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Planning Board Minutes 07/10/12
APPROVED Meeting Minutes
Monday, July 10, 2012 @ 11:00 AM

Present: Janet Weidner, Chair, Dan Greenbaum, Cathy Thompson, Andy Goldman, Joan Malkin, Jennifer Christy, Administrative Assistant
Public: Sergio Modigliani, Thomas Bena, Ken Wentworth, Edward Miller, Sonia Graff, Remy Tumin, Jessica Roddy, Monina Opel, Ken Iscol.
Not Present:
Meeting called to order at 11:08 a.m.

  • Chair Weidner opened the meeting. Ms. Thompson made a motion to appoint Joan Malkin & Andrew Goldman as members of the Planning Board Subcommittee.
  • Chair Weidner alerted all in attendance that Mr. Bena and Mr. Wentworth would be filming the proceedings.
  • Chair Weidner asked Mr. Goldman to report on his progress in developing a draft bylaw. Mr. Goldman noted his research so far has focused on the Development Guidelines currently included in the Chilmark Zoning Bylaws document. Mr. Goldman further noted the Development Guidelines have not seemed to hinder the construction of large houses and he sees a need for more connection with the Chilmark Master Plan.
  • Discussion continued regarding the definition of “house” and the calculation of house size. Board members discussed the usefulness of an established definition of house size. Discussion occurred concerning the economic impact of zoning regulations and whether the consideration of new zoning regulation could be considered without taking into account how regulation would economically impact the community. Further discussion occurred regarding how the process would actually proceed if a house triggered the proposed review.
  • Discussion occurred concerning the way the ZBA, Site Review Committee or the applicant may be able to request outside consulting help. Discussion also touched on ways the applicant may show how their project fits into the landscape and the size of the house (a model).
  • Mr. Greenbaum seconded the motion, still open, to appoint Joan Malkin & Andrew Goldman as members of the Planning Board Subcommittee. Chair Weidner called for a vote. All ayes.
  • Mr. Greenbaum suggested obtaining a written definition of how the Assessors calculate square footage and volunteered to visit South Mountain to inquire about numbers to define the cut & fill and clearing sections of the proposal.
No minutes were reviewed.
Next Meeting:
Monday, July 16, 2012 @ 10:30 AM
        Meeting was adjourned at 12:00 PM.
        Minutes respectfully submitted by Jennifer Christy, Administrative Assistant.