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Planning Board Minutes 06/25/12
APPROVED Meeting Minutes
Monday, June 25, 2012 @ 4:30 PM

Present: Janet Weidner, Chair, Mitch Posin, Daniel Greenbaum, John O. Flender, Rich Osnoss, Jennifer Christy, Administrative Assistant
Not Present: Catherine Thompson, Andrew Fischer
Public: Joan Malkin, Jessica Roddy, Andy Goldman, Thomas Bena, Michelle Williams, Julie & Myles Jaffe, Sergio Modigliani, Monina von Opel, Edward Miller, Bill Rossi, Christian Halbreich, Chris Alley, Cameramen: Liz Witham & Ken Wentworth
  • Meeting was called to order by Chairman Janet Weidner at 4:35 p.m.
Flowchart Discussion:
  • Drafts of the flowcharts were introduced by the Chair, reviewed by members of the Board and the public and then discussed.
  • Members of the audience discussed the role of the Site Review Committee and how the SRC’s  report is used, the current non-existence of “triggers” to require more review of large houses that conform to zoning regulations, and other zoning issues such as Barns, Swimming Pools, & Detached Bedrooms.
  • Chair Weidner proposed to send charts to other Boards & committees in the town. All Board members agreed it was a sound idea. Chair Weidner directed Ms. Christy to disseminate the charts once all charts are complete.
Chris Alley for Hammett Lane Historical House relocation:
  • Mr. Alley described the project proposed by Arthur Robinson, owner of   Hammett Lane.
  • Board reviewed the plans.
  • Mr. Flender made a motion to draft a letter to Building Inspector Lenny Jason to say the Planning Board has no objection to the plan and no objection to the building of the second structure on the lot. Motion seconded by Mr. Osnoss. All ayes.
Joan Malkin’s Research & Chart:
  • Ms. Malkin introduced her research, chart and shared her conclusions.
  • Discussion occurred about house size regulation and how that regulation could legally be phrased in Massachusetts.
  • Chair Weidner thanked Ms. Malkin for her research work.
Dan Greenbaum’s Regulation Proposal:
  • Mr. Greenbaum introduced his ‘Temporary Large House Regulation’ Draft proposal and summarized the draft.
  • Discussion considered the regulation proposal as compared with Ms. Malkin’s submittal.
  • Discussion continued regarding trigger points, entities that would consider & review the triggered developments, whether aesthetic considerations should be a part of the review and the initial square footage that would trigger a proposed house’s review.
  • No minutes were reviewed.

Next Meeting: July 9, 2012, 4:30 PM
With no more business to discuss, Chair Weidner adjourned the meeting at 6:17 pm.
        Minutes respectfully submitted by Jennifer Christy, Administrative Assistant.