination of #4 from his ‘incremental approaches’ document citing the topic’s complexity as the reason. Mr. Greenbaum expressed interest in retaining some elements of #4. Discussion occurred regarding the proposed process of a  trigger and subsequent review.
  • Ms. Roddy suggested the subcommittee recommend to the Planning Board a residential bylaw based solely on a size limit with no review of developments within a lower and an upper size.
  • Ms. Malkin noted that the strengthening of DCPCs would not solve the problem town-wide.
  • No minutes were reviewed.
Next Meeting:
  • Tuesday, October 2, 2012 @ 9:30AM
Meeting was adjourned at 12:15 PM.
Minutes respectfully submitted by Jennifer Christy, Administrative Assistant.